Oct 222024

Yesterday, The technician came to install what was necessary for the phone and internet to work.  He arrived exactly at the start of the time window I was given, and I think finished up a little early. So I am actually typing on a windows 10 desktop.  I don’t promise to stay on Windows 10 (not, I suppose, that there’s any difference readers could see), but most of my information is now on both computers (technically, on separate portable hard drive of which each has one, and yes, I did that in advance and it took forever,) so I can start transitioning in earnest.  Also, I received 2 emails from the Election Department – first that my ballot was received, and the second that it had been counted. Yippee:  I can put up that “I voted” sticker now11/

Heather Cox Richardson writes about control of the Senate – why it’s so important, how it is determined, how the 2024 election could affect it, what the Republican Party is doing to influence the election, how events in the 1890’s led to the passage of the 17th Amendment, and why the events of that decade resemble events today.

Recently, I started a subscription to the newsletter of “The F*cking News” whose motto is something like “If you prefer your news delivered with profanity, this is the news for you.” I can take or leave profanity, but I do like the attitudes and world views which lead journalists to use profanity, so I thought I’d give it a go. This report which headlines my first newsletter from them (and also the page to which it links – they are apparently using old print newspapers’ quaint habit of putting multiple unrelated articles on the same page) doesn’t have much profanity but it is chock full of attitude, and presents demonstrable facts from a perspective of the appropriate reaction to them.

Oct 122024

Yesterday, I heard from my “frosted sister” who lives in Bradenton, FL, right in Milton’s eye. I didn’t hear sooner because she had evacuated (which I was hoping she did), but she’s going back by Monday. The only structural damage to her house this time is to a room that’s more loke a covered porch, but she also lost a shed and a lot of fencing. (Michael, I think it was, took out all her windows, and she only just finished getting them fixed earlier this year.) I’m just glad she and her family and all their pets are safe. But now there’s this (Joyce Vance)   Finally, Robert Reich’s election video week is here.

There has been a lot of complaining by people who do not follow politics that “We don’t know who [Kamala] is.” This week she has addressed that with appearances in the media which this article from HuffPo addresses – and also the effect of it on the polls (mostly good).

Living through Hurricane Milton must be just like living through the pandemic for those in the path, except that the liars aren’t in power (at least not in federal power) and not everyone lives in the danger zone. Doktor Zoom’s “Don’t make me”is actually pretty mild. I’m a “Don’t make me rethink free speech” level myself.

Belle EVs


Sep 292024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Wagner’s “Tristan und Isolde,” recorded in July at Bayreuth – the venue which mad King Ludwig of Bavaria spent a fortune on, and which has all the bells and whistles which were available in the late 19th century (Wagner would hav loved CGI.) It takes 4 hours to perform. This production is fortunate that the adulterous love affair depends on a powerful magic love potion, because the betrayed husband is orders of magnitude better looking then the betrayer. It’s just as well I won’t see it (and the only available picture is of part of a program cover which says “Bayteuth” and has Wagner’s autograph.) The music is gorgeous. This is one of only two Wagner operas I bought in vinyl when I was buying vinyl. Some musicologists say that the first chird of the overture (known as “the Tristan chord”) paved the way for the harmonies of 20th century composers. But to opera fans, it’s less the chord and more what Wagner does with it which make the opera a favorite.

It’s been a minute since we had a real head-shaking Karen story, but this one from the Atlanta Black Star definitely qualifies. SMH.

If you have seen any ads for “Trump watches” – and, if you have, I know you haven’t bothered to read the fine print – you might get a sardonic chuckle out of the facts Mary Trump brings to light in her Substack column.

