Apr 212022

Yesterday, it occurred to me that one of these days,  am going to set up and schedule an Open Thread where the top of the post just says “Yesterday,” and nothing else.  Fortunately, today is not that day.  But I’m sure it will come.  When it does (maybe more than once), don’t worry about me.  If I managed to get everything else up, I’ll be fine.  I just meant to fill that in early, got scatterbrained, and forgot to go back and finish it.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Democratic Underground (Smackdown 2019) – Hawley needs to reconsider!
Quote – Cease and desist order was given to Senator Hawley last month and he has yet to comply over copyright infringement laws. What might be the issue? A national media photographer took that famous picture of the Senator with his raises fist before he was to vote against President Biden win over Trump. That photo is being sold by Hawley.
Click through, and do scroll down the comments. There is a variant on that photo in one comment which needs to be seen. Accidental violations of copyright can be atoned for … but copyright and other forms of intellectual property shold not be messed with.

The 19th – ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bills aren’t new. They’ve just been revived.
Quote – [Logan Casey, senior policy researcher and adviser for the MAP] said the bills are relics of the AIDS crisis, when panic about homosexuality dictated school curriculum. It also dates back to the infamous “Save Our Children” campaign led by activist Anita Bryant in the 1970s to overturn anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people in Miami, Florida. “Once the HIV epidemic came into the picture, then a bunch of states started considering and enacting laws that banned instruction on sexuality and homosexuality in public education, channeling this ‘Save Our Children’ campaign energy and the fear and prejudice during the HIV epidemic,” Casey said.
Click through for more history. “Republican lawmakers say the new spate of curriculum bills allow parents to decide what their children learn about sexuality at a young age,” which is incredibly naive. It will aactually insure that children lean fictions from their peers rather than facts from responsible adults. (It will also make them more vulnerable to sexual abuse.)

Trump[**]’s Nightmare Song Should Be “Georgia On My Mind”
Quote – You’ll notice that there is a dead month from May 30 to June 1st, when the panel will begin hearing testimony. But it isn’t really a dead month. Willis will be able to use it to present evidence before the grand jury to obtain search warrants and subpoenas. This will empower her investigation to move farther, faster. But Willis dangled a little bit more.
Click through for both the background and the new teasers. This is good news. Glenn will be talking about it also – I’m not sure when that will pop up on the Video thread, since I try to keep his videos consecutive.

Food For Thought

Apr 202022

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump’s “Hub-and-Spoke” Conspiracy to Overturn the 2020 Presidential Election: An Explainer

The Lincoln Project – Still Loyal to Putin

MSNBC – The Reid Out – Malcolm Nance [I can make it starts when he starts, but I can’t make it end when he ends. So when you get to about 11:12, feel free to stop it.

Liberal Redneck – Singin’ Plane Christians and Ilhan Omar

Cracked – If Chocolate Commercials Were Honest

German Shepherd Carries Cat Toy Around The House For The New Kitten To Play With

Beau – Let’s talk about shifting demographics….

Apr 192022

Glenn Kirschner – Stephen Miller Testifies to J6 Panel: How might he have criminal exposure? Let us count the ways.

The Lincoln Project – Abbott’s Wall –

Voice of America – Ukraine Refuses to Surrender Besieged Mariupol to Russian Forces

Thom Hartmann – Will SCOTUS Turn America Into A Theocracy?


Beau – Let’s talk about Patrick Lyoya in Grand Rapids….

Apr 182022

Glenn Kirschner – Rep. Raskin says J6 committee has evidence of crimes that have “not yet been alleged”

The Lincoln Project – Affinity

VOA News – FACT CHECK: Russia Misrepresents Ukraine Farm Drones as Chemical Weapon

Truth Matters – The Copfather

Robert Reich – How to Stop Profiteering and Get Money in Your Pocket

Mark Fiore – Republicans: Still All-In With Trump

Beau – Let’s talk about the Air Force sending a message…. (and WHAT a message!)

