Jun 202022

Yesterday, a bit of rain cooled us off a little (and today a cloudy dayis supposed to do even more. We shall see.) There was not a lot of email, so I took the Smithsonian’s Father’s Day “Pop Quiz” (is that a “dad joke” or what?) getting only two out of six. As a former costumer, I probably should have gotten the one on neckties, but I outsmarted myself with my general rule “It always happened earlier than you think it did.” This time it didn’t. This link may work if anyone want’s to try their luck.  And I looked through July cartoons and determined I can use enugh from 2014 tha I only need to make 8. Generally, it was a calm day after a frenetic week (and I’m not the only one saying that. Two hearings was overwhelming for many of us who follow politics. But I really can’t wish for fewer in the weeks ahead. Let’s get this done.)

Also, Freya finished and posted the “Sound Off” she’s been eorking on yesterday, here at this link.  Don’t miss it.  (You can also look down at the bottom of the page, under the comments to the left, and click on the title there, if that’s easier.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

HuffPost – Sonia Sotomayor Reassures Liberals As Conservative Decisions Loom
Quote – “When we, as institutions, have made mistakes,” Sotomayor said. “Other parts of the branches [of government]” and “the people have worked to make change. “Dred Scott lost his 11-year battle for freedom,” she said. And yet, with the decision in Brown, “He won the war. That’s why I think we have to have continuing faith in our court system, in our system of government,” she added, noting that that the system allows for constitutional amendments and legislation to address outcomes like Dred Scott.
Click through for more from her speech, and also for a little of what wasn’t in her speech. I absolutely agree we cannot give up.

Robert Reich – The Fed’s big mistake
Quote – I understand the Fed’s urgency, but it has entered dangerous territory. If the Fed continues down this path – as it has signaled it will – the economy will be plunged into a recession. Every time over the last half century the Fed has raised interest rates this much and this quickly, it has caused a recession. Besides, interest rate increases will not remedy the major causes of the current inflation – huge pent-up worldwide demand from two years of pandemic, shortages of goods and services responding to that demand, Putin’s war in Ukraine, and big profitable corporations with enough pricing power to use inflation as a cover for pushing up prices even further.
Click through for full argument.    It’s deja vu all over again for those our age.

Food For Thought

Jun 192022

Glenn Kirschner – GA Rep Loudermilk gave tour on 1/5 to man who threatened Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer at Capitol on 1/6

Meidas Touch – GOP Plot EXPOSED to END social security and medicare (If they are saying the quiet part out loud, I hope everyone is listening.)

The Lincoln Project – Detached from Reality

MSNBC – DOJ Reveals Investigations, Prosecutions In Request For January 6th Interview Transcripts (What a star-studded panel!)

Liberal Redneck – Mike Pence and “Team Normal” on January 6

Beau – Let’s talk about Patterson’s comment on race….

Jun 182022

Glenn Kirschner – J6 Committee reveals evidence behind Trump’s “Big Lie” crimes: The Big Lie includes The Big Rip Off

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Herschel Walker LYING about being an Police Officer

The Lincoln Project – Apparently Inebreiated

Farron Balanced – Trump Allies FURIOUS After Kimberly Guilfoyle Paid $60k For Three Minute Speech

MSNBC – Jan. 6 Committee Releases Loudermilk Tour Video After ‘Weird Letter’ From Capitol Police

Beau – Let’s talk about the definition of boyfriend….

Jun 172022

Glenn Kirschner – Day 2 of J6 public hearings: Republican witnesses prove Donald Trump’s criminal intent

The Lincoln Project – Last week in the Republican Party – June 14, 2022

Meidas Touch – Merrick Garland and DOJ ABSOLUTELY watching Jan 6 Hearings (We knew this I think – but it’s still watchable) Prosecutors will be looking for COURT evidence of course. Incidentally, Tish James also watched.

No Dem Left Behind – Have We Lost Our Way in the Past 20 Years? True Americans Must Stand Against the Treason Caucus

Parody Project – Mark Meadows

Beau – Let’s talk about how political parties determine your health….

Jun 162022

Glenn Kirschner – Day 2 of J6 public hearings: Republican witnesses prove Donald Trump’s criminal intent

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Lauren Boebert’s Secret Off-Roading Accident COVER-UP

Ojeda Live – Top 5 Dumbest Republican Excuses on Guns

Armageddon Update – I’ll Give it a Shot!

Can A Puppy Adopt A Stray Kitten?

Beau – Let’s talk about an unintentional act in Parkland….

Jun 162022

Yesterday, I spent as much as I could of the day preparing for today. Making sure I had a bottle of ice frozen (in order to have cold water on the way back, and yes, I keep it in an insulated bag, but it still melts some), printing out the compulsory form (pre-filled, because it is way too small to struggle with every time), lining up clothes including shoes (my feet are not just flat as they were when I was on active duty – they now qualify as “deformed” and there are a lot of shoes I can’t walk in, and I do have to walk to the car and then stand loneg enough to get the wheelchair in and out), and just generally being prepared. If any regular reader notics we are a bit low on comments, yes, we are, but it’s temporary. I’m on the road, Pat’s with a family member, and Nameless has out-of-state visitors. I will get to everything eventually to respond (or at least uprate), but I don’t think everyone does. Which is fine.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Robert Reich – What you really need to know about the likelihood of a recession
Quote – Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its May Consumer Price Index (CPI) report, which showed inflation worsening. Yet the bigger story — and bigger worry — is not inflation. It’s the distinct possibility of recession. Or perhaps both (what’s termed “stagflation.”) Here are the questions I’m getting asked most often, and my answers.
Click through for questions and answers. Given that the “inflation” is mostly artificially induced by price gouging, those same parties will likely also be responsible for a recession or stagflation. But they’ll get away with it – again.

CPR – Supreme Court: Native Americans prosecuted in tribal courts can be tried by federal government for same offense
Quote – The case before the justices involves a tribal court system that has become increasingly rare over the last century. Courts of Indian Offenses were created in the late 1800s during a period when the federal government’s policy toward Native Americans was to encourage assimilation. Prosecutors are federal officers answerable to federal authorities, not tribal authorities. Federal policy toward Native Americans shifted in the mid-1930s, however, to emphasize a greater respect for tribes’ native ways. As part of that, the government has encouraged tribes to create their own tribal courts, and the number of Courts of Indian Offenses has steadily decreased.
Click through for story. There is a lot going on here – history, culture, definitions of sovereign nations, and more. I can certainly see why the case made it all the way to SCOTUS. Whether the decision is right, I’m not so sure.

Food For Thought

Jun 152022

Glenn Kirschner – After enabling Trump’s lawlessness for years, Pence did the bare minimum on 1/6. But he’s no hero

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen ANNIHILATES Trump after second Jan 6 Committee Hearing

Crooks and Liars – AG Garland Speaks On Jan 6 Committee Hearings

VoteVets – Charity

The Daily Show – Having “The Talk” With Trump Supporters About The Police  (Possibly not what you are expecting.)

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine, grain, and Africa….

Jun 142022

Glenn Kirschner -Jarod Kushner’s pardon palooza will be damaging to both Donald Trump and to Kushner himself

Meidas Touch – Furious Texas Paul Reveals TERROR CELL Inside the GOP – Such a sweet, kind offer in such NSFW languague!

Robert Reich – This is How We Help People Fight Inflation at the Gas Pump

VoteVets – ‘The AR-15 Is A Weapon Of War’ – Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul Eaton

Liberal Redneck – First January 6 Committee Hearing Takeaways

Beau – Let’s talk about if medical training is worth it…. (and you know this appies to a lot more than medical training.)
