Yesterday, I set my alarm to get up today in time to hear the January 6 committee hearing (Fortuately I heard about the postponement – due to Ian – in time to un-set it.) I also, as usual, pre-posted today’s Open and Video threads. I’d like to point out that in the Video thread today there are two videos from Rachel – parts 1 and 2 from a detailed history and updates view of fascism (but not complete – the full video I saw is not private.) In her monologue, and then with David Corn, she gave a history of the last 100 years of fascism, not in every country, but in several. Corn made the point that that cadre of extremists is always present, in any society, which I have occasionally pointed out too, but he does it better and brings better receipts. I want everyone to know it’s there, because it as much information about fascism as you are ever likely to find in one place. If you are a member of YouTube and can sign in, and want to go deeper, this is the address. And finally, the underwear model was convicted on all five counts.
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
Civil Discourse – The Oath Keepers Go To Trial
Quote – [Yesterday] morning, jury selection [began] in the case of the leader and four members of the Oath Keepers group, indicted on seditious conspiracy and other charges. The trial itself, with opening statements, is expected to begin later in the week, and could have serious implications for Trump. The Washington Post reports, “Prosecutors plan to call as many as 40 witnesses over a projected five-week trial, draw from 800 statements by those charged and summarize tens of thousands of messages, hundreds of hours of video footage and hundreds of phone call, location and financial records, according to pretrial proceedings.”
Click through for everything you wanted to know about the Oath Keepers, and probabaly a lot that you never wanted to know. Thia has been long in the making, and will have profound effect – let’s hope for justice, not against it.
Law and Crime – Questionable Credibility of Two Key Witnesses in Matt Gaetz Probe May Lead to No Criminal Charges: Report
Quote – The Post explained the problems with what the ex-girlfriend allegedly revealed: “The 17-year-old at issue in the investigation was also on that trip, though by that time she was already 18 or older, people familiar with the matter have said. She has been a central witness in the investigation, but people familiar with the case said she is one of two people whose testimony has issues that veteran prosecutors feel would not pass muster with a jury.” The newspaper said prosecutors further believe Greenberg’s veracity would also cause serious problems at a hypothetical trial.
Click through for article. If he is not going to be prosecuted, we certainly deserve to know why not. I would point out tat “questionable credibility does NOT necessarily mean the witnesses are not telling the truth. It means they are unlikely to convince a jury that they are telling the truth. I was on a Court Martial once where the prosecution’s main witness was “not credible.” When we came to deliberate, we all had a gut feeling the defendant was guilty as sin, but that the prosecution had not even come close to proving it. We had to acquit with nausea. I would not wish that experience on anyone. I might add the picture of Gaetz with this article makes one (at least me) want to jump through the page and punch him.
Food For Thought