Mar 102025

Yesterday, I visited Virgil and we played cribbage. It was not a day for high scores but we still had fun. Virgil’s back was hurting ans he had on uncomfortable shoes instead of the ones he usually wears. I was short of sleep – bu the fact is, even if I allow enough time for enough sleep, between the excitement of going to see him and the nervousness about something going wrong, I never get enough sleep the night before I go see him. And I need to stop expecting (or hoping) to. So today I’ve chosen two sources and I’m going to let them speak for me

This is a roundup from The Contrarian. Although they do send emails on individual posts, they also send at least one of these daily. Their style is quite straightforward – just the truth (which may or may not include background on the contributor so the reader can evaluate credentials. On regular contributors it may get skipped. This Roundup is put together by Norm Eisen, one of the two founders, along with Jen Rubin. Both have credentials.)

Here is the front page of The F* News. If Norm is too serious (and depressing) for you, I will guarantee that Jonathan is not too serious. Although he may not be able to avoid being depressing.
