Dec 042024

Yesterday (Giving Tuesday), I had almost 200 emails before noon (and only 3 were from the previous day.) I am betting all or most of you had similar experiences, since we all are caring people, and if nothing else, we sign petitions for non-profits. In fact, probably many of you had many more. Today I’m expecting the exterminator to come on a follow=up visit (they come every three months, and I really appreciate that.) Tomorrow I may be able to get back to what passes for normal around here. I’d like that.

Elon Musk’s bullying

This was in yesterday’s Talking Points Memo morning newsletter, and I thought I’d squeeze it in before Patel is dumped or forced to drop out.

I don’t always agree with every point Steve Schmidt makes – but oh boy, is he ever singing my song on Native Americans and our treaties with them. (And if you’d like more history, Heather Cox Richardson has that.)

Apr 052021

IMPORTANT This is long, but if you watch even a little, you are likely to learn something you didn’t know (but may have suspected.) There’s even more news available because, of all people, archaeologists have been telling some tales. Google “Dimona” (or “archaeologists Dimona”) for that. I apologize that the CC is less than perfect, but it’s pretty close.

Georgia Voting Law – unbelievable.

From yesterday – no one is more moving to me than the King family members. (And there’s no ad at the end, so it’s all good)

My bestie in Florida is probably beating her head against the wall in frustration – she knew all this for years At least she says she’s safe (her home)

VoteVets – held over from yesterday because the last thing we needed on Easter was more Gaetzgate.

Teachers and students …

13 Things My Black Cat’s Good At…


Happy MLK Day!

 Posted by at 11:00 am  Holiday, Politics
Jan 182021


It was a pleasure to work with Dr. King on Vietnam Summer.  Of all the people I have met in my life, he stands head and shoulders above the rest.

In addition to I Have a Dream, you should also watch Beyond Vietnam.  I was in Riverside Baptist Church.  After the speech, we formed the organizing committee for Vietnam Summer.  The policies he outlined are what we are still fighting to achieve today and challenged the far right to murder him.


I trust that this is the first time Dr. King has observed this remembrance washout grieving since 2013. I rejoice that he is rejoicing today!

Aug 282020


Martin Luther King, Jr. influenced my political thinking more than any other individual.  I was fortunate to have worked under him on Vietnam Summer and to have been present on the Washington Mall fifty-seven years ago today on August 28, 1963. It’s hard to believe that we are once again fighting the battle to secure the voting rights won as a result of his dream, and to restore them, where racist Republicans are outlawing the right to vote. Will his dream survive? This is almost a repost of last years article.  I updated it to fit the situation today.

Last night Trump* violated the Hatch Act by using the White House Rose Garden as an Republican National Convention prop.  He spewed an unprecedented stream of lies, hate, and racism, while blaming Democrats and Blacks for the plague and economic devastation spread by his own incompetence.  If Trump* can steal the 2020 election, America as we knew it will cease to be.  Never before has there been such a threat that Dr. King’s dream will be destroyed by the Republican Reich!  Will it survive or will defacto slavery, in which Blacks, Latinos and poor Whites slave to serve the interests of greedy Republican billionaires and corporate criminals? The choice is Dr. Kings dream or a permanent National Socialist Republican Reich.  The outcome of that choice depends on what YOU do NOW!



52 Years Ago

 Posted by at 11:13 am  Editorial, Politics
Apr 042020

Fifty two years ago today I had “cleaned up for Gene”, sort of, and was working on his campaign, while fighting to keep SDS nonviolent.  Back then, the world was not connected the way it it now.  I did not watch TV every day, so I did not learn until sometime the next day that my hero and friend had been murdered.  Barack Obama joined John Lewis in a tribute to his legacy.


On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, and Wednesday marks the 50th anniversary of his death. In order to commemorate the occasion, Barack Obama discussed MLK’s legacy with John Lewis and a group of high school students in a new video released by the Obama Foundation.

At the beginning of the video, Lewis recalls where he was when he got the news that King had been shot — in Indianapolis, organizing a rally. Obama tells students from Washington, D.C.’s Ron Brown College Preparatory High School that Lewis was one of the people who made him want to become involved in public life.

“I thought that this would be a good opportunity to connect the people who inspired me with the next generation of young leaders who are going to be doing outstanding things themselves,” Obama tells the students, whose all-male high school grew out of the Obama administration‘s My Brother’s Keeper initiative…

Inserted from <Bustle>

Here’s that video.

Civil Rights leaders remembered him in a CNN interview.

The previous summer I was walking down the hallway after a planning session for one of Dr. King’s Vietnam Summer demonstrations.  Dr. King appeared between two of us and told us how glad he was that young people were dedicated to continue the work after he was gone.  I felt surprised and asked, “Gone?”  He said that he was stirring-up a hornets nest didn’t know how long he would be allowed to live.  In the naivety of youth, I assumed he was kidding.

He was right, of course.  If he had stuck with civil rights, he might have died of old age.  But when he also organized so effectively against the war, and for the poor, he was threatening billionaires’ profit.

It boggles my mind that this was over fifty years ago.  That confronts me with my own mortality.

I’ll hope you’ll invest 43 minute to listen to his last speech, in which he predicted his own death.



Remembering MLK!

 Posted by at 6:16 am  Politics
Jan 202020


It was a pleasure to work with Dr. King on Vietnam Summer.  Of all the people I have met in my life, he stands head and shoulders above the rest.  This is last year’s article.  It is even more applicable today.

Normally, I would wish you a Happy Martin Luther King Day, but my conscience will not allow it at a time when Donald Trump* and the Republican Party have trashed so much of what he accomplished, and today, Dr. King would grieve.  But he would also…

