Nov 142020

It’s a busy day here in The CatBox.  WWWendy is coming, and so is a notary for my will.  I have no more news on Nameless as I slept all afternoon and night.  He hasn’t replied yet today.  Tomorrow my schedule is up in the air, as I have a video meeting with former prison volunteers and prisoners.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: In an interview with VICE News Tonight on Wednesday, two members of the grand jury investigating Breonna Taylor’s fatal shooting by Lousiville, Kentucky, police shared why they decided to speak up and describe how the proceedings took place. “I needed Breonna’s mom and the community to know that it wasn’t the grand jury that made this decision. It was Daniel Cameron and his office,” one of the jurors said. Both requested to remain anonymous. “Puppets, we were used as puppets,” the second juror said. “They thought we were just gonna do exactly what they told us to do. Keep our mouths closed and just vote on this and walk out of that room, and it didn’t happen that way.”

The two jurors in the Taylor grand jury first spoke up last month against the lies Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron told throughout the investigation and trial. Cameron claimed that the grand jurors in the case agreed that officers involved were justified, and announced as a result that no charges would be pursued against the Louisville Metro Police officers who killed Taylor during a botched no-knock warrant execution.

Following the announcement, an anonymous juror identified as “Grand Juror #1” by attorney Kevin Glogower said that the grand jury not only disagreed that certain actions taken by the police that night were justified, but that it was never given the opportunity to indict any officer for homicide.

“I came out of my chair and said he just lied,” Juror #1 told VICE on how he responded to the announcement of no charges. He then filed a motion to allow the 12 jurors to speak publicly about what happened during the trial. In a rare incident of grand jury records being made public, a judge ruled that records could be released in order for jury panelists to speak publicly about the case, Daily Kos reported. Days after the motion was approved, a second juror confirmed Juror #1’s statement that charges to consider were limited.

Both jurors spoke to VICE Media Wednesday to give some insight into how the trial took place; one even brought a notebook with notes taken during the trial. His notes depicted not only how he responded to the evidence presented, but how he processed it, giving a glimpse into how the jurors were thinking during the trial.

If the DA in any grand jury case decides he wants to keep a grand jury from indicting a ham sandwich as non-kosher, he can claim that he went to a kosher deli for a ham and cheese. It’s really that easy, because that’s the only evidence they hear. The only reason the cops weren’t indicted is to help Republican police cover-up the murder they committed.  RESIST!!

From Willamette Week: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s chief of staff Nik Blosser is leaving her office to join the transition team for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

In his new role on the Biden-Harris transition team, Blosser will serve as the state lead in the intergovernmental affairs office. Brown says Blosser’s early and continued involvement in the pandemic response gives him “a unique understanding of the needs of Americans suffering from COVID-19 and the needs of the communities they live in.”

“I am heartened that President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris and their transition team have selected Nik for this important role,” Brown said in a statement Thursday. “He has my full support, and I am confident he will help President-elect Biden and his team support states in their approach to this crisis and the long recovery that will follow.

Joe and Kamala have gotten themselves one thoroughly qualified staffer in Blosser. Oregon leads the way!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast for Women’s Rights): The Most Perfect Album | Dolly Parton | 19th Amendment


Full equality for women is certainly long overdue. They would have equality if Republicans did not demand they be kept barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen and owned. I just hope Dolly doesn’t burn her bra in protest. The fire department might not be able to put it out.  RESIST!!

66 Days Until the FLUSH!!

Jul 232020

It;s a busy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is coming, and it’s a grocery delivery day.  JD, would you please cover Samantha Bee?  Tomorrow, I have a visit from the Providence home doctor, so how much I’ll do is still up in the air.  Please have a great day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:02 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 4,102,002
US Deaths: 146,198
World Cases: 15,415,731
World Deaths: 631,164
Trump’s* share of World Deaths: 23.2%

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Trump Tries To Link COVID-19 Surge To Black Lives Matter Protest

Trump* is spreading bullshit, as usual. The BLM protestors wear mask. The reasons for the surge are Republican incompetence, neglect, lies, and super-spreader events.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Comment): No, this reporter didn’t call Kayleigh McEnany a ‘lying b**ch’

The reporter clearly said, “you don’t want to engage”. However, by not calling Kayleigh Lie-a-lot a “lying bitch”, that reporter really screwed up! She should have!   RESIST!!

From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Liberal Redneck – Trump’s Secret Police

I agree, Trae. I live in Portland, and I’ve been calling these Republican stormtroopers Trump’s* Nazi Gestapo since they got here.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from labor): Billy Bragg – There is Power in a Union

Except for unmuzzled Republican Nazi police unions, support labor!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jul 212020

For the past several days we’ve been discussing the crimes committed by the Republican Nazi Gestapo that criminal Fuhrer Trump* sent to Portland to bully, harass and intimidate peaceful demonstrators.  The governor, the mayor, the state AG, two Senators, four House Reps, the ACLU and more have been unable to deter these stormtroopers from their crimes.  However, one naked woman sent them scurrying away in abject terror like the Republican cowards they are!


