Yesterday, I managed to solve the New Yorker’s “Name Drop” on the first clue without even an opera being involved. Succeed or fail, when you get to the answer, the quiz will say something snarky, which today for me was “The world needs more trivia heroes like you.” It got a chuckle out of me. I do have some trivia knwledge, but it’s very specialized, and I am absolutely no “trivia hero.” ALso yesterday I learned – and I’m sorry – from Beau that “Captain Kori”‘s pirate ship has left the dock. If that means nothing to you, you should probably ignore it. But if you do recognize the name and want more information, here it is. I won’t be putting it in the video thread.
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
Raw Story (via Archive Today) – Opinion | Neuroscientist sounds the alarm on the right wing, the GOP and the ‘contagious sociopaths’ who live among us
Quote – One cannot talk about contagious sociopathy without considering righteousness – a term describing the phenomenon by which malicious acts – including harming and killing others – are justified as long as the bad actor can consider the ‘victims’ to be an enemy. This is a bedrock of the Trump and MAGA attacks on the Left and any that criticize or oppose them. I have written and said it before and I will do so again: The contagious spread of sociopathy has provided us with potential and actual leaders who embody the worst that humanity has to offer according to moral, legal, religious/spiritual, and societal norms…and they continue to run on this platform.
Click through for full opinion. If you thought thatBandy Lee and Mary L. Trump were sounding “Fire!” at the three-alrm level … how many alarms is this!
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution – Grand jurors who will consider Trump charges to be selected Tuesday
Quote – Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney, who oversaw the special purpose grand jury, will preside over Tuesday’s selection of the two grand juries for this term of court. Each panel will have 23 grand jurors, plus three alternates. One panel will meet Mondays and Tuesdays, the other Thursdays and Fridays. Both will work in secret and are expected to decide whether to hand up indictments in hundreds of cases. It is unclear which one will consider the much-anticipated election-meddling case.
Click through for details including procedural details. I appreciate those, since knowing them helps make sense of the process for us on the outside of it.
Food For Thought