Mar 072025

Yesterday, as if I needed another problem, Yahoo Mail decided to change its format to onw which is completely unacceptable. So, if you have me in your contacts, please change my email address to I’ll have to have the yahoo account open for a while because for at least some things I subscribe to the only way the change the address is subscribe under the new address and unsubscribe under the old one – and there doesn’t seem to be any simple way to transfer contacts. Because I work ahead you can expect new posts for a few days at least – and if I need to take some days off, I recommend checking at one of the following – Talking Points Memo, The Contrarian, or ProPublica. The first two are good at looking at and picking up a wide spectrum of news. The last is strong on doing its own investigations and digging up the dirt. Y’all mostly also have your own sources and may not need to come here, and that’s fine. I’m subbing a Randy Rainbow for Belle today to give myself an extra day’s time – I have started it just after the advertising – but his sponsor, Ground News appears to be another good general source, so there’s that.

Steve Schmidt has a daughter who is a career skiier. After JD Vance went skiing, she sent this rant to her dad, who published it Wednesday. (When I saw the title, I thought of “jerry” as being the World War II term for Nazis among English speaking allied countries. But it is a skiing term and apparently unrelated to the WWII usage.) I find a righteous rant cathartic – if you don’t, feel free to skip this one.

I didn’t watch the State of the Union address Tuesday. I have enough trouble watching speeches by people who are competent. I also figured if I was encouraging my Dem Senators to boycott it (which they didn’t), I was more than justified in doing so myself. I did, after the fact, hear about Al Green, though not in as much detail as here in The F* News, including the details of the consequences and/or lack thereof for comparable acts historically. I think it’s important to give him credit for the courage which so many of our elected representatives in both Houses seem to lack. Of course they have voted to censure him. Barf.

And speaking of attention – certainly any honest outlet (which Axios more or less is) which came upon this information is doing the right thing to release it immediately. But I can’t help but wonder how much of it will disappear in the fallout from the SotU and other distractions.

May 192024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “The Hours” by Kevin Puts. Its world premier was just last season. I’m not going to try to describe the plot because it isn’t really a plot. It looks at the lives of three different women in three different time periods, all of whom have some connection to Virginia Woolf. One is Virginia Woolf, one (in the 1950s) is reading Virginia Woolf, and one (in the 1990s) is compared to Virginia Woolf. The opera jumps around a lot between them (I believe they call it being “interwoven”), so it’s next to impossible to follow if you aren’t able to see it. But it’s nice to listen to, and one can always get the book or the movie if one wants more details.  Now I’m off to see Virgil.

This has nothing to do with anything really, except that it’s a good reminder not to simplify people. Most people are complex and many-sided, but it’s not always easy to see that or to bring it out. (Yes, it’s the NYT, but it’s a gift link.)

Beau led me to this site – it’s delivered in a way suggestive of fun (at least if you like Bingo) but has some genuine information.

May 122024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Madama Butterfly. I assume everyonehas at least heard of it and maybe something from it, even if not the whole thing. Certainly from the song “Poor Butterfly” all the way to “M(onsieur) Butterfly on broadway, creative artists have assumed that everyone knows the story (which is probably as old as humanity, though the odlest i can trace it to is “Madame Chrysantheme” by Pierre Loti, which itself inspired the opera “Lakmé,” set in india with an English cad, whereas of course Butterfly is set in Japan with an American cad. It’s always beautiful to listen to, and always makes everyone cry, which “Lakmé” doesn’t necessarily/ I’m pretty sure that’s because somewhere between Loti and Puccini the detail got added of her having birthed a child in his absence, and that really ups the stakes. It also makes the opera more difficult to produce, but everyone stages it anyway. Totally unrelated, but May 12, today, always reminds me of my (very) long ago youth. In my last year of high school and my first couple of years of college I enjoyed playing bridge, and preferred the high school club even after graduation because the college one was duplicate bridge, and very, very serious. You know kids that age – we all thought we were clever. We had nicknames for certain kinds of tricks, such as one where all the cards were honor cards was called a “Summit Conference.” A trick where three cards were honor cards and one not was called a “May 12th, because, on May 12, 1960, Khrushchev had walked out on a summit conference – and that was such a short time before it was practically still news.

Well, this is interesting. Sure too bad this didn’t come out earlier.

There’s a whole lot of information here, and some, but not all, of the snippets which follow the longer first section have some relevance to that section.

May 092024

Yesterday, Douglas County High bowed to community pressure. I had not mentioned this earlier, but the back story is that they thought it would be nice to have their graduation ceremony this year at the Air Force Academy. Douglas County is one of two counties just north of mine; it’s the one that’s mostly mountain, while the other is mostly plains. Still, someone had the brain and spine to point out that if graduation was held at the Academy, undocumented students would not be able to attend their own graduation. (Also non-citizens without passports and family members with a prior felony conviction would not be able to attend.) So they have moved it again, this time to Parker, CO. The letter announcing the change sounds a little grudging to me, but they say actions speak louder than words, so I’ll take it.

