May 022022

Glenn Kirschner – With Trump’s admission that he alone oversaw Calamari’s compensation, DA Bragg’s action even worse

MSNBC – Lawrence: U.S. Senate Is A Fundamentally, Relentlessly, Permanently Undemocratic Institution

Lincoln Project – The GOP Isn’t Interested

Meidas Touch – Biden ROASTS Trump and Fox News at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Really American – GOP Lawmaker Says Rape is “Opportunity” For Women


Beau – Let’s talk about Romney, bribes, and cancelling debt….

May 012022

Glenn Kirschner – Atlantic article: Why it’s a smart political calculation for Republicans to say, “Trump’s a Loser”

Lincoln Project – Laughing

Meidas Touch (ICYMI) – Trump REVEALS Fear of Being Killed by Fruit During Sworn Deposition | Tony REACTS!

MSNBC – Lawrence: Ron DeSantis Is $1 Billion Stupider Than We Thought

VoteVets – John McCain Called Out Rand Paul As A Russian Asset Long Ago

Brent Terhune – Praying on Planes (Once again his satire is so brilliant you may be tempted to think he’s for real.)

Beau – Let’s talk about getting banned books for free….

May 012022

Yesterday, the radio opera was Madama Butterfly. That was the first opera I saw live (I was eight.) Then, when I was in college, I took the 12-year-old across the street to see it as her first opera. (The San Francisco Opera at that time had a “Spring Opera” season which was so affordable I could pay for two season ticket sof box seats out of my allowance.) Special for both of us. The tenor playing Pinkerton always gets asked how he approaches the character – this one I think nailed the concept -he plays him as “21 and stupid.” (He left out entitled, but that can be assumed, I think.) He really can’t be played as a villain, and especially not from the beginning. But the damage done by entitled stupidity is no less than that done by a villain in the end. One aria in particular is very famous and has been heard by myriads of people who have never thought f opera in their like – “Un bel di vedremo” (or just “Un bel di’).

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The 19th – Autistic people have been excluded from advocacy conversations. Julia Bascom is changing that.
Quote – April is Autism Acceptance Month, marked by hashtags, charity fundraising and celebrity parent interviews. Many articles will highlight autism hiring initiatives or, increasingly, famous people who are autistic themselves. You won’t see Julia Bascom in most Autism Acceptance Month coverage or any major ad campaigns. This is somewhat by design — she prefers not to be interviewed. Autism can make speaking difficult or draining for some, Bascom said. “In high school, I was a theater kid, but I primarily did stage managing. I like getting stuff done. I don’t like things being about me,” she told The 19th.
Click through for story. Back in the day when I was doing nursing home sing-alongs, a friend who sometimes helped told me she could not go to a niursing home without feeling overwhelmed by the years and years of contributions to the community that these peole represent. I try to take that to heart. Anyone and everyone can and does contribute. Something Republicans will never understand … mostly because they don’t want to.

Mother Jones – A San Francisco Public Defender Explains What the Media Are Getting Wrong About the “Crime Wave”
Quote – Earlier this month, Peter Calloway, a San Francisco deputy public defender and a resident of the Tenderloin neighborhood (where earlier this year, citing drug overdoses, Mayor London Breed declared a state of emergency) went viral for a twitter thread that showed just how little basis the narrative [that San Francisco is plagued by overwhelmng crime rates] has in reality. A week later, the San Francisco Chronicle backed Calloway up with even more statistics, writing: “The data shows that crime shifted dramatically during the pandemic. But now that San Francisco is returning to pre-pandemic behavior, so are its crime rates.” It’s worth noting that cities with more old-school law-and-order prosecutors—including Sacramento, where District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert, who is running for state attorney general on a more lock them up approach, governs—aren’t safe havens. In 2020, eight out of ten of the states with the highest murder rates were controlled by Republicans.
Click through for details. I pray that Boudin succeeds in dodging this recall with an even stronger showing than the first one.

Crooks and Liars – Another Oath Keeper Pleads Guilty To Seditious Conspiracy
Quote – This might be a good time to reflect on Jamie Raskin’s framing of the insurrection as 3 circles of sedition. The outer circle is the general public caught up in the fray. The middle circle consists of Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and the inner circle are those people in government who assisted. As Raskin noted in his speech, the circles sometimes overlap. In this case, Ulrich is solidly in the second circle. My sense of things is that we haven’t even begun to understand the ways these circles intertwine, but there can be no question about the fact that January 6th wasn’t just a riot.
Click through. If he is facing 20 years, possibly 20 + 20, in a plea deal, what might the sentence have been without the deal?It would appear his testimony is likely to be valuable.

Food For Thought

Apr 302022

Glenn Kirschner – More audiotapes show Republicans McCarthy, Gaetz, Scalise and Mo Brooks feeding on one another

Meidas Touch – Catholic Politician REACTS to Marjorie Taylor Greene Calling Catholics ‘Satanic’

Lincoln Project – Last Week In The Republican Party – April 27, 2022

Democracy Now – Juan Gonzlez: In Surprise Move, Gorsuch Challenges U.S. Colonialism in SCOTUS Ruling on Puerto Rico (this really is jaw-dropping!)

No on H -Stop the Republican Con – Judges and Police agree [This ad being pushed by the DA they are trying to recall]

Rocky Mountain Mike – You Sank My Battleship

Beau – Let’s talk about Transnistria, the unknown, and new develops for Ukraine….

