Jul 232022

Glenn Kirschner – Steve Bannon loves to run his mouth; tomorrow [Thursday] is his big day as he gets to testify. Will he?

Meidas Touch – What Maddow got WRONG about the ‘Bombshell’ DOJ memo

The Lincoln Project – Tucker Carlson’s Unofficial Presidential Speech (Barf Bag Alert)

Farron Balanced – Legal Scholar Says Dems Should Sue To Prevent Trump From Holding Office Ever Again

MSNBC – Senators Reach Agreement On Bills To Stop Candidates From Stealing Elections

Beau – Let’s talk about Ted Cruz and marriage…

Jul 232022

Yesterday, I got up and started working on my email inbox while at the same time, in the back of my mind, processing the previous night’s hearing. “The Conversation” newsletter already had an article about it, the title of which caught my eye, and I started musing about how the Committee spent almost three hours – almost minute for minute – on Trump*s timeline during the insurrection riot. When basically he did nothing. That made me think of Seinfeld – which was proudly a show about nothing.  It’s easy get caught in the adage “noting comes from nothing” and not realize how much can sometimes be learned from studying nothing. Particularly when the premise – or the conclusion – is that there ought to have been something. I had to switch from the Committee’s dot gov page to its YouTube page because it started to loop. I found the place just before the loop started, and got the rest of the hearing that way.

There is some misinformation going around (not unusual, but this one appears to have started with Rachel, and that IS unusual) about a DOJ memo. The memo exists, but the interpretation of what it means was way off. The Meidas brothers got it right, and their video on it is in today’s video thread. I am always a bit behind, so Rachel may have already corrected her position by now, but these things are tough to stop once they start, so thought I’d mention it.

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Short Takes –

Teen Vogue – Community Schools: What Are They and How Do They Work? (referred by ITPI)
Quote – The concept of a community school, which has been around for more than a century, is quite simple. Any public school can become a community school if the school board, students, parents, and faculty collectively commit to being involved not only in a child’s education but also in meeting all of a student’s needs. “A community school is a decision that students, families, educators, and community members make about the role they want their neighborhood public school to play within the community and within the lives of the stakeholders that touch the school,” a representative from the National Education Association told Teen Vogue in an email. “Because learning never happens in isolation, community schools focus on what students in the community truly need to succeed — whether it’s free, healthy meals; health care; tutoring; mental health counseling; or other tailored services before, during, and after school.”
Click through for details and examples. No, I don’t read Teen Vogue. But ITPI (In The Public Interest) “wrote the book” on public versus private anything, and if they tell me there is valuable information there, I believe them (and was not disappointed.) Of course I suppose the idea of community schools make right wing heads explode.

The Conversation – The Supreme Court’s ideological rulings are roiling US politics – just as when Lincoln and his Republicans remade the court to fit their agenda
Quote – In the 1860s, President Abraham Lincoln worked with fellow Republicans to shape the Court to carry out his party’s anti-slavery and pro-Union agenda. It was an age in which the court was unabashedly a “partisan creature,” in historian Rachel Shelden’s words. Justice John Catron had advised Democrat James K. Polk’s 1844 presidential campaign, and Justice John McLean was a serial presidential contender in a black robe. And in the 1860s, Republican leaders would change the number of justices and the political balance of the Court to ensure their party’s dominance of its direction.
Click through for the history. It surely looks like a precedent to me. And we are at least as closenow as then to losing democracy forever – personally I think even closer.

Food For Thought

Jul 222022

Glenn Kirschner – Day 2 of Steve Bannon’s contempt of Congress trial: a review of the opening statements

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Lauren Boebert’s Threat to Imprison Dr. Fauci

The Lincoln Project – Threats

Twitter – Too-good-to-miss anti-z ad

This Guy Stopped Traffic To Save A Kitten In The Road

Beau – Let’s talk about a phone number you need in the US….

