Aug 122022

Yesterday, I was, I’m sure, as stunned as everyone else ny Merrick Garland’s press conference. It is in today’s video Thread, which will go up about noon Pacific Time. don’t be put off by the 34 minute time – I set it to start when he comes in, which is about 30:30, so it’s actually very short. I also managed to grab Beau’s response to him, which I think is a trifle longer, but still short.  Then I went out and got new tires, which took almost 3 hours door to door, but it had to be done, and now it is.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

NPR – A grand jury declined to indict a woman whose accusations set off Emmett Till killing
Quote – The decision comes despite recent revelations about an unserved arrest warrant and the 87-year-old Donham’s unpublished memoir. The Rev. Wheeler Parker, Jr., Emmett Till’s cousin and the last living witness to Till’s Aug. 28, 1955, abduction, said Tuesday’s announcement is “unfortunate, but predictable.”
Click through for details. “Insufficient evidence.” At least they didn’t try to assert a non-existent Statue of Limitatons.

The Conversation – Why searching an ex-president’s estate is not easily done – 4 important things to know about the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago
Quote – 1. There are legal hurdles to getting a search warrant. The U.S. Constitution requires that all search warrants “particularly describe the place to be searched and the … things to be seized.”… This requirement can be traced in part to a famous British case from the 1760s when agents of King George III searched the house of John Wilkes, an opposition member of Parliament, for incriminating papers. The warrant they used was condemned by the courts as a “general warrant” because it did not specifically name Wilkes, his house or the seized papers.
Click through for the other three. Garland did in fact personally sign off on this warrant. He has said so.

Bonus – It’s gotten so bad that even the wildlife is trying to move to Canada.

Food For Thought

Aug 112022

Glenn Kirschner – The FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s crimes, and Kevin McCarthy’s political thuggery

Meidas Touch – Navy Vet REACTS to CPAC Hosting a Literal Fascist Dictator

Meidas Touch – MAGA Outrage Machine REACTIONS to FBI: Trump vs. Hillary

The Lincoln Project – CPAC Texas Day 1

Ring of Fire – Ron DeSantis Vows To Let Poor Children Starve So He Can Be A Bigot

MSNBC – Rep. Swalwell: MAGA Republicans Are Trying To Erase Violent Reality Of Jan. 6

Beau – Let’s talk about an important message from New York….

Aug 102022


Glenn Kirschner – FBI executes search warrant at Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Civil War Calls by Republicans after Trump Raid

The Lincoln Project – Nowhere to Hide

Stephanie Miller – Can You Imagine the Amount of Evidence the FBI Had, to Raid Trump’s Home? (Stephanie is a little high on schadenfreude today and having entirely too much fun)

MSNBC – Does Mar-a-Lago Mark The First Of Other Searches To Come? (Note: the warrant probably has nothing to to with the National Archives – for this kind of warrant, the evidence they are seeking must be “fresh.”)

Liberal Redneck – FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago

Aug 102022

Yesterday, I got notified that the car is ready.

Cartoon – 10 0810Cartoon.jpg

Short Takes –

Robert Reich – [Mon]day’s “assault” on Trump
Quote- To set the record straight. Trump is no longer president of the United States. He’s a normal citizen. He may believe he’s still president because he never conceded the 2020 election, but he lost that election. As a result, he is subject to the same search-and-seizure provisions, under court supervision, as is anyone else. Trump may be correct that no former president has ever before been subject to an FBI search, but, then again, nothing like Trump has ever before happened to the United States. No former president has ever attempted a coup to remain in office.
Click through for article. Yes, two-day-old news, but Robert’s take on it will be timeless.

Crooks & Liars – Giuliani Says He Can’t Fly To Testify, So Prosecutors Offer Him A Bus Ticket
Quote – Fulton County Deputy District Attorney Will Wooten offered to buy Rudy a bus or train ticket so that Trump’s former personal attorney could show up to testify before a Georgia special grand jury investigating 2020 election interference.
Click through for details. I do like this Will Wooten. As for Rudy’s motion, the judge is looking at it.

Food For Thought

Aug 092022

Glenn Kirschner – DA Fani Willis puts Lindsey Graham in his place in her motion seeking his grand jury testimony

Meidas Touch – Greg Abbott plan to Infiltrate Beto O’Rourke rallies BACKFIRES as supporters switch sides

The Lincoln Project – Victor Orban at CPAC

Farron Balanced – Giuliani’s Ex Wife Wants Him Jailed As His Alimony Checks Bounce

MSNBC – What Happened To CPAC? Standards Have Plummeted At Conservative Gathering (Evidenly the first “C” in “CPAC” now stands for “Crazy”)

Beau – Let’s talk about DOJ, Breonna Taylor, and Louisville….

Aug 082022

Glenn Kirschner – Former US AG Eric Holder says Trump “likely WILL be indicted by the DOJ.” Here’s why he’s right

Meidas Touch – Intelligence Expert REACTS to far-right Prime Minister of Hungry’s keynote speech at CPAC in Texa

The Lincoln Project – Ron Johnson on Social Security

Ring of Fire – Dr. Oz’s Failing Campaign Is Freaking Out The Republican Party

Ojeda Live – NATO is a NECESSITY Against Russia

Beau – Let’s talk about Pat Cipollone’s subpoena…

Aug 072022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s advisors tell him to “cut all contact” with Mark Meadows. Has Meadows flipped on Trump?

Meidas Touch – Beto O’Rourke convinces TRUMP SUPPORTER to flip and vote for him in EPIC video

The Lincoln Project – Kansas

Thom Hartmann – Will Churches Finally Be Taxed? (Boy, is he right about the IRS being “emasculated”!)

Armageddon Update – The Troops

Beau – Let’s talk about Jones, phones, and the committee….

Aug 062022

Glenn Kirschner – First, Secret Service deleted 1/6 texts, then the Dept. of Homeland Security, now Defense? Really? (Too bad for the nation that they don’t all have Alex Jones’s lawyers)

Meidas Touch – Jon Stewart HUMILIATES Ted Cruz live on FOX NEWS (yes, it has now been passed, and this is one reason why.)

The Lincoln Project – Wrong Side

The Ring of Fire – Joe Manchin Brutally Takes Down Fox News Host This will surprise you – uness you’ve already seen it.)

BRAND NEW Randy Rainbow! Thoughts and Prayers (I don’t think you need to know the original to appreciate this, but it did give m a little extra chuckle.

Beau – Let’s talk about who will pay for climate research….
