Sep 132022

Glenn Kirschner – New criminal investigation: this one of Trump’s Save America PAC. Yet still no indictments

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Trump STOOGES Stephen Miller and Brian Jack SUBPOENAED by DOJ for Jan 6

Ring of Fire – 195 Election Deniers Are On The Ballot This November

Robert Reich – The Truth About “Quiet Quitting”

Ojeda Live – Steve Bannon in Handcuffs!

Beau – Let’s talk about Memphis and how it can change….

Sep 122022

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ appeals Judge Cannon’s ruling in Trump’s theft of classified documents case (Sound is better – still a bit soft, but no echo)

Meidas Touch – Beto RALLY brings FORMER REPUBLICAN to tears in POWERFUL video

The Lincoln Project – DJ Trump

DOJ – This Week at Justice – September 9, 2022

Armageddon Update | The Bourne Stupidly

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s nuclear documents….

Added after posting because it is brand new and potentially very important:

Sep 122022

Yesterday, I visited Virgil, who returns all greetings. Neither of us had a lot to say, but we enjoyed each others company. The drives down and back were uneventful, and I seem to have finally mastered the difference in what one can and cannot bring in and what one must or need not present between here and all the other facilities. I still have a couple of questions (in my mind) about the dress code, which is visibly more lenient here. But since it’s easy to prepare by the stricter rules, I’ll probably just do that unless a need arises.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

PolitiZoom – Laurence Tribe – Trump Must be Charged with Espionage and Obstruction in Washington D.C.
Quote – National Defense and security forum Just Security along with Philip Lacovara and Dennis Aftergut, reminds us that drumpf’s all-star lineup of corrupt judges in Florida and the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, many of who he appointed for the sole purpose of getting him out of hot water when the nation inevitably learned of his crimes, should not be a factor in the DOJ’s prosecution of der Gropinfuhrer for his theft of Nation Security secrets, but that The Superior Court of the District of Columbia, the venue with jurisdiction over Washington D.C., where the crime actually occurred, should be where drumpf is indicted and tried.
Click through for full article. It’s not just the judges … it’s also the juries. A fair jury is going to be much easier to seat in D.C. than in Florida.

The Warning – They saved the Capitol and killed the enemy
Quote – The passengers and crew of United 93 were combatants. They represented the greatest virtues of patriotism and sacrifice in a defining moment. They defended their country and should be recognized and decorated accordingly…. There is something called a brevet. It is arcane and no longer in use [JD note – I believe it may still be available for certain battlefield promotions – emergency use, as it were], but has a long tradition in the US military. It should be used again to properly recognize the fierceness, valor and sacrifice of the men and women of United 93 who were the equals of the men who stood their ground at Lexington, Bastogne and Gettysburg. They died as Americans fighting back against a foreign enemy. They huddled, organized, voted and formed an American armed force, and attacked the enemy and killed him. They saved the Capitol of the United States and thousands of lives.
Click through for story and passion. I agree with him. I’m an unpaid subscriber, so usually I get a half or a third of his articles, but this one arrived in full, and appears to be available in full at his site for all, including non-subscribers.

Food For Thought

Sep 112022

Glenn Kirschner – Bannon indicted again; DOJ appeals “special master” ruling; former US Attorney exposes Trump & Barr (the sound is so poor on this that everyone will need the CC. Not only is the volume about half or less of usual, bu there’s a slight echo. I realize they are tweaking the studio … and have invited comments on that … so if anyone is a YouTube member, you might just comment on the sound.)

Meidas Touch – Steve Bannon SURRENDERS in NY as he is INDICTED on new STATE CRIMINAL CHARGES

The Lincoln Project – Rick Reacts – Trump**’s Meltdown

Thom Hartmann – This Constitutional Law Says Trump & His Traitors CAN’T Hold Office

Rocky Mountain Mike – Happiness Is A Jailed Trump

Beau – Let’s talk about New Mexico, Jan 6, and the 14th Amendment…

Sep 112022

Yesterday’s radio opera was “I Puritani” by Vincenzo Bellini. Bellini was a composer of “bel canto” opera (Italian for beautiful singing), a style from the early 19th century which was pretty much out of fashion until brough back into prominence by Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland in the 1950’s and ’60’s, and has been part of the standard repertory since. Of course all opera is supposed to have beautiful singing, but bel canto specifically refers to a style which has lots of vocal ornaments and very little key changes or complexity. So in one way it’s virtuosic, but in another it’s simple. Opera singers say that singing it is good for the voice, compared to even mid-19th-cebtury like Verdi, but certainly compared to early 20th century like Puccini (“verismo”) and especially early-to-mid 20th century like Berg amd Schoenberg. It is filled with lovely melodies that leave listeners humming – in their minds, because unless you are trained you likely can’t produce all the twists and turns, especially at the tempos some of them are. Next week’s opera – in fact the next four weeks’ operas – were recorded in China – but only the last one will be in Chinese. The first three will be in French, Czech, and German respectively.

