Sep 302022

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Amy Berman Jackson calls out Trump/GOP, highlighting need for accountability for their crimes

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to MAGA Lying about Man Indicted for TERRORIZING Planned Parenthood Patients (This frosted me too.)

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party September 27, 2022

MSNBC – The Katie Phang Show — 9/25/2022

Meet The First Cat of The White House

Beau – Let’s talk about The Democratic party’s small donors….

Sep 292022

VIDEOS (9/29)

Glenn Kirschner – Mark Meadows is AGAIN subpoenaed to testify about Donald Trump’s crimes. Will he show up this time?

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Trump Lawyers make DESPERATE ATTEMPT to stop witnesses from testifying in Jan 6 probe

The Lincoln Project – Tide

Faiths United to Save Democracy – Well, this is something positive.  It’s only in certain states (which I think are well xhosen) and they are looking for actual clergy.

Farron Balanced – White House Staffers Were SHOCKED By How Stupid Trump Was

Beau – Let’s talk about 60% of Miami and the future….

Sep 292022

Yesterday, Colorado Public Radio preovided an update on the death of Christian Glass, which was in a short take on September 15th’s Open Thread. Who knew that (sadly) commonplace police outrage in rural Colorado would turn out to be an international incident? You see, we give birthright citizenship to anyone born on American soil. The UK and New Zealand probably do too, but they also give it to children of there citizens born anywhere in the world. Christian Glass had one parent from each of those countrues … so he had triple citizenship. So now both countries have some questions for the Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Office. Oops!

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Short Takes –

Robert Reich – Are record levels of stress inside us — or outside us?
Quote – Studies show that women have nearly double the risk of depression as men. Black people also have higher stress levels — from 2014 to 2019, the suicide rate among Black Americans increased by 30 percent. Are women and Black people suffering from a “disorder,” or are they responding to reality? Or both? White men without college degrees are particularly vulnerable to “deaths of despair” from suicide, overdoses, and alcoholic liver diseases, with contributions from the cardiovascular effects of rising obesity, according to the American Council on Science and Health.
Click through for article. As a person who has experienced clinical depression, controlled with medication, I suggest that both are real. And that stress anxiety/depression and clinical anxiety/depression do not respond to the same coping mechanisms. But also that external stress from an unhealthy society should certainly be minimized, and everyone would feel better if that could happen.

Mother Jones – Don’t Try Serving Ken Paxton With a Subpoena, Unless You Want to Get Shot
Quote – Paxton responded angrily to the Texas Tribune’s write-up of the incident on Tuesday morning, framing the encounter as a precautionary maneuver at a time when elected officials are being subjected to violent threats…. But if it was concern for the safety and well-being of his family that compelled Paxton to flee from a suspicious man with a manila envelope, it’s not really clear why his wife dealt with him. If anyone is familiar with what it’s like to be subpoenaed, it’s the scandal-plagued attorney general of Texas.
Click through for story. Beau of the Fifth Column made a video on this incident also. Paxton must hate the Texas Tribune – it has a deserved reputation for honesty and reliability.

Food For Thought

Sep 282022

Glenn Kirschner – NY judge tells Rudy Giuliani to pay up or get locked up; Ginni Thomas to testify to J6 committee

Meidas Touch – MAGA Republicans MOCK Marco Rubio in new MEGAVIRAL Supercut by MeidasTouch

The Lincoln Project – Kevin’s Plan

MSNBC – The Rachel Maddow Show 9/26/22 Part 1 and Part 2of the fascism segments

Liberal Redneck – Stacey Abrams, Heartbeats, and Georgia

Beau – Let’s talk about the Electoral Count Act of 1887 being clarified….

Sep 282022

Yesterday, I set my alarm to get up today in time to hear the January 6 committee hearing (Fortuately I heard about the postponement – due to Ian – in time to un-set it.) I also, as usual, pre-posted today’s Open and Video threads. I’d like to point out that in the Video thread today there are two videos from Rachel – parts 1 and 2 from a detailed history and updates view of fascism (but not complete – the full video I saw is not private.) In her monologue, and then with David Corn, she gave a history of the last 100 years of fascism, not in every country, but in several. Corn made the point that that cadre of extremists is always present, in any society, which I have occasionally pointed out too, but he does it better and brings better receipts. I want everyone to know it’s there, because it as much information about fascism as you are ever likely to find in one place. If you are a member of YouTube and can sign in, and want to go deeper, this is the address. And finally, the underwear model was convicted on all five counts.

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Civil Discourse – The Oath Keepers Go To Trial
Quote – [Yesterday] morning, jury selection [began] in the case of the leader and four members of the Oath Keepers group, indicted on seditious conspiracy and other charges. The trial itself, with opening statements, is expected to begin later in the week, and could have serious implications for Trump. The Washington Post reports, “Prosecutors plan to call as many as 40 witnesses over a projected five-week trial, draw from 800 statements by those charged and summarize tens of thousands of messages, hundreds of hours of video footage and hundreds of phone call, location and financial records, according to pretrial proceedings.”
Click through for everything you wanted to know about the Oath Keepers, and probabaly a lot that you never wanted to know. Thia has been long in the making, and will have profound effect – let’s hope for justice, not against it.

