Jul 172022

Glenn Kirschner on Fire! DOJ Needs a Backbone Now! Thoughts on Bannon & Trump w/ Stephanie Miller.

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Sarah Palin’s INSANE Speech at Trump Rally

The Lincoln Project – Part of the Plan

Twitter – Trigger warning –

MSNBC – Senators Close To Releasing Bill Preventing Candidates From Stealing Elections

Liberal Redneck – Uvalde Footage

Beau – Let’s talk about Jefferson, Monticello, and Fox….

Jul 162022

Glenn – Trump’s criminal “Hub-and-Spoke” conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election: an explainer

Meidas Touch – John Fetterman hilariously TROLLS Dr. Oz with BRILLIANT Plane Banner

The Lincoln Project – A Warning From Jason Van Tatenhove

Thom Hartmann – Mary Trump On What Trump Will Do If Indicted

Farron Balanced – Conservative Outlet Could End Up Wiped Out From Defamation Lawsuits

MSNBC – Revelations About Trump’s Conduct Bring New Questions For DOJ

Liberal Redneck – Uvalde Footage

Beau – Let’s talk about Texas, ERCOT, and the future….

Jul 162022

Yesterday, Robert Reich’s column brought up the movie “Casablanca.” I’ll provide the link, but warn that it’s a major hanky alert. He posts a clip of the scene he primarily writes about. He doesn’t say – but may well have thought – if those people could survive, the least we can to today is get out and vote. The full movie is available on YouTube, if you want some tough inspiration. It’s short by today’s standards – but there is so much in it.

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Short Takes –

NMPR – Niece of vanished Navajo woman embarks on 2,100-mile walk to call attention to missing and murdered indigenous women crisis
Quote – “It tested our beliefs so bad. Prayers weren’t working. It was so hard. I understand why they didn’t want us looking for remains. If you’re going to actually walk in beauty, you have to let go of things, and when you go back to revisit it, you’re bringing back all that bad stuff. It affects your mind and heart. But then again, for someone to just go and do this to my aunt… How are we going to walk in beauty when someone can just so easily do this?”
Click through for background and interview. This is just one case out of so many. And sadly, law enforcement misfeasance is not confined to tribal police and FBA+I. Thestatistics on unsolved missing/possible homicide cases on all Americans are chilling. I understand why law enforcement doesn’t want to be looked at – but I don’t understand why so many people who claim to want “law and order” don;t want to look.

CNN – Secret Service erased text messages from January 5 and 6, 2021 — after oversight officials asked for them, watchdog says
Quote – “The Committee on Homeland Security received a letter from the DHS Inspector General regarding the Secret Service deleting text messages the Office of Inspector General requested as part of its investigation into the January 6th attack on the Capitol,” Thompson said. “The Committee will be briefed about this extraordinarily troubling destruction of records and respond accordingly.” While the letter does not say whether the DHS watchdog believes these text messages were erased intentionally or for a nefarious reason, the incident adds to growing questions about the Secret Service’s response to the US Capitol attack.
Click through for details. This story has been all over the place since it broke – but thiss is the site and the article that broke it. One thing strikes me as particularly odoriferous: what use is it to have an Inspector General if that person may not review evidence until the agency head has vetted it? Imaginne a CEO telling an auditor, “I think I have an employee who is embezzling, and youcan look at the books as soon as that employee reviews them.”

Food For Thought

Jul 152022

Glenn – The evil of Team Trump’s witness tampering, and the danger of DOJ’s failure to promptly investigate

Meidas Touch – Anthony Scaramucci offers SCARED Steve Bannon $300,000 for televised debate

The Lincoln Project – The List

Farron Balanced – Angry Cops Threaten To Arrest Each Other In Deranged Video (Think harder, Farron – it’s about which jurisdiction gets the $$$ from the fine.)

Robert Reich on CNN – How Can We Improve The Economy? Start By Reining In The Power Of Corporations

Premature Chihuahua Puppy Loves Growling At His Favorite Toy

Beau – Let’s talk about leaving your state….

