Feb 222023

Glenn Kirschner – Once Trump is indicted, he will throw EVERYONE on whom he has compromising information under the bus (My concern, and that of his niece, is that he will incite violence on a much larger scale than anything up till now.)

The Lincoln Project – Democracy Won

Ring of Fire – Why Trump’s Document Problem Makes Him Look So Stupid (Not to be a party pooper, but this assumes all the documents start out in the National Archives – and they don’t. But it’s still funny.)

Shirley Serban – Pets Sing The Prayer

This Ancient-Looking Dog Is Actually A Puppy

Beau – Let’s talk about a PSA for Ohio and a question from Europe….

Feb 212023

Glenn Kirschner – Emails between Fox News hosts expose Fox’s intentional election fraud lies. What happens now?

MSNBC – Burn: Neil DeGrasse Tyson roasts UFO theories, says ‘no to aliens’

Farron Balanced – Republicans Are Convinced Space Aliens Are Invading Earth

The Riccardis – Deranged, Dopey, and Deluded (not new, butvery pertinent still.)

Cat Cares For His New Sister’s Kittens After She Gives Birth

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine, West Virginia, and Texas…. So glad someone said this.Now if Beau, or someone, could only go back even farther in history to, say, the tenth century, and how Ukraine was civilized before Russia was even a twinkle in the Vikings’ eyes.

Feb 202023

Glenn Kirschner – Will DA Fani Willis pursue a narrow, focused indictment or a sweeping RICO indictment of Trump & Co?

The Lincoln Project – Fox Lies

Robert Reich – How Long Will It Take to Actually Change The System?

Armageddon Update – Mike Pence Subpoenaed By John Wick’s Smarter Triathlete Brother, Jack Smith!

Meet the woodcutter who built his own Hobbit House (This a rescue story of a different kind)

Beau – Let’s talk about China, balloons, recovery, and briefings….

Feb 202023

Yesterday, things seemed to go very slowly. There wasn’t much email (though there was some of interest.) I have had a runny nose for the last few days; without going into gross detail, I can say that it didn’t seem to maych CoViD symptoms at all, but it’s always better to have accurate knowledge. So I administered a rapid test (the ones the government sent for free) and you’ll all be happy to know it was absolutely negative. (If there is one thing I am good at, it’s following directions, expecially clear ones, which these were.) I also looked at old March cartoons, and found that I only will need to make six – one early in the month, 4 around the 15th, and one near the end of the month. So I’ll get off easy. Also, yes, I did see that Jimmy Carter has decided to go into hospice care at home rather than be going in and out of hospital, and who can blame him. I found a link to send well wishes – you have to write your own. And then there’s this.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

PolitiZoom – INCOMING! Trump Is Taking Friendly Fire From His Own Foot Soldiers
Quote – No [expletive deleted]. [Friday} in federal court in Washington DC, in the Proud Boys sedition trial, at least some of the Boys are claiming that it’s Trump who belongs on trial, not them. After all, he was the President, and he called them to DC and gave them their marching orders. And then the lawyer fired off a full clip at His Lowness by announcing that he was planning on subpoenaing Trump to testify on his client’s behalf.
Click through for some detail. This is going to be interesting – and sad. For those who inexplicably confuse Trump** with Jwsus, I have a quote that seems likely to me in this situation: “Depart from me, I never knew you.”

Children’s Defense Fund – New Dangerous Assaults on Teaching the Truth
Quote – In his seminal book The Mis-Education of the Negro, Dr. Woodson also explained that providing a standard “mis-education” to young Black children in the school system—“the thought of the inferiority of the Negro is drilled into him in almost every class he enters and in almost every book he studies” was a calculated and insidious attack: “When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.” Decades later, James Baldwin put a similar insight in sharp words that resonate right now: “It’s not the world that was my oppressor, because what the world does to you, if the world does it to you long enough and effectively enough, you begin to do to yourself. You become a collaborate, an accomplice of your own murderers, because you believe the same things they do.”
Click through for full article. Likewise, when Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. was making a documentary on “Africa’s Great Civilizations,” and he first saw the Library of Timbuktu, he literally wept, because all his life he had been taught that “Black people never wrote anything.” I think the snowflakes in this dialog are all white, as indeed snowflakes generally are.

