Jun 252021

This week we had a wonderful opportunity to watch Matt Gaetz violate Molly Ivins “The First Rule of Holes”

“When You’re in One – Stop Digging”


It began on Wednesday when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, appeared before the House Armed Services Committee and was questioned by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) using unsubstantiated claims (BTW – when do Rethuglicans EVER provide proof of their claims?) concerning Critical Race Theory and the military being “Woke” – the “Culture Wars Topics du Jour” for the GQP.

Gen. Milley was having none it – and soundly schools Gaetz, making him shake his head:



Totally oblivious to the fact that Gen. Milley made him look like an idiot, Gaetz tried to recover the next day with this insulting Tweet:

(With Generals like this it’s no wonder we’ve fought considerably more wars than we’ve won.)

Clearly Gaetz is NOT familiar with Molly Ivins’ “The First Rule of Holes”.

[SIDEBAR: Realizing it’s hard to keep up with all the shenanigans of Gaetz, and since some of the Comments require a bit of background knowledge, I’ll just quickly note that Gaetz used his Venmo account to pay Joel Greenberg $900 to procure underage girls for sex … with both of them.]


So let’s enjoy how the Twitterverse took Gaetz to task.  And for the sake of saving some space, I’ll just provide the comment followed by a link to it, rather than embedding the whole thing.

Hey, @mattgaetz, see those stripes on Gen Milley’s right sleeve? Each one represents 6 months in combat. Sec. Def. Austin has more, but they aren’t on his suit. You really want to do this?


Yeah, but …

Each stripe on Matt Gaetz’s shirts represents 6 Venmo transactions.


(I’ve Combined a couple very similar ones together)

WE’VE fought”???!??!

Sorry, didn’t realize that committing sexual assault on minors and then paying them off was a “war”.  Sure, Venmo privacy settings can be a bit tricky – but I wouldn’t call it a “war”.



Fought more wars than we won? Seriously?

MATT, your “country”, the Confederacy, fought exactly one war … and you LOST.

Oh, Wait … you are counting the American Civil War as a loss for your side, aren’t you?



Thank you for your service Matt.  BTW, what was your role in the military? Child procurement specialist? Or Disinformation Specialist First Class?


I guess you can now officially strike “Support the military” from your fake platform


But if really want to honor the military, please have a seat and sign on the dotted line …

So the guy who’s spent years getting his Daddy to make his DUIs disappear and paying child sex traffickers to get laid now has some thoughts about how to run the military.


Matt, the Dude embarrassed you. LOL Which is kinda hard to do at this point seeing as how you’re being investigated for f\/cking teenagers


Says the only congressman to vote against child sex trafficking laws.


And remember: With congressmen like you, it’s no wonder teenage girls need to remain vigilant for pedophile predators.

For guys who hate education, Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz sure do spend a lot of time getting schooled.


So it looks like Matt Gaetz is EVERYTHING republicans were hoping Hunter Biden would be.

Besides Molly Ivins’ “The First Rule of Holes” lesson, one would hope the Florida Guy  also learned:

“Never bring a Matt Gaetz to a Gen. Milley fight.”
