Aug 312022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump-appointed-judge Aileen Cannon grants Trump’s demand for special master BEFORE DOJ weighs in  [I told you Glenn was irate]

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen: This is what the media is GETTING WRONG about Mar-a-Lago Search

Lincoln Project – Intruder

Armageddon Update – We Asked Nice

Guy Finds A Freezing Kitten While Hiking In The Snow

Beau – Let’s talk about a surprising internet development for Trump…. (“his hat! his hat!” — Waiting for Godot)

Aug 302022

Glenn Kirschner – Compare: how DOJ is handling Trump’s classified documents crimes w/how DOJ handled another such case

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Lindsey Graham calls for RIOTS if Trump is INDICTED (Appears Lindsey Graham is attempting to set up a game fo “Let’s you and him fight.”

Lincoln Project – We The people

Ojeda Live – Lock Him Up

HeyFletch – Hotel Mar-a-Lago — A Parody

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden’s student debt relief policy….

Aug 302022

Yesterday, I woke up having slept through the night. I obviously needed that, but it’s not without disadvantages, chiefly related to the race to the bathroom. And I have never given birth – my heart really goes out to you ladies who have. I also made the appointmeny for my annual checkup, ordered a prescription renewal, and received a grocery delivery. That may sound busy, but actually was pretty quiet.  The order had a few omissions, but no substitutions, so I was pleased.

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Short Takes –

Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance – The Week Ahead
Quote – There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to whether DOJ is going to indict the former president. The one clear piece of information we have is that DOJ is treating this as a serious criminal matter that will require a decision on whether to prosecute before it is complete. The case isn’t over just because DOJ has now retrieved the documents. We learned this in the legal memo DOJ filed last week. That memo accompanied the redacted search warrant Magistrate Judge Reinhart released last week. As Attorney General Garland has said repeatedly, DOJ doesn’t try its cases in the press. It speaks in court and through its pleadings. So, when DOJ files a pleading of this magnitude, it’s worth paying attention.
Click through for article. Glenn Kirschner is irate about this, and it’s definitely fishy. Vance probably is too, but she provides less heat and more light here. The hearing is Thursday, September 1.

Slate – The Men Just Keep Talking
Quote – Long after the time had passed for male GOP officials to stop, to just stop, pretending they know or understand anything about female anatomy, reproductive organs, medical emergencies and basic preventative health care, they have continued to talk. They have continued to talk and talk and talk even when the massive blowback after the Dobbs decision proved it was an error;… Every time a Republican man opens his mouth to talk about women’s bodies, ten new female voters get their wings. Yet somehow, they cannot seem to stop themselves!
Click through for story. And, if that doesn’t make you angry (or not angry enough), also check out this one.

Food For Thought

Aug 292022

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia DA Fani Willis moves through Trump lackeys: Giuliani, Graham, Kemp and Meadows

Meidas Touch – Democratic Mom STUNS at school board hearing with speech of the year

Farron Balanced – DOJ Says They Can’t Trust Anything Trump’s Lawyers Tell Them

Robert Reich – How Republicans Could Steal The Next Presidential Election

Liberal Redneck – Student Loan Forgiveness

Beau – Let’s talk about hunger stones and more….

Aug 292022

Yesterday, I went to see Virgil, arriving about 11:00 am and staying until visitation was over at 3:30.We enjoyed each other’s company, and Virgil returns all greetings. This facility is ony about 35 miles away, mostly on the nterstateand Sundat traffic isn’t bad, so it was not difficult going or coming back. There was a rainstorm on the way back … some of it was heavy, but all of it was brief. They say in Colorado if you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes, but I think it’s more accurate to say move 5 miles. I’ve known a co-worker to have dry weather at home, while the weather is dry at th e workplace, and still not be able to get to work because, inbetween, there was impassible snow. But I digress. I got home safely, but found myself fresh out of energy.  I did just manage to place a grocery delivery order and that was about it.

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Short Takes –

The New Yorker – The Dangers of Trump-Prosecution Syndrome (opinion)
Quote – The legal process that the case is following illustrates the procedures in American jurisprudence that help to insure that prosecutors proceed methodically and fairly…. Legal experts and former Justice Department officials told me that, based on the publicly known evidence, prosecuting Trump for mishandling classified documents appears simpler than bringing criminal charges against him for his role in the January 6th storming of the U.S. Capitol. [Stephen] Gillers[, a professor of legal ethics at New York University,] [said] that, fairly or unfairly, prosecuting a former President requires meeting a higher legal and political threshold. “It has to be one-hundred-per-cent irresistible as a matter of law,” he said. “There can be no fact, no event, no piece of evidence that could support any room for ambiguity.”
Click through for full article. I was thinking myself even before i started reading that the insurrection was far more obviously harmful but much harder to prove his criminal intent, whereas the mishandling of documents is easier to prove, but possibly harder to generate interest in. (The dates of his speaking with Putin, sending something in writing to Putin – delivered, I believe, by Rand Paul – and the daytes of our highest and most qualified agents starting to die off could possibly be coincidental – though I would not believe that for an instant.) I do think he should be charged for both, if for no other reason, because then the coase would not necessarily be tried in the federal district in which the crime was committed – since they are different.