Jul 212022

Glenn Kirschner – Day 1 of Steve Bannon’s contempt of Congress trial: jury selection. Many jurors voice their disdain

Meidas Touch – (NSFW) Texas Paul REACTS to Republican Obsession with TRAITORS

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party July 19

Robert Reich – Why Joe Manchin is Wrong About Inflation and Why We Need a Windfall Profits Tax

Puppet Regime – The Newsletter the PUPPET REGIME Wants You To Read

Beau – Let’s talk about systemic failures in Uvalde….

Jul 202022

Glenn – Steve Bannon’s Trial to begin: he promises to go “medieval”; he’s more likely to go out w/a whimper

Meidas Touch – Navy Vet Ken Harbaugh CALLS OUT fake patriotism of Jan. 6 rioters (Ken is the dude who went to school with Greitens)

The Lincoln Project – Texas Power

Ring of Fire – Steve Bannon’s Own Podcast Declares Him Guilty As Trial Begins

Armageddon Update – To Protect and Sanitize

Beau – Let’s talk about Republican judges disagreeing with Trump…

Jul 202022

Yesterday, I received a grocery order. And two packages. At the same time. (Fortunately both packages were small.) I managed to get it all in but not all put away – just the perishables. And I feel like I’ve done a full day’s work and them some. Oh well, it’s supposed to be a little cooler today

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Short Takes –

CPR News – A small southeastern Colorado town’s 3-person police force all abruptly quit
Quote – In a press release posted to the county sheriff’s Facebook page on Friday, the [Baca County Sheriff’s] office announced they would be stepping up temporarily to police Springfield after reaching a unanimous agreement with the city and Baca County Commissioners on Thursday. In addition to Springfield Police Chief Katrina Martin, the SPD had two officers on staff and one vacant Animal Control Officer position, according to the department’s website. One SPD resignation became effective Wednesday and the other two will be effective on Saturday, the sheriff’s office said.
Click through for story. It’s unlikely that this would happen in a town with a department larger than 3 (plus one vacancy) – not that there aren’t places we might wish it would. There were three hundred and seventy-six officers standing outside Robb Elementary in Uvalde (granted, a mix of city, county, state, and federal). That is 76 more than Spartan soldiers at the Battle of Marathon. And 370 more than flag raisers at Iwo Jima.

Democratic Underground (kentuck) – Why Trump called off his mob at 4:17 pm?
Quote – He was not talked into it. He did not do it because he thought it was the right thing to do. He had gotten a message that Mike Pence had usurped his authority and called out the National Guard to “clear the Capitol”. He did not have the people or the weapons in place to defeat the National Guard. His plan was to declare “martial law”.
Click through for full speculation – it is only speculation – no sources are provided. Some known facts are included, and the remarks on motivation may be accurate – or not. We don’t know. The most I can say is that the chain of reasoning appears consistent with his behavior and with motivations which are known.

Food For Thought

Jul 192022

Glenn Kirschner- Lindsey Graham desperate to avoid testifying about Trump’s Georgia election crimes

Meidas Touch – Angry Tennessee Brando gives EPIC REACTION to Jan 6 Hearings

CBS News – Jan. 6 committee member Rep. Adam Schiff expresses concern over witness safety

White Supremacy (A Rebuttal) | Christopher Titus | Zero Side Effects

John Fugelsang “Caffeinated” – The US Has a Joe Manchin & Krysten Sinema Problem. Here is a Solution for you Biden! (a re-re;ease – but still accurate)

Beau – Let’s talk about benefits and Republicans telling you who they are….

Jul 182022

Glenn Kirschner- Secret Service deletes Jan. 6 text messages. A move to protect Trump? Also, Mike Pence MUST testify

Meidas Toush – Michael Cohen REACTS to bombshell revelations from recent Jan 6 hearing

The Lincoln Project – Our President

Thom Hartmann – Insidious Voter Purge Method Exposed! Don’t Lose Your Right To VOTE!

MSNBC – Judge Once Again Declines To Delay Steve Bannon’s Contempt Of Congress Trial

Beau – Let’s talk about the institution of the Presidency and policy decisions….
