Feb 142020

Poor Donnie – he just can NOT compete with the Obamas. Barack and Michelle’s production company, Higher Ground, won its first Academy Award for Best Documentary this past week with “American Factory”.

And we can be sure that *Rump will not even be nominated for Best Makeup Artist anytime soon … or probably forever! And here’s the proof:

Of course, the Innertubes were not going to let this low-hanging fruit go by without picking it clean.

Some Trumpkins think that the late Bob Ross of PBS paint-instructor fame got a little heavy-handed with the orange on a portrait of Donnie …

But before we get too deep into it, let’s establish that this is NOT Photoshopped – as pics taken at the same time by other photographers prove:

(Although the original Tweeter, White House Photos, does explain s/he used Apple’s smartphone photo app to adjust the color.)

And besides, this is not the first time an obvious fake tan line has been documented. Here’s photo of *Rump at his 2019 Christmas party:


So let’s enjoy some of the fruits of the Intertubes’ labor.

In an apparent attempt to try to improve the situation, the original poster simply converted the photo to black-and-white – but I doubt that it was an improvement:

In fact, it reminded me of the movie “Cast Away” when Tom Hanks created his “friend” from that Wilson volleyball that washed ashore – and appropriately named it “Wilson”.

One kind soul tried to explain that *Rump wasn’t finished with his foundation makeup yet:

Other, more reality-based souls, were not so charitable in their assessments:

Then again, maybe *Rump just stood too close to a fence hole

We’ve all seen that color-coded card cartoon letting the police know if a person should be charged with a crime or let go because they’re white. But it’s now been updated to accommodate Donnie:

And of course you knew someone was going to compare him to the Oompa Loompas:

A lot of people are saying that Donnie just fell for that old “Banana-in-the-Tailpipe” gag …

But my favorite was the exploding cigar one with Bugs Bunny:

Susan Collins will be glad to hear that there is one lesson I learned from all this: He’s actually looks much better WITH the spray tan! Someone did Photoshop the picture by simply removed the orange coloring, and then you end up getting this:

And if you also take away that architectural hairdo, you get this:

So which do you think is better?  Spray tan, or NO spray tan?

[EDITOR’S NOTE:  I’m going to take off the next two Fridays.  The week after next I have out-of-town guests coming in and staying for extended visit, and I need to do some serious cleaning so the house doesn’t look like the after-effects of a debauched fraternity party.  Unfortunately my OCD does not extend to cleaning.]
