Jul 212023

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Aileen Cannon sets NO trial date – thus far – in Trump’s documents/obstruction/espionage case

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party July 18, 2023

Robert Reich – Amazon Is up to More Shenanigans

Armageddon Update – NATO You Didn’t!!

Woman Spends Days Trying To Rescue A Tiny Puppy In The Woods

Beau – Let’s talk about two minutes on Fox….

Jul 212023

Yesterday, it was still cooler, cooler than the day before, and is expected to be even cooler today. But then it goes back up. The highest high predicted in the next nine days, however, is only 94°F. I’m actually good with that. My fans can handle that just fine.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

HuffPost – Why A Victim Of Police Brutality Chose Restorative Justice For The Cop
Quote – Teri Jacobs, a photojournalist, was working at a protest that went awry in Portland on Aug. 18, 2020. When police ordered that the crowd disperse, Jacobs, who identified herself as a member of the press, said she was trying to help a friend when an officer named Corey Budworth began to hit her repeatedly with a baton on the head, neck and back. Jacobs said she went to the hospital the next day with bruises on her face and bumps on her head…. Two years later, Jacobs and Budworth came to a new agreement: They would each participate in a restorative justice program managed by the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office.
Click through for story. Not only is it about restorative justice, but it’s from Portland, OR. How could I not share it here?  TomCat would have been sso proud.

Wonkette – Donald Trump Hoarding Jewish Artifacts At Mar-a-Lago, And We Don’t Mean The Club’s Members
Quote – It’s time for a new episode of our favorite show, “Hoarders: Mar-a-Lago.” What items might our former president Donald “Sticky Fingers” Trump be keeping somewhere deep in the towers of classified documents and old Steak ‘Um packages that line the musty halls in which he will one day die alone, in his bathrobe, muttering “Rosebud” and clenching satellite photos of an Iranian nuclear weapons plant to his chest just before a nurse rushes in for an unenthusiastic round of CPR capped off with a celebratory martini? If you guessed “ancient Israeli antiquities,” well, congrats. According to news reports, Trump has been keeping these antiquities at his home like some sort of 19th Century British lord, and Israel has not been able to get them back.
Click through for details. This is the first Wonkette story I have used since they migrated to Substack, so you may need to click something to continue reading – or you may not. Substack allowed Wonkette to keep its domain address so all bets are off. Becca had the same reaction I did – that this is a really Nazi thing for him to do (see FFT).

Food For Thought

Jul 202023

Glenn Kirschner – Jack Smith informs Donald Trump HE IS A TARGET of the grand jury’s Jan. 6 insurrection investigation

The Lincoln Project – Trump’s TPUSA Speech in 91 Seconds

Thom Hartmann – Is Nationalizing Big Oil The Only Way To Stop Climate Change?

Liberal Redneck – Hollywood and the Summer of the Strike

Tiny Kittens Have Been Inseparable Since They Were Born

Beau – Let’s talk about bad headlines, Russia, and Ukraine….

Jul 202023

Yesterday, it was a bit cooler, and we had a bit of rain (and thunder). I started looking at cartoons for August. I won’t need to make many. In the month of August 2015, TC had a fine time mocking Republicans, and all of those are still on target (and of course there’s a lot of history too.) I only need to make two, although I will be using a couple I have already made for more recent events.

Cartoon – 20 0720Cartoon.jpg

Short Takes –

The Daily Beast – Kennedy Clan Comes Out Against RFK Jr.’s Latest Outrage
Quote – In 2022, Kennedy Jr. implied that public health responses to the pandemic were more extreme than life in Nazi Germany, saying, “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did.” His celebrity wife, actress Cheryl Hines, subsequently wrote on Twitter that “My husband’s opinions are not a reflection of my own. While we love each other, we differ on many current issues.” Three members of the Kennedy family also published an open letter in 2019 critiquing his views on vaccines.
Click through for details. I had mentioned that his sister (Kerry) had spoken against him publicly. But this puts him in the club (and not for the first time) with Paul Gosar and Stephen Miller (and if one more sibling speaks, Tommy Tuberville.)