A protester dubbed ‘Naked Athena’ confronted Portland police wearing only a face mask and beanie.

The unidentified woman struck a series of ballet and yoga poses in front of anti-riot officers at around 1.45 am on Saturday morning.

Surreal video footage from the scene shows the woman striding towards the officers, who were in heavy protective gear including gas masks and helmets, almost completely naked…

…The standoff comes after the city of Portland marked its 50th consecutive night of unrest following the death of George Floyd, with crowds taking to the streets to denounce racial injustice.

Officers proceed to fire pepper balls at the woman’s feet and another protester is filmed rushing to protect her with a makeshift shield.

However she side-steps him to perform a series of yoga poses in front of the officers and even reclines onto the street at one point.

Her graceful poses stand in stark contrast to the heavily-armed guards.

According to Dave Killen, a photographer for The Oregonian, the officers left around 10 minutes after the naked woman showed up…. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Daily Mail>

The article is incorrect about one thing.  As you’ll see in the video, the federal Republican Nazi Gestapo are in the center of the combat line.  Portland police, acting in violation of their superiors’ orders, are deployed on both flanks.

Here’s a video of the incident.  Although it does contain nudity, it is in no way sexual.

Naked Woman Protester Scares Away Portland Police

Watch the Republican Nazi cowards run away, the federal gestapo first and then Portland PD!

Kudos to Naked Athena, whoever you are!


Jul 212020

It’s another hectic day here in the CatBox.  I’m having a telephone visit with my nutritionist this morning, so that will kill my morning nap, and exacerbate my back pain.  I guess they’re going to increase my Oxycodone instead of my Fentanyl patch strength.  I disagree and will argue it at my next appointment.  A patch gives constant pain relief, so increasing the strength lowers my overall pain level.  Oxycodone gives yo-yo pain relief, as it is taken only when the pain level has risen, so I suffer needless pain.  Please check your outhouse for Republicans.  If one is hiding down there, go.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:34 (average 5:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Clinton had Lewinski.  Putin [R-RU] had Trump*.

Trump* Virus Update:


Click through for interactive map.

US Cases: 3,963,376
US Deaths: 143,889

Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Veteran discusses getting hit by unmarked police in Portland

Our veterans deserve honor, praise, and gratitude from our people and government, but from the Republican Reich and their Nazi Gestapo, our veterans get hate, neglect and violence!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): GOP Tested As Democrats Call Out Foreign Interference In Election

This is what a President sounds like and acts like. May God grant that we have a President in January, instead of the criminal Fuhrer we have now. May God also grant that the Republican Reich go the way of the Whig Party. But God can’t do it alone. She needs help from YOU!  RESIST!!

From YouTube ( a blast from the past and labor): Arlo Guthrie/Alice’s Restaurant

Ah… the memories! Except for unmuzzled Republican Nazi Police Unions, support Labor!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jul 202020

It’s a muggy day here in the CatBox, with 95° forecast and high humidity.  Diana, my palliative care nurse is coming to change my pain patch.  I think I need to request the next step up in dosage, as my pain is getting worse.  WWKristin did an excellent job for me yesterday, but I still miss WWWendy.  Thursday can’t come soon enough.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:38 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 3,899,358
US Deaths: 143,310

Short Takes:

From Willamette Week: Federal police and Portland officers worked in tandem early Saturday morning to clear protesters from the streets of Portland. The two agencies appeared to coordinate their efforts by announcing when they would use force to scatter demonstrators.

That simultaneous effort triggered a demand from City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty this morning that Mayor Ted Wheeler either control his Police Bureau or hand oversight of the city’s cops to her. Wheeler has yet to respond.

The Oregonian compiled a list today of previous incidents where local and federal police appeared to coordinate their response to protesters. Such an effort undercuts Wheeler’s assertion that he doesn’t want federal officers deployed by President Donald Trump in this city—as do meetings between local cops and the feds.

This afternoon, the Portland Police Bureau issued a statement that federal officers would no longer be allowed inside the Portland police command center. “Beginning tonight,” a police statement said, “command from the Federal Protective Service will not work in the Portland police incident command center.”

Click through for much more info. I’m not even slightly surprised that Portland’s Republican Police Bureau are disobeying the orders of their civilian leadership to cooperate with federal Republican Nazi Gestapo. At least Wheeler is cracking down on these vile Republicans. Portland Fire and Rescue Responded by banning federal gestapo and Portland PD from their stationsRESIST!!