Sep 232024

Yesterday, I went to see Virgil. Going down there were a few scattered showers – not enough to keep the wipers going – and it also stayed overcast enough I didn’t need to wear sunglasses. Again, we played cribbage in our way – had quite a variety of good hands, middlind hands, and awful hands,more or less evenly divided between us. I can’t be sure, since we do’t keep running totals, but it felt prettty equal no me. Coming back, the sun was out, and I needed to shield the driver’s side window, and that worked. I nuked a leftoer meat from a crockpot made a while ago and the leftovers frozen. I’m calling it Chicken Marengo – although there is in fact no standard recipe forChicken Marengo, and its legen id fake, asthechefwho is supposed to have rsustled it up was not present at the battle. (The fact that there’s so much fake history floating around really makes me appreciate people like Heather Cox Richardson who set things straight.)

And speaking of fake history – though I nonlonger subscribe to Mother Jones, one of my other sources recommended this article, and when I read it, I kind of said “Wow!” Getting to the truth is much harder when people who are actively pushing a myth are fighting you every step of the way – and having found truth, getting it out so everyone knows is even harder.

The line TPM cites in its headline is not the only line they are intentionally blurring. They are also blurring the one between citizenship and the lack of citizenship. Y’know, Paul (in the Bible) was a Roman citizen. He mentions this in one of the Epistles, and basically says anyone who has enough money can buy (Roman) citizenship (“At a great price I obtained this freedom.”) Is this what we are coming to if Trump** and MAGAts win, not just the Presidency, but majorities in Congress?

We all know, or I hope we do, that the stock market and the economy are two different things – two very different things. But you wouldn’t know that by talking with investors – or with Republicans. But the person who can explain it best may well be Robert Reich. And that may well be because he looks at the economy as it pertains to reality, including real people, specifically real workers, as opposed to looking at the economy as pieces of paper with numbers on them

Sep 092024

Yesterday, I visited Virgil and of course we played cribbage. We had hands ranging from zero (several of those) to 26 (only one of those. I’m thinking next time I go, since I always have to wait a few minutes, I might stack the deck to give him a perfect hand, just to see his face. The drive was easy both ways. A little rain just before getting home, but not enough to annoy me, let alone endanger me.

Also yesterday (late) in her weekly “The Week Ahead” post,. Joyce Vance asks her readers to explain to her, if possible, what makes Trump** voters tick.  I am not a paid subscriber, so i can’t comment on that post, and I am not on Xitter so I can’t reach her that way.  But I would love to recommend that she read the article by Dorothy Thompson in a 1941 issue of Harper’s (link is to archive dot is so no paywall).  There’s a lot in it, but I particularly want to point out that she points out (to bastardize a quote from Shalespeare) that some are born Nazi, some become Nazi, and some have Naziism thrust upon  them.  In other words, there’s not one single reason.  But Thompson’s examples provide clues to determining who is which, which is the only thing I can think of that might help.

There’s a new Schmidt Storm, with the bonus that he provides links to last weeks “The Warning’s. To me, any reportage which promises to answer people’s questions is likely worth looking at – even if the questions aren’t your questions, the answers give insight into what others are thinking and wondering.

Heather Cox Richardson dives into the methods of Russian disinformation work. It’s not pretty. But it shouldn’t be ignored.

Aug 262024

Yesterday, I saw Virgil and we played more cribbage. Virgil had the two highest scoring hands of the day, 20 and 21. If you don’t play cribbage, that probably sounds small. But it’s impossible to get more than 29 in one hand (heck, it’s darned near impossible to get 29!  In order to to so, one must be dealt , in two-handed, six cards,three of which are fives, along with the jack which is not the same suit as any of the fives,  And must must not put any of those four cards into the crib.  After that, the card which is “cut” to be everyone’s fifth card must be the fourth five.  I’m not an expert and experienced cribbage player, but i’ve never seen anything even remotely close to that.)

Since this is a federal prosecution in a federal court, and it’s not in Florida, they might get this recommendation. But of course they also may not. It’s clear, at least to me, that the kind of people we need in police work are not getting hired (and if they were they could not survive in the current environment.) Police reform will not happen by improvig the training or changing policies as long as police forces are made up of bullies (who come in all races and all genders, by the way.)

