Feb 042024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X” by Anthony Davis. Most of us probably remember Malcolm X, if not in great detail. The important parts of his life were not published at the tiem, and after his death mostly in books, which fewer people read than read newspapers or the equivalent. At that time there were some real journalists, and I can’t help wondering what they would have come up with for public consumption at the time if only black people had been considered to have any importance. I don’t expect we’ll ever know. There was, as Lona predicted, a choke-up moment – according to the opera Malcolm’s last words were “As-Salamu Alaikum” – peace be upon you – and then the gunfire. Those who were closest to him at the time don’t agree, but the variants they remember, although in English, are actually pretty close. Musically – well, I’ve said for years the man can write music, and I stand by that. I was reminded a little of Lin Manuel Miranda discussing how he determined in what style to write all the Hamilton characters’ music – partly by their ages. “X” covers several decades, and Davis nods to that specifically in the jazz styles. In a different way, it struck me that three operas I have heard which were writtin by black composers about black people have all included a boy soprano to play the protagonist as a child. I don’t recall any other opera depicting that, and I have to wonder why not.

Also yesterday, I saw Heather Cox Richardson’s “Letter from an American” from Friday, since it came, as always, late in the day. I got a feeling of deja vu, and quickly realized it was because it was the same information Beau provided in the video in February 3’s Open Thread – except that Heather’s letter was in National-Security-speak whereas Beau’s was in Beau-speak. Still, it was cool to revisit the same story in different words.

I subscribe to newsletters from both the Atlanta Black Star and The Root – not just for Black History Month, but all the time, because it helps keep me on track with the perspective. For some reason, every time I attempt to load a full article at The Root, the screen goes white after a short time (I know, I know, past time for an upgrade. But it will have to wait until I am ready.) It’s long enough for me to get inough detail to search for the story elsewhere, and this time it was long enough to tell me that MSN had reprinted the story – for which I was most grateful. It helps to clarify the difference between money and votes. Yes, they go together, sort of – but they are not each other, and the one is not necessarily a predictor of the other. And the one will not win elections. But the other one will. Jaime Harrison is a rising star in the Democratic Party, and I believe his opinions are worth a listen. And I deeply believe we need to show more love than we are currently showing to black Democrats. Especially now, going into an election which we cannot win without them.

Jan 212024

Yesterday, as I expect everyone knows, the radio opera was “Dead Man Walking” by Jake Heggie. I said so much yesterday that there may not be much to add. I was a little surprised no one mentioned Joyce’s own prison eork. Siter Helen was quoted as having said, “No one gets me ike Joyce.” Now, I’m confident that much of that is because Joyce di Donaato is such a consummate artist, dedicated to her calling to the point even the ushers can see it (An usher in Santa Fe told me that, no matter how late the performance ends, she won’t sleep before getting on the phone with her voice coach to improve the next night’s.) But I still can’t thinking those prior esperences – well, let’s say don’t hurt. (And I can see why Joyce would not want them mentioned.)  She may have discused that with Sister Helen (they have become friends) but Sister Helen would never out her. I must say, as emotionally draining as just listening was, I would not trade it. And I would love to actually be able to see it (streaming would be acceptable.)

I’m not ready to pick up with the Erinyes – and may not ever be. Yes, from time to time there will continue to be articles which are both important and sharable in full. And which don’t need the aegis of the Erinyes.  And because there’s no Erinyes, and Nameless is in recovery from surgery, I don’t see the point of an email today.

For now, I’d like to share this by Joyce Vance – I think she is on to something. Last November, a bipartisan pair of Senators introduced a bill to provide direct and indirect victims of one specific act of terrorism access to view the court proceedings connected with that act. Feel free to drop your jaw shen you see the numbers by which it passed. And it either gave Joyce the idea, or more likely, suggested something fairly obvious which she has been behind for some time – and that is that we need to provide that service to all victims of all federal offenses going through the courts. Read her argument and see what you think.

Jan 202024

Yesterday, I worked on educating myself for today’s opera – “Dead Man Walking” by Jake Heggie. Obviously it is based on the book, but has probably also taken a thing or two from the movie. The book was published in 1993, the movie produced in 1995, and the opera premiered in 2000. Considering all that, I’d say the Met was dragging its feet. And I’m not alone in that – because this season is being different. Thankfully. The book is purely non-fiction, and includes Sister Helen’s experiences with two death row inmates … and their families. For both the movie and the opera, these two men were conflated into one and given the name Joseph de Rocher, which is far from close to either real name.It struck me as interesting (probably meaningless) that at the premier in San Francisco Sister Helen was sung by Susan Graham and the convict’s mother by Frederica von Stade. In the 2023 Met production 23 years later, Susan Graham is singing the convict’s mother and Sister Helen portrayed by Joyce di Donato – she’s a trifle older than Graham was when she sang it, but she also has real experience working with convicts in at least one prison that I know of – Sing Sing in New York. This opera is set in the Louisiana State Penitentiary, which, if you are aware of it, it’s probably under another name – Angola. Wikipedia has a fairly detailed sumary, and I will probably keep it open while listening. It certainly doesn’t appear that the opera shies away from anything. And, as if to demonstrate that capital punishment is an issue which has not gone away, here is a petition written by Sister Helen herself, sponsored/promoted by Move On, with whom Robert Reich works so much.