If this doesn’t make you angry, I don’t know what will. It would appear Kahn sees Sulzberger the way MAGAs see Trump**. Or maybe the way he sees Trump**. Whatever, it’s not good.

It really is no wonder that Trump** thinks a President can do anything he wants to when so many voters think that Joe Biden can do anything he wants to. I know, I’m the one who put up the meme comparing Joe to wizards, but the fact he is but a decent and law-abiding human being. If he could wave a wand or stomp the floor with a staff or flash a light saber and by doing so achieve peace in the Middle East, I’m sure he would do so (and also in Ukraine.)But he can’t. There are laws and rules he has to respect. Robert Hubbell understands that.

May 072024

Yesterday, I received an Axios alert emai telling me that Bernie Sanders is running for reelection. Good. I’m not a big fan of Axios editorially, but their alerts are usually the first time a nugget of news hits my inbox. I also received an email from the National Popular Vote Compact that Maine has joined. They are working steadily in other states as well. I wouldnn’t get my hopes up too high, but it’s close enough now that it would not be impossible for us to have enough states by November.

Some details here I haven’t seen elsewhere. Of course that may be just me.

As angry as we all were and are to learn that Clarence Thomas – and other justices – have failed todisclose high-dollar gifts from billionaires, I think we’d rather know about it than not know about it. Certainly the Pulitzer Prize people would.. They have awarded Pro Publica the Gold Medal for Public Service for breaking the story.

May 022024

Yesterday, going through my email, I came across this headline at Wonkette: “Does It Count As A ‘Post-Birth Abortion’ When DeSantis Takes Away A Sick Child’s Healthcare?” Good question. It certanly seems like it should, doesn’t it?

Heather Cox Richardson writes about the interview with Trump** in Time magazine. I don’t subscribe to Time, so this is a convenience to me – horrifying as it is. Feel free to share it widely.

Joe Biden is certainly trying to extend humanitarian aid as widely as possible. This is such a difficult situation for anyone wanting to bring peace to the middle east – because the hostilities go back literally thousands of years – and both sides are wrong – and both sides are right. (Well, not Netanyahu – but he is not the whole side. And that’s a big part of the problem.)

Having bought and sold one house in North Carolina, handling my mother’s estate, buying the home i am currently living in anf refinancing it twice or three times, and also having at least signed petitions concerning the difficulty of black voters, especially in the American South, for getting voter ID – so many with no birth certificates – that these situations would have occurred to me as a problem. It didn’t, because privilege. But having now been told about it, I can certainly see the potential for massive Jim Crow abuse.

May 012024

On Monday, Steve Schmidt’s two related articles got me thinking about the church during my lifetime, in which time there have been 7 popes: Pius XII, John XXIII (the one under whom I became a Catholic), Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and now Francis. Of them, only two IMO were any good: John and Francis (I think John Paul I might have been, but he only lived 30 days after election, so it’s not easy to tell.) “Catholic” is Greek for “universal” or, as we now say, “big tent,” and the bigger the tent, the more likely there will be rogues in it. That’s just a fact. But that’s one of the things the papacy is for – to correct the rogues. Not as was done for so long, by burning them alive, but through counseling. And if that doesn’t work – well, that’s what excomminication is for. Not every Catholic agrees with me on that, and that’s fine – a big tent is supposed to be big. It’s just how I feel, and it may be because I’m more aware of the dangers of – shall we say, allowing poisonous serpents around the house. And stories like this one – well, I’m sure y’all can see where I’m coming from.

Steve Schmidt is pissed, and so am I.  He posted two articles on this, one with more background, the other with more details on this assault.  Grrrr.

I can only hope this “Founders Sing” video (NSFW) about Don Snorleone (AKA the Nodfather) will alleviate some of the sting from the first article.

Apr 292024

Yesterday, Trinete was by. She brought in my mail and took out my trash (and recyclables). We (I only helped a little) dismantled a chair which was broken beyond repair (my trash company doesn’t take furniture, but if we dismantle it andsend it out a little at a tim, it gets taken.) She says “Hi!” to all.

Friday night’s letter from Heather Cox Richardson summarized last week. Much of is is familiar, but there are one or two things which, as far as I can tell, flew under the radar.

Steve Schmidt writes about the new movie, “Bad Faith,” about the rise of Christian Nationalism and how dangerous it is. He provides a link to the trailer, as well as the locations where it can be streamed. It’s meant to be frightening, and it is, because Christian Nationalism is – well, I’ll say demonic. You an ake that as a metaphor or however you wish.

Long, but the length is necessary for the topic