From YouTube (Raw Story Channel): Trump on accepting election results: ‘I have to see’

Are the Nazi Republican Gestapo attacking peaceful Portland demonstrators practicing for criminal Fuhrer Trump* refusing to accept the 2020 election results?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from labor): we shall not be moved

Except for unmuzzled Nazi Republican police unions, support labor! RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!




Jul 182020

Portland is in the news again, because criminal Fuhrer Trump* is attacking our city with his Republican Gestapo storm troopers.  In the guise of protecting federal buildings and monuments, they are kidnaping peaceful demonstrators from the streets using unmarked vehicles, even when the demonstrators are nowhere near federal buildings or monuments.


In the early hours of July 15, after a night spent protesting at the Multnomah County Justice Center and Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse, Mark Pettibone and his friend Conner O’Shea decided to head home.

It had been a calm night compared to most protesting downtown. By 2 a.m. law enforcement hadn’t used any tear gas and, with only a few exceptions, both the Portland Police Bureau and federal law enforcement officers had stayed out of sight.

A block west of Chapman Square, Pettibone and O’Shea bumped into a group of people who warned them that people in camouflage were driving around the area in unmarked minivans grabbing people off the street.

“So that was terrifying to hear,” Pettibone said.

They had barely made it half a block when an unmarked minivan pulled up in front of them.

“I see guys in camo,” O’Shea said. “Four or five of them pop out, open the door and it was just like, ‘Oh shit. I don’t know who you are or what you want with us.’”

Federal law enforcement officers have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland and detain protesters since at least July 14. Personal accounts and multiple videos posted online show the officers driving up to people, detaining individuals with no explanation of why they are being arrested, and driving off.

The tactic appears to be another escalation in federal force deployed on Portland city streets, as federal officials and President Donald Trump have said they plan to “quell” nightly protests outside the federal courthouse and Multnomah County Justice Center that have lasted for more than six weeks…. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <OPB>

Oregon and Portland officials are furious, because criminal Fuhrer Trump* is making the situation worse.

Unmarked Federal Troops Snatching Protesters Raise Local Alarm

These Republican Storm Troopers should be convicted of kidnapping and sent to prison!

Wheeler: Unidentified Feds Detaining Protesters Are ‘Making Things Worse’ 

These are not law enforcement officers. They are criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* Nazi Gestapo pigs!  However, if criminal Fuhrer Trump* was not in power, other Republicans would have done this.

Every Republican in power is one Republican too many! 


Jul 132020

The State of Oregon and the City of Portland have been cracking down on the violent misconduct by our Republican dominated police department, so criminal Fuhrer Trump* sent us his own gestapo to federalize abuse of power by police.


Federal law enforcement shot and severely injured a protester Saturday night during demonstrations in front of the federal courthouse in downtown Portland.

Donavan LaBella, 26, was shot in the head by what friends and witnesses said was an impact munition.

Videos of the incident posted online brought swift condemnation from some local leaders, including both of Oregon’s U.S. Senators, who demanded answers from the federal government, and City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, who asked that federal troops leave Portland immediately.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, in a statement released just before 9 p.m. Sunday, called on federal law enforcement to abide by the same standards as Portland officers in using less-lethal weapons against protesters.

In one video, LaBella is seen pushing a canister of smoke or tear gas away from his feet across the street from the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse. Moments later, LaBella returns to holding a speaker over his head with both hands. Shots of impact munitions can be heard, and LaBella collapses to the ground, dropping the speaker…

Inserted from <OPB>

I have both videos of the incident.  They are graphic.

* Graphic * Portland, Or. – US Marshals fire tear gas striking BLM protester in the head.

Note that neither Donovan LaBella nor the other protestors did anything to threaten Trump’s* Republican Nazi pigs in any way.  This is simply a criminal assault by Republican gestapo against citizens exercising their right to protest.


Jul 032020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  I had to spend so much time trying to arrange medical mayhem for when WWWendy is out of town later this month that I missed my morning nap.  ARGH!!  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:09 (average 6:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Map Reference  Thanks, Nameless!

US Cases: 2,837,726
US Deaths: 131,504

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Oregonian Channel): Oregon State Police don’t comply with indoor mask order by Gov. Kate Brown

If Oregon State cops consider themselves above the law, arrest them, fire them, defund them, or all of the above!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Epstein’s Confidant Ghislaine Maxwell Charged In Sex Abuse Probe

I’m sure we can expect interference from AG Barrf to undermine this case. If Maxwell is convicted and imprisoned, criminal Fuhrer Trump* will have a more difficult time finding underage girls to assault, when he’s not in Russia.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Simon & Garfunkel – Scarborough Fair/Canticle (Audio)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
