Oct 262022

Glenn Kirschner – The Trump Organization “show trial” kicks off today. But Donald Trump will not be held accountable

The Lincoln Project – Tyranny

Meidas Touch – Roevember Is Coming!

Katie Porter brings inflation receipts.

MSNBC – Yamiche Alcindor: Felons Who Are ‘Legal To Vote’ May Be ‘Intimidated’ By FL Election Police Arrests

Beau – Let’s talk about the economy and a democratic problem…. (and Beau brings the receipts alsoi.)

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Oct 252022

Yes, humor has pretty much taken over today here also.

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ has many to chose from, but which crime will be the first on which Trump is indicted? [It would truly be ironic if Trump** were to go down in history as a catalyst for – I’ll uuse Glenn’s word – paradigm reform.)

Shirley Serban – The Cat Butts Song!

Puppet Regime – What Putin Loves About Fall

John Fugelsang – America’s Next President, Ron DeSantis

Mrs. Betty Bowers – “The Biggest Hypocrite in Congress” Award

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, O’Dea, and Colorado….

Oct 242022

Glenn Kirschner – January 6 committee subpoenas Trump. Will he successfully use the courts to run out the clock?

The Lincoln Project – We’ve Been Warning You

MSNBC – House Member Criticizes McCarthy Over Threats To Cut Ukraine Funding

Farron Balanced – Conservatives Started An Anti Woke Bank And Immediately Went Bankrupt

Armageddon Update – Vote or Die!

Beau – Let’s talk about which party you want during a recession….

Oct 232022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump-appointed Judge Carl Nichols refuses to send Steve Bannon to prison for his crimes (Glenn is correct that I can’t imagie a judge would do this for a person of color.  But it could happene, ans has happened, for a poor white person with no prior convictions.)

Robert Reich – Why The Window To Prosecute Trump Is Closing (the title is misleading – other questions are answered, but not that one)

Thom Hartmann – Could Ancient Psychology Technique Win Elections For Democrats? [Abortion, Inflation, Insurrection?]

MSNBC – Justice Department Requesting Funds To Continue Jan. 6 Investigation

Ring of Fire – Republicans Introduce Legislation To Stop Government From Hiring Strippers For Kids

Beau – Let’s talk about snow crabs…. [and the cost of doing nothing]

Oct 232022

Yesterday, the radio opera was L’Inganno Felice (The happy deception), another early (1812) and rarely performed opera, but this time by Gioachino Rossini. It’s in one act, and is a flimsy little story about a faithful wife, who is slandered and kidnapped by a lech she turns down. He follows up by having his sidekick put her out to sea in a leaky boat. Now, if you or I were put out to sea in a leaky boat, we would drown, but this never happens in opera. She is rescued and, in the end, restored to the happiness she had with her husband. Rossini was very much a bel canto composer, at least until he retired, so there are arias and cabalettas whoch follow formulas, but that doesn’t keep them from being highly different and highly original. Also, it’s so early it still has recitativo, the sort-of-singing-but-more-like-talking lines which move the story forward. It was considered a comedy because it has a happy ending, but today we would call it a romantiv melodrama. One thing that is unintentionally funny, though, is that the character who rescues the heroine and takes her under his wing for the ten years between the murder attempt and the resoluttion, presents her as his niece, and calls her “Nisa.” (The Italian word for niece, “nipote,” doesn’t sound at all like “niece” – but “Nisa” does.)

In other news, the Lakota people )the Standing Rock Sioux) in South Dakota are holding a Get-Out-the Native-Vote evens which includes cultural events both for adults and for children, and they are live streaming it all weekend. If you have ever wanted to see some Lakota traditions which you would normally only see at powwows, now is the time. And this is the link.