Cartoon – 11 0911Cartoon.jpg

Short Takes –

Letters frm an American – September 8, 2022
Quote – On this day in 1974, President Gerald Ford gave former president Richard M. Nixon “a full, free, and absolute pardon…for all offenses against the United States which he…has committed or may have committed or taken part in” during his time in the presidency. In the pardon proclamation, Ford said he issued the pardon to help the nation heal from the trauma of the Watergate scandal. A trial would “cause prolonged and divisive debate over the propriety of exposing to further punishment and degradation a man who has already paid the unprecedented penalty of relinquishing the highest elective office of the United States.”
Ford’s pardon of Nixon removed from our democratic system the principle that all of us are accountable to the same laws.
Click through for full letter. There was an episode of Antiques Roadshow to which someone brought a letter from Gerald Ford, written before he was Presient or Vice Preident, but not too long before that. It was written to his former first grade teacher, who he had just learned used to call him “Naughty little Gerry Ford.” Maybe she was right all along.

Civil Discourse – DOJ’s Motion For A Stay Explained
Quote – DOJ’s tone is respectful throughout, but the government does not mince words when it comes to arguing that the judge’s order is wrong, as in, missed the boat completely kind of wrong. And in delicate, polite tones it clarifies the precise nature of the damage she, a lone federal judge in Florida, is poised to do to our national security. This is exactly the tone experienced appellate litigators take when they are about to pillory a lower court’s ruling, which is what DOJ does in its motion.
Click through. Legal documents are usually written at a JD reading level. Vance interprets this at about a foourth grade reading level, so it should be pellucidly clear (or as much so as possible allowing for missing facts.) Because I get her newsletter, I have not tried navigating the site, but if it’s easy, she has two, possibly three columns after this (just ignore the stuff about knitting.)

Food For Thought

Sep 102022

Glenn Kirschner – Bannon indicted again; DOJ appeals “special master” ruling; former US Attorney exposes Trump & Barr (the sound is so poor on this that everyone will need the CC. Not only is thevolume about half or less of usual, bu ther’s a slight echo. I realize they are tweaking the studio … andhave invited comments on that … so if anyone is a YouTube member, you might just comment on the sound.

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul RESPONDS to legend Dan Rather’s question about the GOP with the PERFECT answer

The Lincoln Project – Sucker

Robert Reich | How We Can Make Manchin and Sinema Irrelevant

If Mattress Commercials Were Honest | Honest Ads

Beau – Let’s talk about the other Las Vegas…. {It’s a sweet little town, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, but not that far from Santa Fe by western standards.}

Sep 092022

Glenn Kirschner – As he awaits sentencing in one case, Bannon is indicted in another; Donald Trump’s nuclear meltdown

Meidas Touch – Comedian PERFECTLY explains why there is no such thing as ‘Reverse Racism’

The Lincoln Project – Michelle Obama on Democracy

MSNBC – Lawrence: Defendant Trump ‘Has No Reputation To Protect’

Titus | NEW STANDUP SPECIAL “Zero Side Effects”

Beau – Let’s talk about climate refugees in the US today….

Sep 082022

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Cannon’s unjustified special master ruling; Barron’s bedroom; and DOJ’s continued inaction (Southern District of Florida appeals to the Eleventh Circuit. The SCOTUS justice assigned to the Eleventh Circuit is Clarence Thomas. God help us)

Meidas Touch – Top British Broadcaster SLAMS Mainstream Media FREAKOUT over Biden’s Pro-Democracy Speech

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party, Sep. 6, 2022

MSNBC – Not Everyone With ‘Political Integrity’ Should Run, Says Writer (Long, but good point[s])

“Honest Russian Army Ad”

Beau – Let’s talk about the loneliest man on Earth….
