Dec 172024

Yesterday, I set up all the e-Christmas cards for y’all and my personal list. I like them to go out early – not everyone checks their email on special days, so I scheduled them to go out the 23rd. (And that includes a birthday card to Trinette, who was born on Christmas. Is that appropriate, or what! And her children were also born on or very close to holidays. Her older son was born Jan 3 and the younger on Valentine’s Day.)

This kind of goes along with what Robert Reich was saying last week about the story of “The Rot at the Top,” and the need to re-associate it with the actual roe et the top, namely corporation CEOs.

The title of this The F* News article includes the phrase “A Running Tally,” which suggests to me that it may be worth saving the link. Of course, with Trump**, it’s a coin flip whether a broken promise is a good or a bad thing, depending on what the promise was and how it is broken. Obviously, this can’t cover everything – but it is a needed attempt to start bearing witness.

Belle judges


Today’s cartoon is a video for Christmas making fun of MAGA-type Christianity. I hope it gives you a chuckle or two.

Dec 122024

Yesterday was pretty quiet.  I put in a couple of medical claims for Thyroid, which has to come from a pharmacy which for some reason cannot accept HSA cards. (But the claims a paid promptly.) And that’s really all .

Like y’all, I was disappointed in Alvin Bragg when he first took office. But, oh boy, has he ever found some (courage, guts, balls, spine – pick your metaphor.) Now I am wondering whether this is newfound, or whether we underestimated him all along. Not that it really matters when an entire nation can best survive by simply taking one day at a time. Joyce Vance elaborates.

Yes, I am late with this Heather Cox Richardson essay. But I am always going to be late with hers and Vance’s, and Reich’s, and Hubbell’s, because they all send late enough that I generally don’t see them until the following day. At best, I ever see them untl after I have posted. But I fon’t consider that a reason not to share them when they are profound. This one is about the history of December 10 being international Human Rights Day. And all that that history implies.

Dec 102024

Yesterday, The plumber was later than he had said (it snowed a little the night before and was still snowing when he got here – it wasn’t all that heavy then, but by afternoon the ground was a blanket of white.  And even light snow means scraping all glass before driving) But once he got here he was through very quickly. He thinks I probably need a new toilet, but I don’t like doing that while I’m still paying for the water heater, so for now I’ll stock up on Drano and use it religiously

Joyce Vance is probably right about preemptive pardons. But even so, she agrees that they should be offered to the most vulnerable, without specifying exactly who she thinks they are. I would certainly include Dr. Fauci as one of the most vulnerable myself. He and his family have surely suffered enough.

I did not see this coming, and neither did The F* News. But in a kind of a sort of a way, neither of us is really surprised. People who helped round up Jan 6 rioters are people who are interested in the welfare of the country, and that probably more than they are interested in individuals.

Dec 072024

Yesterday, my toilet clogged, and the plumber cannot come until Monday. But that’s not why I made this post entirely about healthcare today. I started putting it together when the news of the murder came out. By the way, the picture at left  is from Pearl Harbor. Besides the videos, allow me to add this extra to lighten up a little.
Andy Borowitz on pardons

I have never worked in health insurance, but I have worked in auto and home insurance, and one thing I learned is that if a coverage dispute goes to court, the verdict often goes to the insured, even if the expense is pretty nearly not covered by the contract. And that is because an insurance policy is a “Contract of adhesion.” That means that the insured has little or no say in what the contract says. It’s not a rule (neither is “tie goes to the runner” a rule in baseball). The jury or judge, like the umpire in baseball, must make the decision. But insurance companies know that the insured often gets the benefit of the doubt. I would think this would also apply to health insurance, which leads me to the conclusion that insureds who need help the most are those financially unable to take a case to court – a conclusion which should surprise no one at all. I couldn’t help but think of Wendell Potter – the Cigna CEO who quit because he couldn’t take the corruption. He is still fighting Big Health, and has a column on Substack (the newest entry is from the da before Thanksgiving, so it’s upbeat, but still very telling.)

Since I have already brought up health insurance, this may be an appropriate time to share this story on Medicare Advantage, which is not to anyone’s advantage but those who want to privatize Medicare. And, it not only doesn’t save money for its insured, but it doesn’t save any for taxpayers either. It’s something only a Republican could love. My advice is, don’t get it, and if you have it, don’t renew it. If it’s too late to drop it this year, don’t renew it next year. You’d be far better off setting up a separate savings account for medical emergencies and putting what the pemiums cost into it.

Incidentally, if you live in any of these nine states: Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Utah, and Virginia – you need to know about this. Even if it wouldn’t affect you personally, it might stall affect a friend, a relative, or a neighbor.