Apr 292022

Glenn Kirschner – Jim Jordan does Elon Musk’s bidding, sends “preservation letter” demands to Twitter board members

Thom Hartmann – Why Canceling Student Debt Can Save America & Get Out The Vote (His last vid ended with a cliff hanger, so I kind of had to post this one)

Twitter – Never forget

RepresentUs – Michael Douglas Thanks Missouri Better Elections Team

Crooks and Liars – Jimmy Kimmel Recommends A New Drug For Marge

Puppet Regime – Putin’s Friendship of No Limits

Beau – Let’s talk about Bishop Evans and Operation Lone Star….

Apr 292022

Yesterday, I received a grocery order which had NO SUBSTITUTION! Yay! My delivery window was 4-6 pm and by 4:30 I actually had it all put away. Amazing.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

HuffPost – Parents of Trans Kids Don’t Know Where Their Children Can Be Safe
Quote – Many families, including the Morrisons, would be forced to move away if Arizona were to pass a stricter trans youth medical care ban in the future. What makes that reality particularly devastating for their household is that they already had to relocate once to keep Skyler safe: They left Texas in 2017 after lawmakers attempted to force through a bill banning trans youth from using the school restroom that matches their lived gender. The Morrisons hoped Arizona would be a chance to start over.
Click through for the full story. Cuss if you feel like it – I did. (I personally don’t think I would have gone to arizona from Texas for this reason – New Mexico would have been a better bet. But that’s just me.)

Crooks and Liars – Blinken Torches Rand Paul’s Russian Talking Points
Quote – Sen Paul tried to blame the US and other NATO nations for agitating Vladimir Putin to attack Ukraine. Blinken said, “If you look at the countries Russia has attacked over the last years — these are countries not part of NATO. They do not attack NATO countries for probably good reason.” Paul replied, “You could also argue the countries they attacked were part of Russia. Were part of the Soviet Union.” This is Putin’s propaganda, which Sen. Paul gave credibility to.
Click through for full exchange (including video). I get very frustrated that so many people – people in general but also an astonishing number of people who ought to know better – keeptalking as if there is still such a thing as “the Societ Union.” There isn’t. There’s also a misconception that Rissua = Communism, It doesn’t. It is a capitalist oligarchy. It is also extremely authoritarion, as it was under communism (and under Communism in name only), but that’s a different matter. I also see peole using the term “Comrade” in Russian references, which bolsters the falsehoon. If we don’t know what we are up against, we can’t very well oppose it effectively.

Mother Jones – A Wave of Lawsuits Aims to Halt Louis DeJoy’s Gas-Guzzling Postal Fleet
Quote – Sixteen states and two environmental activist groups—Earthjustice and the National Resources Defense Council—are suing USPS to halt its purchase of a fleet of of gas-guzzling mail trucks. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has come under fire in recent months for his decision to move forward with a contract for 165,000 new postal trucks—90 percent of which would run on gas and earn 8.6 miles per gallon.
Click through fir list and details.. I have aleady ranted once today, so I stand mute on this one.

Food For Thought

Apr 282022

Glenn Kirschner – Judge holds Trump in contempt of court. Will Trump grift his MAGA base to pay his 10K-a-day fine?

American Bridge is reaching out to voters

Thom Hartmann – Should Ukraine Be rolled Into NATO Now – To Stop the War? (ends with a cliff hanger – I will post the next one though)

Rebel HQ [Texas Paul] – TikToker Roasts ‘Spineless’ Republican Party

Voice of America – US Cabinet Officials Pledge More Military, Diplomatic Assistance to Ukraine

Liberal Redneck – On Elon, Twitter, and our Billionaire Overlords

Beau – Let’s talk about Japanese-Russian relations….

Apr 282022

Yesterday, I got up early – didn’t even get dressed right away in case I was going to have to wear something more presentable – shortly after 11:30 checked the website and saw the lovely words “DO NOT REPORT.” Then I disconnected the TENS (eariler than usual, but I didn’t seem to need more), played Wordle to decompress, went and got dressed, and came back to get serious about today’s post – and next month’s cartoons.

Cartoon – “Operation Eagle Pull.”  And what a cluster it was.  And how many Vietnamese who had worked with us we betrayed.

Short Takes –

House panel to explore impeachment, judicial ethics in wake of Ginni Thomas texts
Quote – The texts from Ginni Thomas to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows about the 2020 presidential election and the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot have set off a political firestorm in Washington, raising Democratic anger and calls for Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from decisions related to the election and former President Trump. Republicans overwhelmingly have rallied to Clarence Thomas’s defense.
Click through for details. Sure, it may not work, but it needs to be attempted with all the enthusiasm and evidence we can muster.

Crooks and Liars – Chicago Study Proves You Can Reduce Gun Violence Without Arrests
Quote – The recently completed trial tracked some 2,500 men in Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods and found that men who participated in an intensive, 18-month program called READI Chicago were nearly two-thirds less likely to be arrested for a shooting or homicide and nearly 20% less likely to be shot or killed themselves than a similar group of men that weren’t in the program. Those are all significant declines considering a third of participants had been shot at least once before enrolling, and had an average of 17 arrests on their rap sheet.
Click through for more information. This could lead to wonderful results – if it doesn’t get stopped by Republicans.

Mother Jones – Inside the Top-Secret Abortion Underground
Quote – As long as women have had unwanted pregnancies, other women have helped them resolve the problem. After the mid-19th century, when abortion was outlawed, women either found a physician who did it on the sly or turned to traditional helpers, a practice that continued even after the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. Today, as abortion rights are restricted at an unprecedented rate—between 2011 and 2016, more than 160 clinics closed—this informal network of nonmedical providers is responsible for a small but significant number of abortions nationwide.
Click through for story. The Underground Railroad was formed to help people escape from slavery. Being dinied an abortion isn’t exactly like being a slave = it’s more like being livestock. If this underground system is what it takes, then it is what it is.

Food For Thought