Jul 152022

Yesterday, I woke up with the wasp sting virtually gone. I can still see a tiny mark, but the swelling and the pain are gone. I really dodged a bullet there. I also emailed a request to visit Virgil Sunday. I don’t usually leave it this late … but now thathe is in an informary – that is not normally supposed to be a permanent assignment – he could be moved again at any time and I wouldn’t be told.So I need to track him on line and wait longer than I like to to minimize the chances of his being oved between the time I reserve a visit and the time of the visit itself. It’s no wonder I use a pop-up reminder system with sound to keep track of when I need to do what. )I try to use sounds related to what the reminder is for, but that’s not always possible.) Bottom line, I hope to visit Virgil Sunday, but won’t know for sure until sometime today.

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Short Takes –

CPR News – Mesa County DA says he will seek to revoke Clerk Tina Peters’ bond
Quote – Mesa County’s District Attorney Dan Rubinstein said he will seek to revoke the bond of Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters after she traveled out of state in violation of her bond. Rubinstein said Peters violated the conditions of her bond when she left for Nevada without permission this week. Peters was speaking at an event with the Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officers Association.
Click through for what is getting to be a bigger story every day. Apparently there really is no limit to how low Republicans will sink (except those few Republicans, like the DA, who stll have ethics.) And now there’s ben a third arrest.  You might think I’d be a bit embarrassed that this happened in Colorado, but actually, I’m proud it was caught.  Just because it wasn’t caught elsewhere doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

The 19th – The cost of giving birth with insurance: $2,854, a new study says
Quote – The out-of-pocket costs represent insurance-related bills related to pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum care. The researchers analyzed a dataset of health insurance claims data from 2018 to 2020, comparing women between the ages of 15 and 49 who gave birth to those who didn’t. The data does not account for transgender and nonbinary people who may have given birth. In total, pregnancy and childbirth for someone with private insurance costs about $18,865. Most of that is paid by the insurance plan but can result in higher insurance premiums down the line. So though the $2,853 figure is just one fraction of the overall cost, it represents the bills new parents have to pay on their own for a single birth.
Click through for details. Yes, pre-natal and at least some post-partum care were included. But it’s still ridiculous – the $2,854 figure is just the co-pays. The real figure is betwen $18 and $19 THOUSAND. I’ve never seen ay data on suicides in pregnant people … but I guarantee if I were in that position, it would certainly occur to me.

Food For Thought

Jul 132022

Glenn – Steve Bannon’s ruse rejected by Trump appointed judge; Trump still using the big lie to sow division

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul DEBUNKS new Deranged Hunter Biden Conspiracy Theory

The Lincoln Project – The GOP’s Crazy Candidates

Robert Reich – The Secret to the GOP’s Assault on Your Rights | Robert Reich

Brent Terhune – The worst drag race I ever been to

Beau – Let’s talk about dominoes from the Colorado….

Jul 122022

Glenn – Trump & Bannon collude in an attempt to give Bannon a bogus defense to his criminal contempt charges

Twitter – Ohio Senate candidate Tim Ryan campaign ad

CNN – Jeffrey Clark raid footage

Ojeda Live – A Recounting of Herschel Walker’s Lies

The Funniest Conversations People Have Overheard In Courthouses (9 min and worth every secod)

Beau – Let’s talk about Sweden, Finland, and NATO….

Jul 112022

Glenn – Cipollone testifies for hours about & against Trump. Next up Bannon? Elmer “Oath Keeper” Rhodes

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul SLAMS Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Newest MAGA Conspiracy Lunacy

The Lincoln Project – Boris (Sure wish we could emulate the Brits.)

MSNBC – The Common Signs Of Mass Shooters | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Mrs Betty Bowers – Is America Really a Christian Nation?

Beau – Let’s talk about Democratic messaging…. (I have been saying, “Well, Democrats do address our messages to sane people,” which includes reasonable, informed people. And there are just not enough of them. And we look at Republicans who use lies to gin up first fesr and then anger in their base. Well, gining up fear about Republican poliies does NOT require lying – and, sadly but truly, we need to start doing it, and loudly Look – it’s not disingenuous or deceitful when it’s the truth!)