Nov 272024

Yesterday, I checked to see where a small amount of money had gone – I have been a monthly donor to Adam Frisch’s campaign since he first lost to BoBo by 500 and some odd votes. Sadly, he lost again, just not to BoBo this time. I’m aware that campaigns almost always still have bills after the election, so I was going to leave it at least till the end of the yras and then maybe check with the campaign to see if they still needed it. Well, I won’t be doing that. The campaign cancelled it for me and even sent me a refund. I had no idea they would do that. I’m very impressed. And also sad to learn he apparently won’t be running again. We really could have benefitted from having a man of his principles in Congress. Sigh. Also yesterday I managed to get my phone working by switching around eleven cables attached to three boxed until I got the maximum number of green lights showing. However, my 8.1 still has no internet, and I really need it to. Where the 10 is, I have no room for anything else, so all my accessories, including the scanner/printer need to stay there. So I am still troubleshooting.

The F* News has its finger on the Christian Nationalism. I don’t know why the rest of the media cannot or will not see it or print it.

Yes, I know, two from The F* News in one day. But the first one is an important point which should not be missed, and the second is, if not exactly great news, a little better than everyone is saying.

Nov 262024

Yesterday, I learned a lot of things I would prefer not to have happened (as, I’m sure, did you.) For one thing, the National Women’s Health Network is permanently shutting its doors. On the plus side, it looks as though my phone is working again. And one computer has internet access. But I need it on both. So, though I’m up to blogging again, this isn’t over. (and I had almost 300 emails in my inbox yesterday morning. I got it down to under 30, but I didn’t clear it. So today will also be busy.

I think Heather Cox Richardson is writing for reality skeptics in this post, because it sounds as though she didn’t know for absolute fact that Trump** was lying, and I’m sure she’s smarter than that These people who nightmared up (to coin a phrase) Project 2025 claim to be business people. But I have an MBA from George Washington University, and one absolutely basic principle I learned there was that if you were put in charge of a group you had no been directly promoted from, you should never institute any changes for AT LEAST SIX MONTHS. In this case that would be six months from the day you take office, not from the day you were nominated, nor from the day you were confirmed, nor from the inauguration – you need to be actively, physically in that division seeing what is actually happening for six months before changing a thing. Apparently no one ever taught these supposedly educated business people that. Or else they just think that since they are white men they must know better.

Well, this, from The Root, was definitely not on my Bongo card, and I’ll bet it wasn’t on yours either. But it certainly sounds like jolly good fun.

Nov 252024

Yesterday,  I got my internet back, but only on one computer, not the one I usually use for this.  It had ben down since Friday, and so were my phones.  SO I didn’t hear the opera Saturday, since for the summer season (which is for one more week now) I need the internet – no internet, no opera.  Fortunately it’s one I know well, and some time ago I even downloaded an old recording of it.  And on December 7 the Met season starts, and my local radio station carries that.  Anyway, I’ve been struggling all weekend with trying to reach my provider, and this is my first chance to post.  I hope things are better with all of you than they have been this weekend.  But it’s just the electronics, not me, which are ill.  I’m fine physically,  I have all my meds now and am taking them

With the one exception that this uses the term “Christianity” and “Christian” where it should use “Christian Nationalism” and “Christian Nationalist,” this article is as good a portrait of the Republican concept of education as you are ever likely to see. Yes, there’s a lot of profanity in it. That’s just how The F* News rolls.

Mary Trump‘s observation that cruelty is the point is not new, but it’s at least as accurate as it ever was. And there is no simple answer (in fact, there’s more than one complex answer – probably as many of those as there are people on earth) to the question, “Once a person gets into that mindset, how can they get out of it?”













Claudia is saying, “You know what, we will pay for that wall after all!”

Nov 222024

Yesterday, I touched base with the other two moderators, since what I had thought was causing the squishing problem turned out not to be Of course this had to happen at a time I don’t have all my meds and am both low energy and low enthusiasm, but I promise I will be working on it, though it may be slow. The last of the four prescription I had to get new scrips for with the new PCP is supposed to come today, and I’ll take a dose immediately if and when it does, but it is still going to take time for everything to kick in (I know it will because it did coming home from rehab.) But I’m on the case.  I just chose a remembrance photo for today – at least if/when it squishes you won’t miss out on words.

Wonkette referred me to this by Ned Resnikoff. I am not personally knowledgeable on it, but I too have seen ominous signs relative to it – like Chesa Boudin losing his recall election, and some cities becoming harsh to the homeless. And if it’s this bad and getting worse, it should be obvious that the consequences would be catastrophic.

Here’s Margaret Atwood, in the writing burrow, with post-election predictions for which I’m confident paying subscribers have been begging. Mostly they are not that different from others’ predictions except that her sardonic tone is unique, and I suspect her fairly detailed description of the conditions under which the Pythia worked at the Oracle of Delphi may be her way of disclaiming accuracy. But I always find her fun to read, and hope you will also.
