Yesterday, it was a bit cooler, and we had a bit of rain (and thunder). I started looking at cartoons for August. I won’t need to make many. In the month of August 2015, TC had a fine time mocking Republicans, and all of those are still on target (and of course there’s a lot of history too.) I only need to make two, although I will be using a couple I have already made for more recent events.
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Short Takes –
The Daily Beast – Kennedy Clan Comes Out Against RFK Jr.’s Latest Outrage
Quote – In 2022, Kennedy Jr. implied that public health responses to the pandemic were more extreme than life in Nazi Germany, saying, “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did.” His celebrity wife, actress Cheryl Hines, subsequently wrote on Twitter that “My husband’s opinions are not a reflection of my own. While we love each other, we differ on many current issues.” Three members of the Kennedy family also published an open letter in 2019 critiquing his views on vaccines.
Click through for details. I had mentioned that his sister (Kerry) had spoken against him publicly. But this puts him in the club (and not for the first time) with Paul Gosar and Stephen Miller (and if one more sibling speaks, Tommy Tuberville.)
The 19th – Nikki Haley’s attacks on Kamala Harris keep coming
Quote – “Anyone is better than President Kamala Harris. Anyone,” Haley said during an appearance on Fox News earlier this month. When asked if she meant to say President Biden, Haley responded: “Well, I think it’s President Harris.” Haley isn’t the only presidential candidate who launched attacks on Harris, the first woman and first Black and Asian-American person to be vice president. But she’s the most consistent, delivering a message that Biden could leave the country in the hands of Harris, who is seen as more progressive and has low favorability ratings, particularly among White and older voters. The attacks also play to voter biases against women candidates, who remain susceptible to gender stereotypes that deem them as less qualified for leadership roles.
Click through for full article. Frankly, Misogyny terrifies me. And the misogyny on the left terrifies me more than the misogyny on the right, which is out there for all to see. That on the left is covert. And what one can’t see, one can’t fight – or at least, one can’t win against. I honestly believe the first womanPresident will be a Republican (though I doubt it will be Haley.) Any woman who could win theRepublican primaries could very likely win the general. And I have to hope that I don’t live to see it.
Food For Thought