The New York Times – Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants
Quote – The message, in an unusual top secret cable, said that the C.I.A.’s counterintelligence mission center had looked at dozens of cases in the last several years involving foreign informants who had been killed, arrested or most likely compromised. Although brief, the cable laid out the specific number of agents executed by rival intelligence agencies — a closely held detail that counterintelligence officials typically do not share in such cables. The cable highlighted the struggle the spy agency is having as it works to recruit spies around the world in difficult operating environments. In recent years, adversarial intelligence services in countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan have been hunting down the C.I.A.’s sources and in some cases turning them into double agents.
Click through – it is not paywalled, but is a gift link, so you will be able to read it in full with the possible exception of Lona – though she is good with VPNs. These events, not this specific article is what I was referring to in my comment on the other short take.

Food For Thought

Aug 282022

Glenn Kirschner – Newly unredacted DOJ memo reinforces Bill Barr’s coverup of Trump’s obstruction of justice crimes

Meidas Touch – Texas Law BACKFIRES and accidentally labels Republicans COMMUNISTS (Too funy. Beto accurately knows that “communist” is an economic term [and he isn’t one] – the Texas law isn’t a bad one, but it should have used the term “authotitarian,” or “insurrectionist” – overthrowing the governmetn has nothing to do with communism.)

Ring of Fire – Trump Has Epic Meltdown As Scandals Get Worse

Ojeda Live – The West is drying up!

Armageddon Update – “Stay In Your Lane!”

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, Special Masters, and a new subpoena….

Aug 272022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump files nonsensical brief attacking DOJ/Mar-a-Lago search warrant; Judge tells him to try again

Meidas Touch – WTF: Texas Paul REACTS to Republican Candidate who supports STONING LGBTQ people

Lincoln Project – Poser

Ring of Fire – Trump Has Epic Meltdown As Scandals Get Worse

Armageddon Update – The Troops

Beau – Let’s talk about talking points that are destroying families….

Aug 272022

Yesterday, the redacted affidavit from the Mar-a-Lago search warrant was released. So much was NOT redacted that I suspect all that was redacted was any information which might tend to identify the witnesses, or otherwise compromise DOJ sources (and also, just maybe, other Federal laws they are investigating him for). Yes, there are some all-black pages – but by my count they make up just under half of the complete document. Like all legal documents, the phrasing and vocabulary are as unsensational as possible, but the facts are there and are made clear. Of course MAGAts would not be convinced FPOTUS did anything wrong even if Jesus came back to earth and denounced him. But anyone with an open mind who can manage to get through the legalese should get it.

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Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance – Tomorrow Before Noon
Quote – Here’s the bottom line. Kemp delayed testifying, despite the DA’s persistent efforts—first voluntary and then by subpoena, to bring him in. Now, months into the process, he says she shouldn’t be able to make him testify before his election in November, even though he’s responsible for the delay. But Kemp is a fact witness. If he’d observed a car wreck and was called to testify, would he argue he shouldn’t have to before the election? Of course not. It’s a bad argument, tantamount to asking for special treatment because he’s on the ballot and doesn’t want to have to testify against the former president before the voting starts. And I’m sure that if the court permits him to delay past November, Kemp will find fresh reasons to claim he can’t testify after the election. Kemp also argues that he has sovereign immunity as the state’s governor, which should prevent his grand jury testimony. But again, Kemp isn’t a target of the investigation, he’s just a fact witness, so that doctrine shouldn’t apply.
Click through for details. Like Richardson, Vance sends her newsletter late at night, so “Tomorrow” in her title is now “Yesterday.”

Robert Reich – My father and Senator Joe McCarthy
Quote – During the Army-McCarthy hearings, McCarthy’s chief counsel was Roy Cohn. Cohn had gained prominence as the Department of Justice attorney who successfully prosecuted Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage, leading to their execution in 1953. The Rosenberg trial had brought the 24-year-old Cohn to the attention of J. Edgar Hoover, who convinced McCarthy to hire Cohn as chief counsel for McCarthy’s Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, where Cohn became known for his aggressive questioning of suspected communists. My father thought Roy Cohn almost as despicable as Joe McCarthy. After McCarthy’s downfall, Cohn proved useful to a young New York real estate developer named Donald Trump who was then undertaking several large construction projects in Manhattan and needed a fixer and mentor. Cohn filled both roles.
Click through for story. Although I’m almost a year older than Robert, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as television until the nid-fifties, and we didn’t have one for a lot of years after that. I’m glad he did, and was old enough to remember that occasion. But … we are still (not again, still) fighting the same ogre today.

Food For Thought
