Yesterday, It was, of course, a holiday, which was a good thing, since I was still having trouble with my shoulder. (Not that a holiday normally affects my schedule, but the drop-off in emails and news was a serious help.) I hadn’t slept much Monday night on account of my left shoulder – I could probably get to sleep with/sleep through that level of pain if it stayed level, but instead it was intensifying and dropping off at intervals of 1-2 seconds. Knowing the next twinge was coming, over and over, kept me focused on that. Finally I gave up and got up for a couple of hours, dealt with some email, found a short take or two, and after about an hour noticed that the twingeing was gone. So I went back to bed, and got back up in mid-afternoon. I don’t know whether anyone noticed Nameless’s comment telling me I had scooped Daily Kos with a video I posted of a flying squirrel faking his own death and setting up a crime scene? Well, yesterday Ilearned that I had also scooped Crooks and Liars with the story on the hundredth-birthday dog parade. I did end up looking up the “Capitol Fourth” on PBS (same people who organize the Memorial Day Concert, but different cast and different ambiance.)
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
PolitiZoom – Neal Katyal Asserts Colorado AG Can Force SCOTUS to Rehear 303 Creative Case
Quote – [F]ormer Obama Solicitor General Neal Katyal appeared on Michael Steele’s MSNBC show today to assert that in light of new evidence that the Colorado web designer who brought the 303 Creative case, and who in fact does not design web-sites, willfully misrepresented the basic facts of her complaint, that the Attorney General of Colorado can force SCOTUS to rehear matter.
Click through for details, why and how. Neal just argued and won Moore v. Harper. I’d listen to him. My AG’s “Contact” website was borked, but if necessary, I’ll send him a snailmail.
John Pavlovitz
Quote – But there are times and there are events that defy this idea. Some things are bad and we cannot and should not minimize their implications on people or the planet. This has been a bad week for diverse humanity. It has been a bad week for vulnerable people. It’s been a bad week for racial equity. It’s been a bad week for people buried in debt. And, it’s been a bad week for those of us who grieve the erasing of so much progress in such a short time, even if we saw it coming, even if it felt like a foregone conclusion. Nothing really prepares you to see your worst fears realized.
Click through for full article. This is John’s email for the Fourth (which actually arrived on the third) and, while this message is always good to remember, I agree there are many decent Americans who really need to be reminded right now.
Food For Thought