Yesterday, one of my newsletter included a link to an article whose title included both “Roe v Wade” and “Brown v Board,” and it occurred to me that we may have missed an opportunity back in 1954. At that time one big scream that was comong from all the racist maniacs was “miscegenation !!!” (which incidentally demonstrates that sexualizing children for poitical purposes is not new.) I wondered what would have happened had we responded “All right, then, we will integrate all school, bit all schools will eiher be all-girl or all-boy.” Obviously, had this been accepted, we would have created a set of entirely different but at least equally damaging problems, but one thing it might have accomplished was to create some deep and enduring friendships which crossed the color line. At that time we as a nation did not know everything about gender that the sane among us now know – it would not be possible to try or even suggest it today (and it would fuel even deeper misogyny if we could.) We do need better public education, and the education that we need is being actively opposed, and in too many areas successfully opposed. All I could come up with was “We need to pro-ctively form diverse and representative coalitions,” and we probably already knew that. It was just a thought.
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
AP News – 102-year-old WWII veteran from segregated mail unit honored
Quote – Presented with the medal citation and a wartime uniform to replace hers, which was stolen out of a car soon after she returned stateside, [Romay] Davis received a standing ovation; some in the crowd applauded with tears in their eyes…. Davis, in an interview at her home Monday, said the unit was due the recognition, and she’s glad to participate on behalf of other members who’ve already passed away. “I think it’s an exciting event, and it’s something for families to remember,” Davis said. “It isn’t mine, just mine. No. It’s everybody’s.”
Click through for story. About (expletive) time.
The Daily Beast – There’s One Thing Standing Between Us and the COVID Vaccination of Our Dreams
Quote – The new COVID-19 vaccine from Novavax is safe and effective. Better yet, it’s easy to ship and store, making it ideal for poorer countries that are still under-vaxxed. The company’s shot, called Nuvaxovid, could reshape the vaccine landscape as the pandemic grinds into its 32nd month. More protection for more people against ever-more-contagious new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Assuming Novavax can produce enough doses on time, that is. Manufacturing problems could doom the new jab’s wider rollout.
Click through for details. After a lot of thought, and because I never fgo anywhere (except to the prison system, and they are CoViD hawks), I’ve decided to wwait for the new vaxx in the fall rather than getting a summer booster (getting both doesn’t seem to be getting recommended.) I don’t expect it to be final, but I’m hoping for it to be at least a bit longer lasting (and address newer variants.)
Just one additional note – Denali National Park – understandably – has a modest breeding program for sled dogs (one litter a year and includes outbreeding to strengthen the genetic base.) This year’s litter can now be observed on their PuppyCam. I’m a cat person rather than a dog person myself – but puppies are cute (as are most baby mammals).
Food For Thought –