Feb 152025

Yesterday, my email included a Valentine from Eric Swalwell’s dog, Penny. That was a refreshing break from the rest of it. I can’t even begin to go into all the crap that’s going on. Of course, that’s the plan, and to a degree it’s working. But I’m slogging on. I do want to share that I watched most of a short video sharing, on the basis of an interview with someone who knew the family, that Dork Vader’s parents were Nazis (technically Nazi sympathizers in Canada) who apparently were too chickens**t to move to Germany, but instead moved to South Afrika because they also supported the Afrikaaners (in other words were racist.) My browser kicked me off before it finished, so I don’t have the link, but it was on the “Occupy Democrats” channel, so it shouldn’t be hard to find. For one more upbeat (or at least humorous) item, here’s Andy.

Joyce Vance provides enough information to charge Patel criminally with lying to Congress. But it’s foregone that this DOJ will not do that. And she also singles out DOJ employees who have spines and are, therefore, sadly, no longer part of DOJ.

I seldom share petitions, in large part because Freya does such a good job of it I don’t feel I need to. But this one is one that shouldn’t be missed

I couldn’t decide between these two stories, so I’m linking to both. In a way they’re related. One is about the Forest Service and the other about the Park Service, and, since one is from The F*News and the other from Wonkette, both have sardonic (a word you may be seeing a lot here) headlines. Also, both deal with the nightmarish, 1984 like, concept that we must all be identical or we’re not American, when the exact opposite is more in line with who we are supposed to be, as Americans, and as humans.)

Dec 092024

Yesterday, I got up early (knowing I would have to get up even earlier today) and so was up when Virgil called (he says “Hi”). Trinette came by (she says hi) and moved some stuff for me. Other than that I didn’t do much of anything. Some days need to be like that.
Extra: Robert Reich caption contest with last week winners

Post publication addition – “Here Is Your Wonkette Explainer Of What Just Happened In Syria.!” I figure it’s as close as we are likely to get to honesty, especially this early.

Robert Hubbell always takes pains to be thoughtful and accurate (and to do his homework before posting.) Over the years I have seen so many people write petitions for things which really do need to be done, and then address them to people who have absolutely no power to accomplish them. When I am aware of that – and I’m sure I’m not always – I attempt to notify the petitioner or the petition sponsor. The third section of this newsletter addresses such a situation and clearly shows “This is how it’s done.” (Not to belittle the rest of the newsletter.)

Steve Schmidt has a new “Schmidt Storm” out. Yes, it’s a video, but there’s a transcript available. We all know where there’s Trump** there’s corruption, but we don’t always have details.

May 102024

Yesterday, I got two petitions which I did not sign (along with a bunch of others that I did sign.) Both were from Left Action (I don’t know whether it is a wing of Care2/The Petition Site, that is who hosts its petitions.) The first one I saw (the second I received becaue I read my emails from the top down) was addressed to Judge Merchan and was headed “Don’t let Trump’s lawyers get a mistrial.” The problem is that it is addressed to the judge. Prople not involved in the trial pushing the judge to rule a certain way could be construed as obstruction of justice. The other one was regarding remmoving Aileen Cannon from the Mar-a Lago case. It didn’t specifically say it was addressed to the Citcuit Court (I forget which District that is), but I had to assume that it is, since that’s the only body which can do what is petitioned. I’m not saying no one can petition the courts, but this is not the way. Such a petition would have to come from someone with standing, like a group which had filed an amicus brief. We have all gotten so accustomed to “Don’t like something? Sign/start a petition that we have lost sight of the need to address those petitions to the entity which can actually act on them, and that entity had better not be someone in the justice system for whome the petiton could be construed as obstruction. Judge Merechan has been doing everything he possibly can from the day the case was assigned to him to insure there will be no mistrial. This petition could even conceivably increase the chances of a mistrial, not reduce them, if it is actually delivered and Trump**’s defense team find out about it. Both petitions were from n email address which can apparently be responded to, since i did and haven’t received a non-delivery notice. I hope y’all will consider this concerning these and any other petition involving any court. You can probably petition the prosecutor, maybe even the defense, but please, not the judge.

At least this is good news – if, as Ben said, we can keep it. I can guarantee that, should Trump** win, we cannot. And even if he doesn’t, if enough of his followers get into/stay in Congress, I certainly wouldn’t guarantee being able to keep it.

More proof that it’s not about life, it’s about control. With my age and experience, I probably shouldn’t be – but I was shocked by the sheer volume.

I don’t see how any sane person can fail to be in awe of Volodomyr Zelensky. Eleven assassination attempts and still trucking. Fly high, Ukrainian Guy!

Mar 282024

Yesterday, I could hardly wait to see what Joyce Vance (who lives in Alabama) had to say about the upset special election there (while being aware it might have shocked her so much that she wouldn’t react until tonight.) Well, I did wait up for it, and here is a quote: “In the category of “you can’t make this up” the special election happened because David Cole, the Republican who previously held the seat, pled guilty to voter fraud charges when it came to light that he didn’t live in the district he voted in and represented.”  While waiting, I sent a litte money to Katie Porter’s PAC, “Truth to Power.” As she won’t be in Congress, she’s very motivated to help as many solid campaigns as she can.

Lakota Law has a petition on behalf of all native American nations. It’s to Pope Francis, and it’s asking him to return lands seized by the church to those tribes to whom it belonged. This link has been cut so it will not prefill with my information, and verified to make sure it works the way it should. There is some background at the link, and also another link to the full petition so you can be clear on what is being asked.

Mixed news here – good that it’s at least being considered – bad that it’s necessary.

I’m big on whistleblowers anyway, and this one is especially deserving of admiration. It’s 180 degrees removed from trading in classified information. Democracies need to, and have a right to, know the truth. ( Wonkette – who agree.)


Video Thread 9/24/2020

 Posted by at 3:32 pm  Politics
Sep 242020

A very busy day today
Meidas Touch managed to get in two – WRT McCain, no he was not “a war hero because he was captured.” He was a war hero because after being captured he was given a chance to return to the US on account of his father’s stature. He refused. He said he would go home if ALL the other POWs were allowed to do so also. Even in a Republican, I can respect that. They don’t make that kind any more.

Really American – the title is familiar and the facts are familiar, but it seems to be a new presentation.

RVAT also has two new ones, both with Olivia Troye –

The Lincoln Project

Jillian is running in my Congressional district. I’m sorry to have to say she doesn’t have a prayer. I’m still terribly proud of her for running.

Rachel Maddow considered this important enough to tweet through maddowblog.

Trae on RBG

Russian native on social media propaganda

And more Ginsburg petitions:
POGO  If it comes up the wrong state, the only way to get it to the right one is to squeeze your full address including Zip Code into the tiny little space for address (it does expand.)
The first Daily Kos petition was basically “no new justice.” this one is “no new justice until after pandemic relief passed.”
Moms Rising
Force Change 