I haven’t mentioned Loper Bright v. Raimondo yet, but you may have heard about it anyway. It’s been before the Supreme Court this week. If it is decided wrongly (and of course the crazy justices are leaning that way), regulatory agencies will not be allowed to regulate. I can hardly begin to describe how catastrophic that would be. Little Sammy is calling regulation “the administrative state” as if it were a bad thing. It actually isn’t – it’s far preferable to an “anarchic state,” which is what we are likely to get. This quote is from Wonkette’s newsletter , and is chock full of links to blogs by people who actually have the credentials to have opinions:

What smart things do we need to know about Loper Bright v. Raimondo (the Supreme Court case in which they’re probably about to ban “agencies doing regulations”) today? Here’s Madibe K. Dennie on Samuel Alito’s latest power grab disguised as a legal theory. (Balls and Strikes) Here’s Justice Kegs pretending not to understand that agencies have different policies during different administrations because voters chose a new administration to make different policy — plus some bullshit on the “major questions doctrine” (made up) and delegation. (Dorf on Law) The Only Republicans Are Allowed to Govern Doctrine. (Lawyers Guns & Money) Chris Geidner says it’s one of the most disingenuous arguments he’s ever seen. It must have been SOMETHING. (Law Dork)

Some people are saying that “No Labels” has lost, or is losing, it’s collective mind. Personally, I am not sure that No Labels has a mind to lose. It has made a complaint to DOJ with the premise that anyone who doesn’t want to see their candidate, whoever that may be (they don’t even have a clue yet), on the November ballot is part of a RICO conspiracy against them. The Justice Department has not yet responded. Hopefully someone will tell them that, because the Constitution directs them to, states have laws in place covering every aspect of elections, including who may and may not appear on the ballot, and that if the No Labels candidate doesn’t qualify, it is the duty of the state not to put them on it.

Jan 142024

Yesterday’s radio opera was “La Bohème,” Puccini’s breakout opera. You will hear people who are into opera claim that one cannot hear it too many times (a few will even claim that it is not possible to hear any of Puccini’s operas too many times.) Although it’s not true for everyone, they’re not totally wrong. Even for someone who still loves it, performance flaws can hit the boredom button. But it still is not unpleasant. And it certainly has proved to be enduring. I assume everyone here knows it was the inspiriation for “Rent,” with AIDS substituted for tuberculosis and of course modern young people for 19th century “Bohemians.” (Though actually a late 19th century opera, it was set in the first half of the 19th century.) My nomination for the best performance, both vocally and visually, is actually available on DVD as well as streaming from the Met. It was recorded on Januaty 16, 1982, and features Teresa Stratas, Renata Scotto, Jose Carreras, Richard Stillwell, Allan Monk, and a very young James Morris. Everything I have seen Stratas in, I have marvelled at how she can sing like that and still project an aura of such fragility. (In the last scene one is inclined to wonder whether she has in fact died – it is that convincing.) And everyone else plays around that perfectly. But I digress. In yesterday’s performance, Rodolfo was played by Stephen Costello, whom I am inclined to like for the same reason that Virgil strongly dislikes Daniel Barenboim (pianist and conductor), because of the circumstances of his divorce from Jacqueline du Pre. In Stephen’s case, it was the circumstances of his divorce from Ailyn Perez. She initiated the divorce and he experienced a psychatric crisis which lasted apparently years (based on his absence.) Yes, i realize du Pre could be difficult (but, dammit, she had cancer, and it killed her, and he had left her), and I’m sure so can Stephen. But he had won the Richard Tucker award a couple of years earlier, and appeared to be promoting her, and then she won the same award – he sang as a guest at her award concert – and it actually was a few years, but seemed like it was the next day she was gone. The optics were – not good. But he is better now and back to opera. And I wasn’t there, and don’t know all the details. So I should probably try to let it go. Now, next week, it will be “Dead Man Walking.” That will be a change.

In other news, Axios broke this – “Scoop: John Kerry to leave Biden administration, help campaign.” Kerry isn’t wrong. Of course it’s not only the climate but the survival of democracy itself which is on the line.
Kerry is welcome by me to continue to be a climate hawk as long as his efforts also help save democracy.