The 19th – Nikki Haley’s attacks on Kamala Harris keep coming
Quote – “Anyone is better than President Kamala Harris. Anyone,” Haley said during an appearance on Fox News earlier this month. When asked if she meant to say President Biden, Haley responded: “Well, I think it’s President Harris.” Haley isn’t the only presidential candidate who launched attacks on Harris, the first woman and first Black and Asian-American person to be vice president. But she’s the most consistent, delivering a message that Biden could leave the country in the hands of Harris, who is seen as more progressive and has low favorability ratings, particularly among White and older voters. The attacks also play to voter biases against women candidates, who remain susceptible to gender stereotypes that deem them as less qualified for leadership roles.
Click through for full article. Frankly, Misogyny terrifies me. And the misogyny on the left terrifies me more than the misogyny on the right, which is out there for all to see. That on the left is covert. And what one can’t see, one can’t fight – or at least, one can’t win against. I honestly believe the first womanPresident will be a Republican (though I doubt it will be Haley.) Any woman who could win theRepublican primaries could very likely win the general. And I have to hope that I don’t live to see it.

Food For Thought

Jul 192023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump lavishes praise on Judge Aileen Cannon, hoping she will delay his federal trial in Florida

The Lincoln Project – Marge Endorsement

MSNBC – House GOP adds culture war amendments to defense bill


Dog Refuses To Leave His Dad’s Hospital Bed

Beau – Let’s talk about what the White House can learn from the commentators….

Jul 192023

Yesterday, TFG announced that he has received a target letter from Jack Smith regarding the January 6 insurrection. Let’s see, how long was it in the documents case between the target letter and the indictment dropping? Does anyone recall? Also yesterday, Michigan dropped indictments on 16 fake Trump** electors. Lots of people entering the “find out” phase.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Daily Beast – Closing Guantanamo Bay Prison Won’t Erase the Crimes Committed Against Muslims
Quote – Guantanamo was not created as a place for justice—especially not for the Muslim men detained behind its bars. Just as soon as these men were captured, they were labeled as suspected terrorists—thus precluding any ability for them to be seen as innocent until proven guilty. From the long years spent behind bars awaiting charges and convictions that never came, to torture, and even murder, the U.S. government has, at every conceivable step of the way, sought to entrench the perception of their inherent guilt. This perception has been shaped by the deployment of strategic narratives that have been carefully constructed and maintained to paint the men as irredeemable terrorists.
Click through for article. The headlne is true. But it still needs to be closed. Just not forgotten. And, yes, there needs to be justice.

Letters from an American – July 17, 2023
Quote – “What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them,” said Russell T. Vought, who ran Trump’s Office of Management and Budget and who now advises the right-wing House Freedom Caucus. They envision a “president” who cannot be checked by the Congress or the courts. Trump’s desire to grab the mechanics of our government and become a dictator is not new; both scholars and journalists have called it out since the early years of his administration. What is new here is the willingness of so-called establishment Republicans to support this authoritarian power grab. Behind this initiative is “Project 2025,” a coalition of more than 65 right-wing organizations putting in place personnel and policies to recommend not just to Trump, but to any Republican who may win in 2024. Project 2025 is led by the Heritage Foundation, once considered a conservative think tank, that helped to lead the Reagan revolution.
Click through for details. I have read about all of this – stuff – piecemeal. This is the first time I have seen it all in one place, discussed by a person who is both competent and unafraid to put it all together and call it out – as well as the people behind it.

Food For Thought

Jul 182023

The Lincoln Project – Traitor Tuberville

MSNBC – House GOP adds culture war amendments to defense bill

Puppet Regime – Putin’s New Show: Everything is Going According to Plan!

Proof That Saving An Animal’s Life Is Pure Magic

Beau – Let’s talk about Smith, Trump, and trial dates….

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Jul 172023

Glenn Kirschner – ared Kushner testifies in grand jury about Trump’s crimes. What are the odds he told the truth?

The Lincoln Project – Biden at the NATO Summit

MSNBC – Trump supporter faces voter fraud charges, following ironic pattern

Finnish Minister for European Affairs Playing Cello to Honor Ukraine

Single Kestrel Parent Raises Six Chicks

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine, NATO, and a rumor….
