Yesterday, Besides getting this and the Videos up for today, I also worked on getting them ready for tomorrow, so that I can spend more of today on geting ready, and getting enough sleep to go see Virgil.
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
Talking Points Memo – DOJ Signals Another Step Toward Broadening Jan. 6 Probe To Focus On Bigger MAGA Fish
Quote – Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe, who spoke to TPM last month about Garland’s slow pace in the Jan. 6 probe, tweeted on Wednesday that [Thomas] Windom’s appointment shows that the attorney general is “NOT asleep at the switch.”
Click through for more. TPM seems to be the only otlet talking about this. But we can hope everyone else is distracted by the shiny objects of Kevin and Marj and Ron and Disney.
Robert Reich – Zelensky patriotism, Putin patriotism, Trump patriotism
Quote – We recoil in horror as Putin and his forces wreak havoc and death on Ukraine — before our eyes and in real time. Both Putin and Ukraine President Zelensky repeatedly invoke “nationalism” and “patriotism,” but Putin’s nationalism and patriotism are manufactured to justify this brutal and unprovoked aggression while Zelensky’s words explain astonishing sacrifices now being made by ordinary Ukrainians to protect their freedom, democracy, and homeland. Donald Trump uses the same words, too — as do his acolytes in the Republican Party. His version of national patriotism is closer to Putin’s than to Zeleneky’s.
Click through for explanations. I’m glad he isn’t ready to give u on the word, but sadly, I am. I’ve seen too many words destroyed.
Crooks and Liars – Disabled Voters Don’t Exist
Quote – The Wisconsin Supreme Court finally got to hearing the case last week, after people had their rights denied. It was during this hearing that things went from bad to the stupefying ridiculous. Rick Esenberg, the head of WILL tried to deny that people like [Martha] Chambers [who has been paralyzed from the neck down following a horseback riding accident 27 years ago] even existed
Click through for the full story if you can bear to. This literally beought me to tears.
Food For Thought