Jun 042023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump can’t find classified document he stole; DA Willis goes all RICO; Pence cleared of wrongdoing

The Lincoln Project – DEE/DUH-Santis

Thom Hartmann – Did An 80 Year Old WWII Warning Predict America’s Descent Into Fascism?

Armageddon Update – Ai, Ai, OH NO!!!

Baby Owl Goes Everywhere With Her Family

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s Day 1 promise….

Jun 032023

Glenn Kirschner – Audio recording shows Trump may have violated US espionage laws. Federal indictments MUST now issue

The Lincoln Project – Trump Debt Ceiling

Ring of Fire – Lunatic Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims FBI Set Up ‘Honeypots’ To Trick Capitol Rioters

Brent Terhune – Mike Pence’s Biker Gang

Cat Meets New Boyfriend On A Walk But Is Skeptical About Him At First, Until…

Beau – Let’s talk about juries in the US….

Jun 032023

Yesterday, we resolved the car registration issue. Of course i don’t actually have the sticker yet. So when I go to see Virgil tomorrow, I will have in the car a copy of the entire email correspondence to explain the delay and prove i am actually in good standing in case I should be stopped. Of course I hope that won’t ne neessary – but but why take chances when one doesn’t have to? Also – not actually yesterday, but while I was preoccupied – I learned that what used to be “Elderhostel” is now named “Road Scholar.” If you weren’t familiiar with it, it’s a no-profit that books travel for older people. I would not call it exactly cheap (and some of it is downright pricey), but they do make it more affordable than if you were to try to book it yourself. So if anyone you know is considering leaving, not just a red state, but the whole country, it would be a resource to help check potential destinatins out. I did not register – I assume if one does, one would be able to see more than I was able to.  Also yesterday, though, I received a package I wasn’t expecting yet – the window for delivery they gave me when I ordered was June 3 – July 3.  It was 4 pairs of glasses for Barbie dolls (including one pair of sunglasses.)  Hopefully not having to try to make glasses out of jewelry wie will inspire me to get busy on the justice robe for my RBG doll, and then  will only need to make the collar.  (The doll doesn’t look a whole lot like RBG, though she looks very much like the actress who played her in the biopic which IIRC was called “On Account of Sex.”  And the sunglasses – well, I have pulled a bunch of red yarn out of my stash in anticipation of using them. 😉

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Letters from an American – May 31, 2023
Quote – But, as Josh Marshall pointed out in Talking Points Memo today, the Republican base no longer seems to care much about fiscal issues. Instead, they are pushing the cultural issues at the heart of illiberal democracy: anti-LGBTQ laws, antiabortion laws, anti-immigration laws. Former president Trump is making those themes central to his reelection campaign. Yesterday he released a video promising that on “Day One” of a new presidential term, he would issue an executive order that would end birthright citizenship. Our current policy that anyone born in the United States is a citizen, he claims, is “based on a historical myth, and a willful misinterpretation of the law by the open borders advocates.” He promises to make “clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic US citizenship.”
Click through for full column. Donald Trump** promised/threatened to do away with birthtight citizenship on his first day (if he wins.) Here’s why that is, at the very least, unconstitutional.

Quote – First, it’s certainly possible this is one of the documents pertaining to Iran that WaPo has reported were among the ones obtained in the search in August 2022. If it is, then it would be a document that Trump transported back and forth from Florida — something that would make it easier for DOJ to charge this in DC instead of SDFL.
Click through – I’m sure you know the basic part of this story. This may fill in some details.

Food For Thought

Jun 022023

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump caught on tape, PROVING he lied about declassifying national security documents

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – May 30, 2023

Thom Hartmann – America’s Rich Don’t Want You To Know This Simple Way To Stop Oligarchy

Parody Project – Say It Again – MONEY SUCKS THE CONGRESS DOWN (a tad too much bothsiderism for my taste)

Rescue Dog Stayed in Her Crate For Five Days Until She Realized She Was Home

Beau – Let’s talk about Russia’s nuke promise….

Jun 012023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump lawyer says he was BLOCKED from searching Trump office at Mar-a-Lago for classified documents

Thom Hartmann – The First Fascist State In America Revealed?

Farron Balanced – Fox News Raided Tucker Carlson’s House And Took His Filming Equipment

From TikTok via Twitter – possible hanky alert

Cat stops would-be burglar | ‘Binky went after him’

Beau – Let’s talk about the GOP coming for no fault divorce…

May 312023

Talking Feds – New Trump Lawyer Story REVEALS Shape of DOJ’s Obstruction Argument (Glenn may have posted after I put this up, but see the Open Thread – I had something else to think about.)

PoliticsGirl – Don’t Be Fooled

The Lincoln Project – Cut the Crap

MSNBC – Mississippi police shoot 11-year-old boy after his call to 911

Baby Chipmunk Burrows Into Giant 115-Pound Dog’s Fur (hanky alert)

Beau – Let’s talk about Texas teachers and me missing something….

May 302023

Glenn Kirschner – The Trump Trials: Updates on E. Jean Carrol case; Georgia DA’s case; & a tape in NY DA’s case

The Lincoln Project – Ron Pardons

Thom Hartmann – If Nazis Don’t Approve Your Book Is Banned?

Ring of Fire – Right-Wing Moms For Liberty Group Admits They Have ‘Moles’ Inside Liberal Groups

Very ‘Scary’ Cat Is Obsessed With A Tiny Almond

Beau – Let’s talk about the new Trump documents reporting….

May 292023

Glenn Kirschner – Oath Keeper Elmer Rhodes gets 18 years in prison; Trump & DeSantis pledge to pardon insurrectionists

Thom Hartmann – These Corporations Force Workers ONTO Welfare…Then Lobby To CUT the Safety Net…

Farron Balanced – Trump Allies Believe He’ll Be Indicted By DOJ Very Soon

Armageddon Update – Financial Armageddon

Tiny Rescue Dog Is So Nervous That He Lives In His Mom’s Pouch

Beau – Let’s talk about SCOTUS and checks and balances….