Dec 312023

Well, yesterday’s opera was a re-run – of a performance from 1952. It was selected because two – actually three, but the third is lesser known today – of the stars were born in 1923, so would, had they lived, been 100 this year. (Another of the stars, also lesser known today, died this year a month before her 99th birthday. ( No, the Met never throws anything out – and that’s a good thing IMO. Not that I don’t emulate it too slavishly myself.) Le Nozze de Figaro (usually translated “The Marriage of Figaro,” but “Figaro’s Wedding” would be more accurate) is exceptionally complex – certainly at least the first time one sees it one would benefit from a scorecard to keep track of who is seducing (or trying to seduce) whom. To me the highlight, at least for humor, is when this elderly lady is demanding Figaro marry her instead of Susanna because the terms of her lending him money included that he would marry her if he couldn’t pay. He gets out of it only because a birthmark proves she is his mother. That’s funny enough, but his fiancée, who has just raised the money, comes in just as he is hugging his mother, thinks the worst, and slaps him. The dialogue changes to “And this is my mother, she says so herself, she says so herself. And this is my father, he says so himself, he says so himself,” with just the right number of repeats to make it funnier and funnier. But there is plenty more to stimulate snickers and actual laughs. It’s all fun and games – unless you remember how much  life and death power aristocrats actually had over their households – and even that kind of adds to the fun as the servants get the last laugh. Pierre Beaumarchais wrote three “Figaro” plays, and all three have been made into operas by different composers – I believe all more than once. But the two which have lived and the one which I hope will were all by different composers – first by Mozart with the second play, secondly by Rossini with the first play, and finally, the third by John Corigliano with the third play and his own touches (it’s weird – but it aputres the spirits of the  Figaros and the Almavivas perfectly.

But enough of Count Almaviva. Let’s move to out own American Count, The Count. He has a timely message.

Dec 252023

Well, the USPS must have been listening to Lona – the prescription they expected to deliver next week came Saturday. It didn’t come before I started filling pill bottles for the next 2 weeks – but the informed delivery email did come before I started, so after doing the evening ones, I waited before starting the morning ones. All this while listening to Tannhäuser on the radio, which was also included in the summer season, so I won’t go into detaii, I’ll just mention it’s anoter Wagner opera in which a man achieves salvation through the (death of the) woman who loves him. This concept was huge during the Victorian era (not just in England though -a;ll over Europe.) The same time period during which they romanticized tuberculosis (which they called “consumption.”) Before you laugh too loud, remember every time period has at least one idea (usually more than one) which is generally accepted but which in a hundred years or so will leave everyone wondering how they could possibly have been so deluded. That includes us today. We don’t know what that idea (or those ideas) could be because we are in the blind time period, but you can be sure there is something.

Don’t let it – or anything else – ruin your Christmas (Catmas -we may not all celebrate Christmas, but, as followers of TomCat, surely we can all celebrate Catmas together) holiday. I’m sure I don’t have to warn anyone not to be a bully just because the two cats on the left and right are.

I’m giving you the DU link for this animal rescue video because it has some back story which IMO wasn’t clear enoughin the video alone.

And today’s humor – a large helping of truth.

Dec 162023

Yesterday, after posting here (including the update), I felt enough better to look up today’s radio opera – it’s “The Magic Flute” in the abridged English language version aimed at kids – and who doesn’t love that! There are five-year-olds out there getting kicks out of singing the Queen of the Night’s aria (and pretty durned well, most of them.) Sure, it’s sexist, but no worse than Disney, and it does have goodies, baddies, and figures of pure humor of both genders, which even Disney doesn’t consistently do.

I also listened to the full RBG CD. You know how CDs come with booklets with some backstories and with lyrics sometimes – this comes with two booklets – one of each, lyrics and backstories. The poems were selected to give a mixture of history, humor, and heart. I thought the funniest one was about Ruth’s son Jamie stealing the elevator at his prep school (yes, the same James who now owns the record label which put it out) and the most heartbreaking was Marty’s note to Ruth written in hospital shortly before his death. But I will not argue with anyone who thinks the pot roast recipe is the funniest (I’d surely love to taste that pot roast.)

Also, Robert Hubbell put out a second day of analysis. I know it’s not the same as getting my take, but at this point, he is paying attention and I’m not.

And Mary Trump posted and emailed this – I held it for a couple of hours but have found out it is a real story – it was carried at least by CNN and y’all may have heard it – but her viewpoint really is like no one else’s

I was thinking about looking for a cartoon … but so little happened on December 16 through history that “On This Day” was reduced to reporting that, on this date in 1997, Bill Clinton named his Labrador Retriever “Buddy.”

Here’s a Christmas vid for the animal lovers –

Dec 132023

I’m typing this on the 12th, but the 12th is almost over, and the article/email I want to share didn’t come in until late.  It’s from Joyce Vance, and it’s in regard to Kathy Griffin.  Griffin and Vance are personal friends, which would probably cause Joyce to recuse from the case (in an abundance of caution) if she were a judge, but IMO should not prevent her from weighing in on the legal merits, and legally speaking there are two issues, one being the first amendment, and the second being jurisdiction.  In fact, the title of her piece is “Can A Court in Tennessee Rule Against You If You Live In California?”

It’s no news to anyone here (and probably no news to anyone anywhere in the country) that Kathy is outspoken and woke, and outspoken about wokeness.  I can’t help wondering how much this lawsuit is prompted by misogyny (misogyny which was amply displayed in the incident which ultimately led to there being a lawsuit.)  Of course, hate, being an emotion, can’t very well be illegal, or made illegal.  The law can only deal with the actions it inspires.  I’ll just leave opinions at this point for y’all to decide.

I still haven’t listened to the RBG album yet.  I have read through the composer bios and the lyrics – there is much in both to inspire laughter, tears, or both at once.  (The last one is her big aria from Scalia/Ginsburg, sung by the composer.)
