Feb 242025

Yesterday, Virgil and I played cribbage – and did some reminiscing about Fred, which was bittersweet. His legacy – the station announced his passing on Thursday and started then playing comments from other announcers, former announcers, the manager, former managers, and listeners about their memories. They continued all day Friday – except for a two-hour special featuring more comments and his favorite music. Than they continued interspersing comments all day Saturday (except for the opera – it runs live so there’s no way for an individual station to carve out any time, and besides, Fred would have hated that – he loved opera at least as much as I do – probably more.) Then yesterday it continued. It may continue today. I’m certainly not tired of it.

There is a lot of good-to-know information in this The F* News article. The Governor of Maine is just the hors d’oeuvres, if you will. What convinced me to post it was its explanation, complete with links to evidence, of why having a Medicare Advantage plan is literally paying for the privilege of having your claims denied.

I don’t watch network TV, or any TV really – if you do, you’ve likely heard that Joy Reid (Th Reid Out) has been fired from MSN. I expect some of you have already given up on MSN – numerous people at site I read which allow comments certainly have. I still feel that Lawrence and Nicolle are valuable, and also Rachel is back daily, I believe for the first hundred days of the present administration only, but it’s something. I also note – at the link – that Meidas Touch offered her a position before the ink was dry on the pink slip (metaphor – I know no one uses ink on paper any more.) I personally find Meidas Touch difficult to listen to, but I know that’s just me, and I am extremely grateful for the work they are doing.

Nov 142024

Yesterday, I made it in time to my appointment with my new PCP which I feel went well. I will be gettin prescriptions renewed ASAP which is good, since I’m out of 3 of the 4 now. After my last previous post, I found that I could “check in” on line in advance, and boy, was I glad of that. It was a detaiiled medical history they wanted and took much longeer than the 20 minutes they had told me to arrive early. I even got a chuckle at one point when they listed surgeries I might have had and had me check which nes I had had, and there was no way yo write it “removal of endometrioma,” so I checked “C-section” and had a comments section to explain in. Dr. Woody is very nice and so is her – I’m not sure what the qualification level is, so I’ll say her sidekick. The whole thing is a great load off my mind. Coming home and looking at my emails, I see that the Apricot Antichrist is appointing abunch of – I won’t say clowns, because clowns are better than that – laughingstocks to his administration. I won’t go into that, I’m sure you have seen them too. I literaly did laugh out loud over a couple – a “laugh so you won’t cry” kind of laugh.

This is Joyce Vance‘s “The Week Ahead” column from last Sunday. But it might just as easily be called “The Month Ahead” or “The Year Ahead.” So I won’t apologize for not posting it earlier. There is some inspiration in it along woth advice.

Atlanta Black Star. And they mock us for having feelings. But they are the ones whose feelings – all negative – are constantly getting out of control.

Talking Points Memo. Yeah, most of these prosecutions were at the Federal level. But any that may have been at state – or district – level should stand.

Oct 032022

Yesterday, it was kind of quiet. I finished getting my meds together for the next two weeks (I had had to use one of my spares the previous night – but I replaced it in the filling process, and anyway, that’s why I keep spares.) I got an email from Virgil’s facility asking for a new application to visit, and the tone was almost apologetic. I did vaguely know that the public facilities kept their own, but all those years he was in private facilities, they were kept at the DOC headquarters, and therefore transferred, and I got spoiled. I emailed it to her by return, along with my request to visit the 9th.. She won’t see it until today, but that’s fine.

Also, I heard from Mitch.  He used my name in the greeting, so I don’t know whether he sent it to others, and therefore will quote it in full:

We were in Pa. since the 23rd of Sept.,  did not decide to extend our time in Pa., but the airline and Tampa airport did, wisely closing on Thursday.  We could not get a flight back from Trenton, at all so flew out of Philly, this morning, after 2 nice days staying with friends, and have been home since something like 3:00 PM, here.  All is well, here, but we do not know what is going on with a cousin
of Susan’s, who lives in Venice Beach.
Our area didn’t get much impact, though, interestingly, the water in Hillsboro Bay got sucked
out for a while, the other day.

