Aug 052022

Glenn Kirschner – Pat Cipollone gets a grand jury subpoena. This spells real trouble for Donald Trump & “Team Crazy.”

Meidas Touch – Burn Pit Victim Exposes HEINOUS Republican Lies about Veterans Bill (yes, it has now been passed, and this is one reason why.)

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party Aug.2, 2022

Thom Hartmann – Why The GOP Thinks We Drink Children’s Blood? Featuring Mike Rothschild

Bear Cub Brothers Separated For Months Can’t Stop Hugging Each Other

Beau – Let’s talk about the wages of freedom….

Aug 052022

Yesterday, I got the estimate of what is wrong with my car, including a bunch of smaller things which weren’t the problem but needed doing. Those estimates always include noticifations on things that may not be urgent but could coe up on the future, one of which I authorized to take care of now. the bil will eat a third of my cushion – but that still gives me 2/3 of it left. And it’s probable that my minimum required distribution for my 401(k) will replenish it, or most of it. So I’m cool/. But it will likely not be ready until next week. In honesty, that’s OK too. On a “Now for something completely different” note, I got en email from the Metropolitan Opera that they are releasing a DVD of “Fire Shut Up in My Bones,” the first opera by a black compoer ever to be presented at the Met. I don’t expect to be gettig it – but I’m well aware that the fact they are releasing it means the response to it muct have been overwhelming – overwhelmingly positive. And that makes ne smile.

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Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – Cowboys And Women: Tex Never Had A Chance
Quote – A menstrual pain relief manufacturer set up a booth outside of the Calgary Stampede, where the cowboys are real macho and tough. But each and everyone of the guys crumpled under the pain produced by a menstrual cramp simulator. What really brings it home is the woman they showed hooked up to the simulator who never even blinked an eye in the face of the pain.
Click through for story. Remember the only men wo will subject themselves to this are those who think women are all lying or at best exaggerating. Men who know better, know better. Those who don’t – really need to learn.

CPR – Donations for Tina Peters’ recount poured in after she appeared on Steve Bannon’s podcast
Quote – Nearly 70 people donated more than a thousand dollars to the Peters campaign during the period in which Peters was raising money for the recount. An individual can donate a maximum of $1,250 during the election cycle in the Secretary of State’s race. Candidates can accept contributions throughout the entire election cycle even if they have lost. So that means Peters is legally allowed to accept donations until Dec. 8, 2022. Peters has made election fraud the centerpiece of her campaign for Secretary of State and on election night told her supporters, “we didn’t lose. We just found out more fraud.”
Click through for details. She has broken bail conditions twice, been arrested for ti twice, yet for some reason they won’t keep her locked up. At least the fact that the money is from out of state means those who gave it will not be voting.

Food For Thought

Aug 042022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s lawyers preparing for him to be indicted; looking to blame Trump’s crimes on “fall guys”

Meidas Touch – Tucker Carlson LOSES IT after President Biden Takes out 9/11 Plotter

The Lincoln Project – Weekend

Robert Reich – The Current Plot to Rig U.S. Elections

If Social Media Were Honest | Honest Ads (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok)

Beau – Let’s talk about the Supreme Court altering football….

Aug 032022

Glenn Kirschner – Guy Reffitt sentenced to 7 years; DOJ is going after the boots of the insurrection. Now do the suits

Don Winslow Films – #TheseAreYourChoicesGeorgia

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul EXPOSES how Trump is Exploiting Ex-Wife Ivana’s Death for Profit

The Lincoln Project – The Boss

Robert Reich on CNN – Fed’s Interest Rate Hike is Bad News for Working People

Beau – Let’s talk about NASA and climate change….

Aug 022022

Glenn Kirschner – More missing J6 texts: now its DHS’s Wolf & Cuccinelli. The Remedy? Let it rain subpoenas.

Meidas Touch – Navy Vet SLAMS Republicans as the party of cowards

The Lincoln Project – VA Bill

Farron Balanced – Trump Practices His Defense As He Clearly Panics About DOJ Investigation

Foil Arms and Hogg – The Brexit Song (CC at YouTube in case it doesn’t show up here)

Beau – Let’s talk about an order from Karl Rove to Trump….

Aug 022022

Yesterday, I heard from my mechanic in response to the email I sent the previous night. I’m a long-time customer, and they have been known to squeeze me into their schedule if I had an immediate need, so I made sure to include that this time I don’t, and they responded that they can get to it in the next day ot two. Now I just need to hear from Virgil. He must be terrified He should have gotten my note, but I had not heard from him by 7 pm.

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Short Takes –

CPR – U.S. House passes Neguse-backed wildfire and drought bill addressing firefighter pay, forest health and recovery dollars
Quote – With wildfires and drought becoming increasingly existential problems for Colorado and neighboring states, the House took action Friday, passing a package of nearly 50 bills that Rep. Joe Neguse says “meets the moment for the West.” Neguse is a lead sponsor on the package, known as the Wildfire Response and Drought Resiliency Act, as well as the author of some of its specific provisions. It passed the House on a nearly party-line vote of 218-199…. Among the provisions in the bill are millions of dollars to help Colorado River reservoirs, Lake Mead and Lake Powell, the establishment of centers to focus on best practices for prescribed burns so that these potentially-destructive mitigations are done right, an increase for the base wildland firefighter pay, and steps to address forest health, such as removing underbrush and dead trees.
Click through for details. It appears to cover just about everything. Thankfully, not all our reps are like Boebert. (In a related story, the state has eased fishing restrictions on a cople of reservoirs which are fast losing water – because they’d rather have the fish get caught than suffocate.)

DU (IcyPeas) – Minutes after Guy Reffitt was sentenced to 7 years in Capitol riot case… his daughter calls for “life in prison” for Donald Trump
Quote – Her exact words were “Trump deserves life in prison if my father is to be in prison for this long.”
Click through – the story here is told in tweets. The daughter isn’t wrong.

Food For Thought –

Aug 012022

Glenn Kirschner – How to disqualify insurrectionists from Congress: interview w/John Bonifaz of Free Speech 4 People

Meidas Touch – SHOCK: Justice Alito disgustingly MOCKS critics of repeal of Roe v. Wade

The Lincoln Project – Trapped

MSNBC – Former Marine Dismantles Right-Wing Arguments On The Second Amendment

Randy Rainbow Re-Run – Clang, Clang, Clang Went Josh Hawley! – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Beau – Let’s talk about Republicans bizarre request of DOD….

Jul 312022

Glenn Kirschner – Is a federal grand jury criminally investigating Trump? An explainer of how grand juries work

Meidas Touch – Top Democrat STUNS with Speech of the Year SLAMMING Republicans after they Block Veteran Health Bill

The Lincoln Project – VA Bill

Ring of Fire – Fauci Says Bring It On To Republicans Who Want Him Investigated

Twitter – Urban Art

Beau – Let’s talk about VP Harris and that weird introduction…. (possible hanky alert)