Apr 182022

Yesterday,, being Easter, I more or less relaxed.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Teri Kanefield – It’s Not About “Faith”
Quote – One point I keep making is that rule of law is difficult. It’s frustrating. It strives for fairness but isn’t always fair. Perfect fairness is not possible on Earth, where human beings are flawed, and there is constant pushback from those who prefer autocracy. This causes people to grow cynical and reject democracy. But the only real alternative is autocracy. “Confidence in democratic institutions” doesn’t mean “faith that we always get what we want” or “faith that courts will reach the right results.”
Click through for full argument. I found this through “Crooks and Liars” blog roundup.

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Dismissal of Devin Nunes Defamation Claim Over 2019 CNN Report
Quote – Nunes had originally sued in federal court in Virginia, but a federal judge, citing concerns about “form shopping” and noting that there was “no logical connection between the events in this case and this district,” transferred the case to New York. Chief U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain dismissed Nunes’ claim in February 2021. Swain found that California law should apply to Nunes’ case, since that is where he lived and would have presumably suffered the greatest damage to his reputation. In applying California law, Swain further found that Nunes had failed to meet the statutory requirement that a plaintiff alleging defamation must make a written demand for a retraction within a short period of time after publication. Nunes had not done so, and Swain determined that he could not maintain his claim.
Click through for details. I’m sure Dairy Devin doesn’t think so , but I find this funny AF.  “Musical states,” anyone?

Florida rejects 54 math textbooks over ‘prohibited topics’ including critical race theory
Quote – Florida’s education department has rejected 54 mathematics textbooks from next year’s school curriculum, citing alleged references to critical race theory among a range of reasoning for some of the rejections, officials announced. The department said in a news release Friday that some of the books had been rejected for failure to comply with the state’s content standards, Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking [Best], but that 21% of the books were disallowed “because they incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT”.
Click through for what little detail the state was willing to provde. Heaven knows what they think CRT is – but, whatever they think, it isn’t that.

Food For Thought:

Apr 172022

(Putting this before Glenn – because it was recorded before the verdict, and Glenn recorded after it)
Ring of Fire – MAGA Rioter Says Trump ‘Authorized’ The Attack On The Capitol

Glenn Kirschner – Insurrectionist Dustin Thompson Testifies he was following Trump”s Orders, Jury Finds Him Guilty

Meidas Touch – CAUGHT: Top Republicans Endorse Putin | #PutinsParty

MSNBC – What’s Behind The RNC’s Decision To Quit Presidential Debates

NJ Spotlight News- Creating Pysanky: The Unbelievable Art Behind Ukrainian Easter Eggs

This Is The Tiniest Baby Bunny In The World (of course you knew I had to)

Beau – Let’s talk about Russia’s long-term futures….

Apr 162022

Glenn Kirschner – NC Authorities Remove Mark Meadows from Voter Rolls Amidst Fraud Investigation: An Update

Bill Beowder is convincing the world that Vladimir Putin will stop at nothing to remain in power (Yes, I had this in the Open Thread yesterday. And then I found this.

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

MSNBC – Rep. Raskin: Jan. 6 Panel’s Report Will Be ‘Agonizing And Riveting’

Farron Balanced – Former Madison Cawthorn Voters Say He’s Now Come ‘Unscrewed’

Tiny, Scared Puppy Falls In Love With A 120-Pound Great Dane

Beau – Let’s talk about questions on Russia’s failure….

Apr 152022

Glenn Kirschner – One Govt Official, LT GOV Benjamin, Indicted for Bribery While Another, Trump, Remains Unindicted

The Lincoln Project – Enabler In Chief

The Damage Report – Virginia GOP Caught For Vile Racist Tirade

Ojeda LIVE – The WORST in Congress? MTG & MC square off in the battle for the most vile imbeciles of the House

Armageddon Update – What Happened to Us?

Phone-Sized Kitten Turns Guy Into A Cat Person

Beau – Let’s talk about why the West is slow-walking the sanctions….