Law and Crime – Questionable Credibility of Two Key Witnesses in Matt Gaetz Probe May Lead to No Criminal Charges: Report
Quote – The Post explained the problems with what the ex-girlfriend allegedly revealed: “The 17-year-old at issue in the investigation was also on that trip, though by that time she was already 18 or older, people familiar with the matter have said. She has been a central witness in the investigation, but people familiar with the case said she is one of two people whose testimony has issues that veteran prosecutors feel would not pass muster with a jury.” The newspaper said prosecutors further believe Greenberg’s veracity would also cause serious problems at a hypothetical trial.
Click through for article. If he is not going to be prosecuted, we certainly deserve to know why not. I would point out tat “questionable credibility does NOT necessarily mean the witnesses are not telling the truth. It means they are unlikely to convince a jury that they are telling the truth. I was on a Court Martial once where the prosecution’s main witness was “not credible.” When we came to deliberate, we all had a gut feeling the defendant was guilty as sin, but that the prosecution had not even come close to proving it. We had to acquit with nausea. I would not wish that experience on anyone. I might add the picture of Gaetz with this article makes one (at least me) want to jump through the page and punch him.

Food For Thought

Sep 272022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s secret grand jury litigation to stop aides from incriminating him & why it won’t work

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Federal Court CITES Trump case and IMMEDIATELY DENIES Mike Lindell Search Warrant Motion (It takes Ben a while to get to the lede, but when he does, it’s delicious)

The Lincoln Project – How a Democracy Falls

Robert Reich – The Truth Behind “Self-Made” Billionaires

Armageddon Update – IMMIGRATION NATION!

Beau – Let’s talk about how Game of Thrones can change the world…. [Call me crazy, but I would recommend detective fiction – not what I would call crime fiction where the focus is on the crimes, but detective fiction where the focus is on analyzing and deducing to restore order.)

Sep 262022

Glenn Kirschner – Where is Sidney Powell? Gaetz skates? Judge Dearie tells Trump’s attorneys to put up or shut up

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen REACTS to NY AG Filing on Trump Based On His Testimony

The Lincoln Project – A New Dark Age

This Week at Justice – September 23, 2022

Ojeda Live – Trump claims he can declassify documents “even by thinking about it.”

Beau – Let’s talk about the DISCLOSE Act….

Sep 262022

Yesterday, I went to see Virgil, who returns all greetings. I know he’s grateful to all of you for being there for me We were able to get in a little cribbage – the facility only has one deck of regular cards (I think they have a Uno set which has its own card in it, but that’s all) and they are not allowed to accept donations. There’s no board, so we don’t keep a running score – we are doing well if we remember whose deal it is – but it’s still fun. There is a large flat screen TV in the room, and today it was on (no sound) to the Chiefs-Colts game, about which the less said the better. The drive was easy enough both ways, and I got there and home safely.

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Short Takes –

Mother Jones – An Insurrectionist Underwear Model Is Finally Having His January 6 Trial
Quote – Strand is the first insurrectionist “influencer” to go on trial, and is arguably the most fashionable and impeccably groomed January 6 defendant. His signature undercut hairstyle, with the top carefully gelled into a rooster’s comb, leather jacket, and aviator sunglasses made him stand out in the crowd of old bearded white men, other MAGA maniacs, the QAnon Shaman, and the cammo-garbed militia types.
Click through for article. Yes, this is from last Wednesday, and he was supposed to testify Thursday, and by now the case has likely gone to the jury, but I can’t find any information on it.

Crooks & Liars – Hundreds Turn Out For Dying Boy’s Last Halloween Wish
Quote – Alex’s parents wanted to make his remaining time as meaningful as possible. They asked him if there was anything that he still wished to experience. His response: Halloween. Specifically, he wanted to see monsters. As a toddler, Alex had gone to a haunted house in Niagara Falls, his father said, and he desperately wanted to go back. His doctors cautioned the Hurdakises against traveling, urging them to remain close to home.
Click through for story (and a video). President Joe always says, “I promise you, the time will come that what’s going to happen is six months will go by and everybody is going to think, well, it’s passed. But you are going to ride by that field or smell that fragrance or see that flashing image. You are going to feel like you did the day you got the news. But you know you are going to make it. The image of your dad, your husband, your friend. It crosses your mind and a smile comes to your lips before a tear to your eye. That’s how you know. I promise you, I give you my word, I promise you, this I know. The day will come. That day will come.” And when it does, this memory will be there for Alex’s family.

Food For Thought
