Oct 232024

Yesterday, Heather Cox Richardson referenced an article by Rachel Bitcofer (yes, also on Substack.) The article is called “What (Really) Happens If Trump Wins?”, which she believes should be read by every American (and I would add “read aloud to every American who is not able to read and comprehend it.) Cox Richardson herself goes into Dorothy Thompson’s experiences with Hitler. Once he got into power, it didn’t take long (and the first people in the camps – Dachau was the first one – were not [necessarily] Jews or Gypsies or the disabled, but the most powerful among his political rivals.) Perhaps the takeaway from Bitcofer’s article is the last two sentences: “All you need to end a democracy is a leader willing to suspend or end the Constitution and a supporting cast large enough to allow him to do it. Republicans have both.”  Also, I scanned my “I voted” sticker. They held a contest for its design and this won. It’s 2″ in diameter, a bit larger than the old voting stickers, prior to all mail voting, though last year’s was also 2″ but much more boring.

Heather Cox Richardson wrote and posted this late Saturday night. So you have probably heard about TSF’s behavior from Saturday. But then she goes into history for perspective.

Is everyone up for another Atlanta Black Star story? This one is from 2022, but is in the news now because the bodycam info just got released (and immediately went viral.) It’s noteworthy in that the white man went to the trouble of telling elaborate stories in order to put a new spin on calling a black man “boy.”