Food For Thought

Feb 192023

Glenn Kirschner – Proud Boys subpoena Trump to testify at seditious conspiracy trial. What could possibly go wrong?

The Lincoln Project – We’ll Name Them

Ring of Fire – Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Use Trump’s Legal Arguments Against House Republicans

Parody Project – King of the Con (This one actually had me singing along.)

Kitten Cries So Someone Will Rescue Him

Beau – Let’s talk about an alert to leave and some intelligence news….

Feb 182023

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia grand jury report re: Trump’s election crimes concludes witnesses lied, recommends charges.

Farron Balanced – Trump Lawyer Offers Dumbest Explanation Ever For Stolen Classified Document Folder

Really American – Chip Franklin SKEWERS Donald Trump for his obsession with public execution.

Brent Terhune – Satanic Ritual at the Grammys

Abandoned Lamb Runs To Human Mom

Beau – Let’s talk about Ohio, trains, coverage, and a lack of answers….

Feb 172023

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ won’t charge Matt Gaetz for alleged sex-trafficking: how fed prosecutors make charging decisions

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – February 14, 2023

Thom Hartmann – Is Neo-Fascism Taking Over America?

Rocky Mountain Mike – Bang Bang (Joe Biden Shot It Down) – Featuring Mary in Ann Arbor

Feral Cat Hated Everyone Until She Fell In Love With Another Kitty

Beau – Let’s talk about McConnell pushing Scott out there…

Feb 172023

Yesterday, when I checked around noon, the sun was bright, and a ggod deal of snow had melted, although the temperaure had not yet reach freezing (and would not all day.) I would have had a dry path from my door to the driveway, but not all the way to the mailbox. So the small package which was delivered Tuesday had to wait. Freezing temperatures shouldn’t hurt it as long as it’s dry. Also, it occurred to me that tday, February 17, is my PEBD (Pat will remember that acronym.) In plain English, it’s the day I signed the contract which both entitled and obliged me to report to Officer Candidate School to learn to be a Marine officer. The acronym stands for “Pay Entry Base Date,” I took my oath that day, and all my pay raises based on longevity went into effect that day in whatever year. And that original day was 57 years ago this year. Amazing. One more thing – I doubt anyone missed thepartial release of the Special Grand Jury report in Georgia, but just in case, here it is.

Cartoon – 17 0217Cartoon.jpg

Short Takes –

The 19th News – An Oklahoma judge just transferred a lesbian mom’s parental rights to her son’s sperm donor
Quote – Legal experts warn that the case could have substantial implications for marriage equality nationwide. Advocates battled a number of cases to enshrine same-sex marriage protections after the Supreme Court granted those rights nationwide in 2015. Among those fights was the right of parentage. The 2015 Supreme Court case Pavan v. Smith found that it was unconstitutional to treat queer couples differently than heterosexual couples when it came to presuming parentage. If married heterosexual couples were presumed to be parents of children born during their marriage, the same must be true for LGBTQ+ couples. However, laws vary state to state.
Click through for story. This case is so unusual I would hope it would not be much of a precedent – but with MAGAts you never know.

Letters from an American – February 12, 2023
Quote – On February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky. Exactly 100 years later, journalists, reformers, and scholars meeting in New York City deliberately chose the anniversary of his birth as the starting point for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)…. The spark for the organization of the NAACP was a race riot in Springfield, Illinois, on August 14 and 15, 1908. The violence broke out after the sheriff transferred two Black prisoners, one accused of murder and another of rape, to a different town out of concern for their safety.
Click through for full letter.  The NAACP is still around; over a hundred years later, it is needed as much as it has ever been.

Food For Thought

Just one from a remarkable set of photos – Five-year-old girl recreates photos of influential black women.
