Yesterday, I read Robert Reich‘s and Heather Cox Richardson‘s fourth-of-July essays, which cam in, one late the previous night, and one very early in the morning. In a way they say the same thing in different words. And in a way, both are wrong – not in the wrong direction, but not going far enough. It was this that struck me in Richardson’s piece (referencing the Gettysburg Address): “the Civil War was ‘testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.’ It did, of course.” No. It didn’t. The same issues which divied us in 1776 and 1865 and 1964 have never gone away. We just managed to push them underground for a few years (a trifle longer the second time). And Trump** did not bring them to a boil. They were always at a boil. All he did was give the wrong side permission to speak.
If we are ever going to heal this divide, we have to do more than trying harder, because that isn’t working. The most recent time around (the 1960s), psychology had become a science, and there have been all kinds of psychological studies about perceptions which have provided new information about the states of mind of Americans – but not one (and no combination) has given any insight into what to do to make it go away. Now, again, some states are talking about seceding. And some progressives are saying (and more are secrtly thinking) perhaps we should let it happen (at least some of us are talking about the need to rescue sane people from the departing states, and how difficult that would be) We already have a Civil War on our hands now – right now. It’s not yet a shooting war. But that doesn’t mean it won’t be. And way too few appear to realize it.
Oddly, it may be Steve Schmidt who puts it the most clearly: “Then [the beginning of the Civil War, speaking of Congress] like now, there were some who looked at the empty desks and saw crisis in the absence – not [in] the cause of the absence.”
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
Crooks and Liars – Double Whammy: Trump Media Group Subpoenaed Twice In One Week
Quote – Digital World Acquisition Corp. said in a filing Friday that Trump Media and Technology Group received a subpoena from the grand jury in Manhattan on Thursday. The Trump company also received a subpoena from the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding a civil probe on Monday, DWAC said
Click thrpugh for details. Two different subpoenas by two diferent entities. Good.
Democratic Underground – Robert Hubbell has an idea for getting control of the Supreme Court.
Quote – It is debatable whether Congress can force Supreme Court justices to adopt an enforceable code of ethics. But the Constitution provides that Congress can restrict the appellate jurisdiction of the Court, as provided in Article III, Section 2: [T]he Supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.
Click through – This could be, not IMO a permanent solution, but a powerful stopgap until the Court can really be fixed (not that it shouldn’t stay in effect – it should always have been in effect. But we also need more)
Food For Thought