Cartoon –


Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Finally: Here’s What Early Abortion Tissue Really Looks Like
Quote – Sometimes, patients want to see the tissue after an abortion. “They are stunned by what it actually looks like,” says Fleischman. “That’s when I realized how much the imagery on the internet and on placards – showing human-like qualities at this early stage of development – has really permeated the culture. People almost don’t believe this is what comes out.”
Click through for details. Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure. Pictures may not lie, but enough liars lie about them so that they don’t have to. All those pictures you see that are supposed to be fetuses and look like babies are lies, and it’s time that was publicized,

truthout – Report: DOJ Prosecutors Say There’s Enough Evidence to Prosecute Trump
Quote – A group of prosecutors within the Department of Justice (DOJ) believe there is enough evidence to charge former President Donald Trump with a crime relating to his improper removal of government documents from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago home, following his departure from office. According to Bloomberg, which cites unnamed sources with knowledge of the matter, DOJ prosecutors believe Trump could be charged, at minimum, with obstruction.
Click through for story. The headline is imprecise, even misleading, if one doesn’t read at least the first two paragraphs, as it implies there might be enough evidence to charge him with any and every crime he has committed, and that’s not what it says at all. It says obstuction. My personal belief is that the smartest way to charge him is with whatever crime(s) will make the maximum nomber of Americans furious with him, and the minimum number of (armed) Americans go riot in the streets. Espionage might accomplish that. Ordinary obstruction maybe not so much. But we’ll see.

Food For Thought

Oct 222022

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ prosecutors conclude they have enough evidence to indict Donald Trump for obstruction of justice

Meidas Touch – Herschel Walker SKIPS DEBATE and moderator’s response GOES VIRAL

Lincoln Democracy Institute – Pressure

MSNBC – Ron Klain: GOP Has ‘Horrible, Horribler, And Horriblelist’ Ideas To Cut Social Security

Farron Balanced – Trump’s Attorney Is FURIOUS He Won’t Be Indicted Before The Midterms

Beau – Let’s talk about the most important midterm issue….

Oct 222022

Yesterday, I heard from my BFF. The colonoscopy went well – she’s good for another ten years. But she has uterine fibroids, and (I guess because of the bleeding?) her medical team is concerned. They’ve changed her hormones and will periodically be administering shots in hopes of diminishing them. It’ll take several months to know, and they may recommend surgery. She appreciates very much any and all prayers (as do I on her  behalf). Also, Steve Bannon was sentenced – only 4 months in prison, but that’s still something (and a $6500 fine … which is NOT something.) As I write I don’t know whther or not he was immediately remanded, or given some time to “put his affairs in order” and report. Also, the Fifth Circuit (TX, LA, MS) Court of Appeals ruled that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is inconstitutional, and Public Citizen has a petition to sign about it.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Body Cams Show DeSantis Thugs Arresting People For Voting
Quote – According to the Times, Oliver, who served 18 years in prison for second-degree murder, filled out both a voter registration form and a change-of-address form in 2020 before voting, and the forms were reviewed by the State Department before she was given a voter ID. State registration forms require voters to swear that they have not been convicted of a felony or that their voting rights have been restored, but they do not clarify that people convicted of certain crimes are not eligible for restored rights.
Click through for story. I seriously hope these people sue the State of Florida – or, better, DeSantis personally – for entrapment, and can take him to the cleaners, because I’m sure this was deliberate on his part. Local election officials were working with state-supplied materials which were deceptive, but not the local officials fault, and even the “thugs” in the video (the Twitter one since the YouTube one has been removed) sound awfully polite for thugs.

The Progressive Magazine – The Government Is Actually Doing a Good Job
Quote – You wouldn’t know it from watching the news, but American children are doing better than they were at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, at least when it comes to having their basic needs met…. The child tax credit expansion ended at the beginning of this year. Now, some elected leaders are proposing to reinstate the expanded tax credit…. Regardless of what decision Congress makes, the success of the expansion highlights something else you wouldn’t know from watching the news: The federal government has demonstrably improved the lives of the vast majority of Americans over the last year and a half.
Click through for full article – and don’t keep it to yourself. As the article points out, and as In The Public Interest (who referred me to the article) is constantly pointing out, government run like government, not like a business, always tends tp provide more service at less cost than privatization.

Food For Thought

Oct 212022

Glenn Kirschner – Judge David Carter rules Trump KNOWINGLY filed false documents in court, lying about election fraud

Meidas Touch – Marco Rubio HUMILIATED on live TV in VIRAL debate MOMENT OF THE YEAR

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party — October 18, 2022

MSNBC – Trevor Noah On American Racism Vs. Overt Racism In South Africa

Liberal Redneck – Trashin’ Alabama for Three Straight Minutes

Beau – Let’s talk about two cars in Jacksonville and being a man…. ( did read about this. I recommend a hanky. I won’t write about it because I can’t express anger constructively as well as Beau can.)