If Doctor Fauci can get the West Nile virus, I would say just about anyone could also get it (it is mosquito borne.) We have it in Colorado, although only one case has been confirmed in my county. Last year was bad for it, but it looks like this year, at least in Colorado, will be less so. (We also have bird flu.) If you have any kind of vulnerability, like allergies, you mught want to check with your state’s health department (which can generally be done on line) about the likelihood. I got my local information from Colorado Public Radio, which is pretty reliable. Does every state have a public radio service, a state one, distinct from NPR?  Standing water is definitely a thing to watch.  One dude at Democratic Underground, who keeps two 20-gallon tanks in his back yard to collect rainwater,says that in mosquito season he buys maybe half a dozen or more goldfish and puts them in the tanks, and they eat any larvae laid by the mosquitoes


Aug 252024

Yesterday, I was very late posting the Open Thread, and I apologize. I had it ready to go and just forgot to load and post it. I was working on writing and printing letters to my 401(k) custodian and to an urgent care facility which just sent me a bill for services in March of 2023. Had I not received a bill from them in July of 2023 and paid it, I would have just paid this one. But I don’t what to pay for aomething twice. I tried to call, but the menu wanted me to enter my employee ID number, which, since I’m not one, I don’t have. I didn’t even try to call the 401(k) custodian because I’ve tried in the past. Because there’s no such thing as one phone call. No matter how detailed you are, they leave some detail out, and you have to keep corresponding until they get it all. Anyway, with all that, i simply forgot to schedule it. I wish I could promise it won’t happen again, but sadly, I can’t.

In any case, yesterday’s radio opera was “Idomeo, Re di Creta” by Mozart. It’s one of those stories – and every culture seems to have one = there’s even one in the Bible – where someone is in potentially fatal danger, and prays to a god, promising to sacrifice the first living thing he meets when he gets home, and then that turns out to be his child. Oops. Not all of the stories end the same way, though – there are several directions it can go. In this opera, it ends up with the voice of Neptune telling him not to kill his son, but to abdicate n his favor, by which his sacrifice becomes his kingdom instead. Everyone is happy, except the princess the son doesn’t marry. But nothing was ever going to make her happy anyway. And now I’m off to visit Virgil visit Virgil

This, from The 19th, is very much peripheral. But there’s not way i could cover the substantal part of the Convention like the big boys and girls, especially since many readers have likely watched it. And its not an unimportnt side issue in view of Project 2025, for sure.

This is Heather Cox Richardson writing after the third day of the Convention. I saved it for Sunday because – because it’s kind of a sermon. An American, Democratic sermon. Don’t skip it because I said that. It is very encouraging.

Joyce Vance has some suggesions for anyone who is not inspired to do something but doesn’t know what. (Steve SChmidt has the same ones – because he quotes then from her. She’s in Scotland just now, but the animals are being taken care of.)

Aug 122024

Yesterday, I managed to see Virgil almost on time (I had to stop for gas on the way down, for one thing.) We played cribbage, of course, and he had the two best hands of the day – a 16 and a 17. He returns any and all greetings. The trip back was uneventful, but I got back tired, so I was slow to post.

Yes, this is alarmist. But, like Project 2025, if we don’t know about it, we won’t be ready – we won’t know what countermeasures to take, and we’ll lose time finding out. And we can’t let them win by cheating (again. Because if’s the only way they can win.)

Well, if I’m going to share one cautionary article, I may as well share this one as well, and it may as well be on a Monday. If kids were taught in school about the Political Compass, it would certainly be easier to identify where politicians are coming from – certainly in this election “right” are practically meaningless. It’s all about “up” and “down.” (Incidentally, they like to use “Authoritarian” and “Libertarian” for up and down respectively, but a better word for the latter would be “Egalitarian” IMO. It’s not only more accurate; it also hasn’t been stolen by crazies.

Belle climate

