Yesterday, I picked up a new Randy Rainbow parody, the first one he has made since “Don’t Arraign on My Parade, which was 9 months ago. (He made an “Interview with Mike Johnson,” but it’s not musical.) This one is called “Forty-Five” and based on “Nine to Five.” Here’s the link.
This is just the introduction of a bill. It doesn’t mean it will pass, with or without amendments. But it is IMO a good, even a great, bill and long overdue. Kudos to Elizabeth Warren.
Yesterday, I saw another Parody Project production. I’m not sure it’s new, but it is delightful. (The original song is IMO deplorable, but this may redeem it.) Also, Trinette was by (and returns greetings). I had a whole bunch of stuff- trash, recyclables, and charity – which I needed help getting it out. After seeing Virgil, despite coming home exhausted, I had a burst of energy over the week. That helped me with the decision to start making it every other week to see him.
This site was down yesterday evening, but should be up today . (And I don’t want to hear a single word about a PhD candidate using a double negative. There’s more to brains than formal grammar.)
On Monday, Steve Schmidt’s two related articles got me thinking about the church during my lifetime, in which time there have been 7 popes: Pius XII, John XXIII (the one under whom I became a Catholic), Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and now Francis. Of them, only two IMO were any good: John and Francis (I think John Paul I might have been, but he only lived 30 days after election, so it’s not easy to tell.) “Catholic” is Greek for “universal” or, as we now say, “big tent,” and the bigger the tent, the more likely there will be rogues in it. That’s just a fact. But that’s one of the things the papacy is for – to correct the rogues. Not as was done for so long, by burning them alive, but through counseling. And if that doesn’t work – well, that’s what excomminication is for. Not every Catholic agrees with me on that, and that’s fine – a big tent is supposed to be big. It’s just how I feel, and it may be because I’m more aware of the dangers of – shall we say, allowing poisonous serpents around the house. And stories like this one – well, I’m sure y’all can see where I’m coming from.
Yesterday, I got very little done. Most of what I accomplished was clearing a way to the best seat to watch the actual television from – now that it’s working again. Escept that when it came time, the heavy snow we’ve has the last two days had mangled the signal so badly I couldn’t watch Fortunately , “Dead Man Walking” will be streamed through Passport – but the streams don’t start until the 19th. I was hoping not to have to wait. (I’ve already waited over 20 years just to hear it.) So, yes, this is skimpy. And i’ll have listened to Turandot and been grateful.
I missed “Pi Day,” so this is a bit late. And this parody is a bit over 8 minutes (about the same as the original IIRC) but it’s worth every second of your time that it takes. It’s upbeat, but it made me reach for a hanky It says, in a dfferent way, so much of what I have been feeling. (I even put it into my email signature.)
If you’ve been wondering why suddenly TikTok is neeing named in bills and voted on in the House, and now going to the Senate, this should make it pellucidly clear.
Glenn Kirschner – Mark Meadows gets immunity to testify in federal grand jury about Trump’s crimes: Top takeaways [Yes, it’s long. I made it through, but not without my mind wandering some.]
The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – October 24, 2023
MSNBC – Top House Democrat reacts to Johnson Speaker election: ‘I’m going to take him at his word’ [Nicolle, however, or one of her guests, called him “Jim Jordan with a jacket and a smile.” So we’ll see.]
This dog’s best friend was abandoned. His dad adopted him and reunited them.
Beau – Let’s talk about 2 questions about Biden’s trip….
I have another day to fill in, and we are approaching month end, which means a recap will be coming up, and require yet another. Harry Litman is out and I can’t find out why. But this video is under 10 minutes and interesting (mostly), and I certainly hope DOJ wins this one.
The Lincoln Project – American Leader
MSNBC – McConnell signals support for Biden’s request to bundle aid to Ukraine and Israel into one bill
Parody Project – (SITTIN’ ON HER) BUM AT THE PLAY – Parody of Dock on the Bay | David Cohen & Don Caron
Dog Surprise Reunion with Prisoner Who Saved His Life
Beau – Let’s talk about an update on Biden’s trip and more….
Glenn has skipped two days in a row (which is partly why I am so late.) I am plugging in this movie, which they showed to high school kids in 1948! would they allow it today? It’s a bit over 7 minutes but there’s a lot in it.
The Lincoln Project – Joe Biden in Israel
Farron Balanced – Viewers Demand Farron Give An Update On His Pets
Patrick Fitzgerald – Royals (Kevin McCarthy / Puddles Pity Party / Postmodern Jukebox / Lorde Song Parody)
Senior Chihuahua Turns Into A Puppy Once He Finds The Perfect Family