Yesterday, a hot topic was “many people are saying” that Mark Meadows has already flipped on Trump**. This mostly on the basis of his demeanor. But it shouldn’t be all that hard to prove or disprove – just find out who hired his lawyers. Also, I received a breaking news alert from Axios with the subject line “White House rules out pardon for Hunter Biden.” Well, duh. Because that’s what people who believe in accountability do. But what do you want to bet Rethuglicans scream just as loudly over this as if he had done the opposite. And one more thing – everyone discussing Mitch McConnell’s awkward moment is talking about strokes or TIAs. But Robert Reich’s theory is a petit mal seizure. It happened to him once, years ago now, and that’s how he was diagnosed. It seems unusual for a person with no history of epilepsy to have one little seizure and then no more, but apparently it happens more often than anyone but a specialist would imagine.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance – On Being Wrong
Quote – The hearing turned out to be anything but a formality. It was more of a debacle, although I suspect that ultimately, the issues that emerged today will get resolved and a guilty plea will go forward. During the hearing, the plea deal between the United States and Hunter Biden was on again and off again, like a ping pong ball being batted back and forth. By the end of the hearing, it was off, at least for now. Hunter Biden’s plea remained one of “not guilty.” The Judge gave the parties 30 days to try and work it out. When a plea deal breaks down in court, it is almost always because a defendant doesn’t want to have to acknowledge, in front of friends and family, the crime or crimes they committed…. But that’s not what Hunter Biden’s situation is about. There seem to be two rather confusing issues that led to the derailment of the agreement.
Click through for full article. This happened on Wednesday, and today is Friday, and I expect eveyone’s heard it happened, but maybe not all the details. This really is very unusual. (Don’t forget to click “Continue Reading”)
The Hill – Will Alabama be allowed to defy the Supreme Court?
Quote – As for flaunting her state’s defiance of the law, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey added insult to injury when she tweeted, “The Legislature knows our state, our people, and our districts better than the federal courts …” Such contempt for courts is in service of national GOP power. Alabama journalist Brian Lyman reported that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had told state Rep. Brian Livingston, the map’s sponsor, “I’m interested in keeping my majority.” Meaning that the House GOP’s narrow, five-seat majority is at risk in 2024, and McCarthy can’t afford to lose a seat in Alabama to a second all-Black district.
Click through for full opinion. It appears we are approaching a moment of truth – one way or the other.
Food For Thought