Cartoon – 03 Rob Roy

Short Takes –

It’s Not Just Ginni Thomas But Roberts’ And Coney Barrett’s Spouses, Too
Quote – Jane Roberts’ clients include lawyers or law firms sometimes with active Supreme Court practices, at least some of which were more likely to work with her because of her status as the chief justice’s spouse…. Justice Amy Coney Barrett redacted the clients and even the name of her husband’s law firm in her disclosure, even though he is featured prominently on the firm’s website.
Click through for story. Figuring that C&L would have at least glanced at other spouse, I didn’t, but I did look up Neil Gorsuch’s mother, being old enough to remember when she was decimating the EPA under Reagan. She’s dead now, but I noted that she was Catholic, so I looked up his religion. He is Protestant now, but was raised Catholic. His doctoral supervisor when he was at Oxford was a priest.

Oregon Capital Chronicle – Under federal $1 billion agreement, Oregon will expand Medicaid coverage
Quote – Under a new agreement, the federal government will give Oregon $1.1 billion to guarantee continued free health care coverage to tens of thousands of young children in households with low incomes and offer wider coverage to low-income young adults, especially those with special needs. The agreement, announced Wednesday in a conference call with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services officials and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, also includes expanding Medicaid coverage to include housing and food support.
Click through for more details. This actually brought me to tears – because TomCat would have been so proud! Oregon leads the way!

Food For Thought

Feb 152020

It’s another tired day here in the CatBox.  I slept well last night, but I’m pretty run down from a sleep deficit.  I need more.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, so please expect no more than an Open Thread.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:Today’s took me 3:30 (average 4:57).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Michael Moore: ‘Trump Is Very Beatable’ In 2020

Who remembers that Michael warned us that Trump* would beat Hillary in 2016? It pleases me to see him say that several Democrats can beat Trump* in 2020, if we do our share. Trump is not worthy of fear, unless Putin successfully puts him in again. The Democratic Party cannot afford to ignore any state in 2020!  RESIST!!

From Alternet: “Again, Joni Ernst has shown that she is willing to push our families into poverty with a smile. The programs she plans to cut are a lifeline for millions of Americans. She should be ashamed.”

Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa told donors at a fundraiser in Washington, D.C. last March that federal spending on non-discretionary programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security is “out of control” and will require “changes” in the future.

That’s according to a 55-second audio clip published Wednesday by Iowa Starting Line. In the recording, Ernst is asked by an attendee whether she is on board with Sen. David Perdue’s (R-Ga.) call for cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.

“I think we all are because we understand that our non-discretionary spending is growing like this,” replied Ernst, who is up for reelection in 2020. “Everyone focuses on discretionary spending because that is what we can control in Congress. The rest is on autopilot and is out of control. We have to figure out ways to honor the commitments that have been made, but make changes for the future. How we do that, I don’t know.”

Progressive advocacy group Social Security Works tweeted that “changes” is “code for massive cuts.”

Joni Pig Nuts isn’t alone in this. When it comes to slashing YOUR Medicare and Medicaid, the entire Republican Reich want to cut off YOUR nuts and more!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): the kinks- you really got me

Ah… The memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 242020

Since Vladimir Putin [R-RU] and the Republican Reich helped Donald Trump* steal the White House, he hasn’t changed much.  He has a penchant for saying whatever he thinks his audience want to here.  On the campaign trail in 2016, his handlers knew that he could not endorse Paul Lyin’ Ryan’s standard Republican plan to gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  If he had, he could never have gotten close enough to steal the election.  However, at Davos, talking to fat cats, he forgot that he’s campaigning again, and said what he really thinks.

When President Trump suggested to an interviewer at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland that he would, “at some point,” look at cutting entitlement programs, his Democratic critics seized on the comments as evidence that Mr. Trump would gut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in a second term.

Even as the impeachment trial is underway, Trump is still talking about cutting your Social Security,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, said at the beginning of a news conference that was ostensibly about the Senate impeachment trial.

The Democratic super PAC Priorities USA posted on Twitter about Mr. Trump’s remarks, and others contrasted his statement with his 2016 campaign pledge not to touch entitlement programs…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Is President Donald Trump Open To Making Medicare Cuts?

This was an obvious gaffe. While running off at the mouth, Fuhrer Trump* confirmed his support for Republican dogma. He and the rest of the Republican Reich want to give seniors the RepubliCare Death Benefit. If seniors can’t pay for care, or for rent or for food, Republicans will allow to die for free! However, they will charge for corpse disposal.

