Jul 092022

Thought it was time to let Mitch regale us with a few humorous photos.

How to get that surly teenager to do his/her chores:



As a follow-up (NOTE: I no longer use the standard medical abbreviation for “Follow Up” of f/u since my nephew gave me a heads up) to my July the 4th post on the use of safer drones for celebrations, I came across these events to buttress the point.  Whether done by the neighbors …

Or professions, like the infamous 2012 San Diego fiasco – “Big Bay Boom” – that went BUST and lasted less than 30 seconds …

Jan 212022

NOTE: An email that Mitch shared inspired me to put this homage together honoring our Canadian friends.


One has to admire the ability of our neighbors to the North to adapt to what might seem like unfortunate conditions – like WINTER!

But not only do they succeed, they do so with a great deal creativity and humor …

And when those Canuck scallywags get mischievous, they do so with a wink and a twinkle in their eye …

Some even display great talent …

But when Old Man Winter hits them with a wallop, they all pitch in to get the job done …

Although occasionally problems do crop up …

And when someone offers something for free, they’re more than happy to take creative advantage of it – even if “Some Assembly” is required …

But you can’t always take their pronouncements literally …

And they will NOT let Winter cheat them out of their entitled summer fun …

While it’s true that many Canucks love to hunt, their approach to our Second Amendment is delightfully unique …


Thanks to our Canadian friends, who have shown they are more than adept at turning lemons into lemonade!

Nov 012021

Originally I was going to add this to my yesterday’s “Boo-tiful Babies” post – but it got to be so long I thought I would spread out the Halloween happiness and post it today.

Mitch was kind enough to send me a video of amazing telekinetic powers that would take my breath away if I were there back then.  One aspect I appreciated is they show you how they accomplished it.

It was created and filmed in 2013 at the ‘sNice Café & Coffee Shop in the West Village.  Mitch indicated that when he lived in NYC he was aware of it.  But sadly, it closed in 2014.  (It’s a cleaners now, which saddened Mitch when I told him.)

Enjoy this very clever and well performed video – courtesy of Mitch!

Oct 012021

Like many of you, I miss the comments and insight that Mitch used to regularly provide here.  (And I remain flummoxed on why he can’t logon to our site anymore.)

I was fortunate to be on his email list where he frequently shares heartwarming stories, articles and photos.  I felt that it’d be nice if we could “keep in touch” with Mitch, even if only virtually and vicariously.  So today’s post is courtesy of Mitch.

A Heartwarming Piper’s Tale

As a bagpiper, I was asked by a local funeral director (with whom I’ve worked before) to play at a graveside service for a homeless man who died all alone, with no family or friends.  The funeral was to be held at a newly opened pauper’s cemetery in the remote countryside near where we live, and the homeless man would be the first person to be laid to rest there.

Sadly, I was not familiar with the backwoods area and became woefully lost.  Not only being male, but also being dressed in my kilt and sporran, I elected not to stop and ask for directions.  I continued to drive around until I finally found it … an hour later.

I saw the backhoe and the digging crew who were taking their lunchbreak, but the hearse and funeral director were nowhere in sight.  I figured they waited as long as possible and finally left.

Embarrassed at being so late and unsure of what exactly to do, I apologized to the workers for interrupting their lunch because of my tardiness, and stepped to the side of the open grave where I saw the vault lid was already in place.

I assured the workers I would not hold them up too long, but felt that I needed to fulfill my obligations.  The workers gathered around while I solemnly began playing my heart out.

As I continued to play the mournful dirges, I could hear the workers begin to quietly weep.  I played like I’d never played before, from Abide with Me, Going Home, Flowers of the Forest, and of course closing with Amazing Grace with the workers joining in song.

Upon finishing and packing up my bagpipe, I headed to my car feeling contrite that I was an hour late and missed the actual service itself.

As I was opening the car door and putting my gear in, one of the workers came up to thank me, saying in a heavy Irish brogue: “Sweet Mary and Joseph, I have never heard nothin’ like that before – and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for over twenty years!”


A Baker’s Dozen Clever Ads and Messages – Courtesy of Mitch
