Jul 282023

Yesterday, a hot topic was “many people are saying” that Mark Meadows has already flipped on Trump**. This mostly on the basis of his demeanor. But it shouldn’t be all that hard to prove or disprove – just find out who hired his lawyers. Also, I received a breaking news alert from Axios with the subject line “White House rules out pardon for Hunter Biden.” Well, duh. Because that’s what people who believe in accountability do. But what do you want to bet Rethuglicans scream just as loudly over this as if he had done the opposite. And one more thing – everyone discussing Mitch McConnell’s awkward moment is talking about strokes or TIAs. But Robert Reich’s theory is a petit mal seizure. It happened to him once, years ago now, and that’s how he was diagnosed. It seems unusual for a person with no history of epilepsy to have one little seizure and then no more, but apparently it happens more often than anyone but a specialist would imagine.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance – On Being Wrong
Quote – The hearing turned out to be anything but a formality. It was more of a debacle, although I suspect that ultimately, the issues that emerged today will get resolved and a guilty plea will go forward. During the hearing, the plea deal between the United States and Hunter Biden was on again and off again, like a ping pong ball being batted back and forth. By the end of the hearing, it was off, at least for now. Hunter Biden’s plea remained one of “not guilty.” The Judge gave the parties 30 days to try and work it out. When a plea deal breaks down in court, it is almost always because a defendant doesn’t want to have to acknowledge, in front of friends and family, the crime or crimes they committed…. But that’s not what Hunter Biden’s situation is about. There seem to be two rather confusing issues that led to the derailment of the agreement.
Click through for full article. This happened on Wednesday, and today is Friday, and I expect eveyone’s heard it happened, but maybe not all the details. This really is very unusual. (Don’t forget to click “Continue Reading”)

Will Alabama be allowed to defy the Supreme Court?

The Hill – Will Alabama be allowed to defy the Supreme Court?
Quote – As for flaunting her state’s defiance of the law, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey added insult to injury when she tweeted, “The Legislature knows our state, our people, and our districts better than the federal courts …” Such contempt for courts is in service of national GOP power. Alabama journalist Brian Lyman reported that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had told state Rep. Brian Livingston, the map’s sponsor, “I’m interested in keeping my majority.” Meaning that the House GOP’s narrow, five-seat majority is at risk in 2024, and McCarthy can’t afford to lose a seat in Alabama to a second all-Black district.
Click through for full opinion. It appears we are approaching a moment of truth – one way or the other.

Food For Thought

Jul 272023

Glenn Kirschner – 8 SEARCH WARRANTS were obtained in investigation of Trump’s documents/obstruction/espionage crimes

The Lincoln Project – #HitlERA

PoliticsGirl – Dear White Women

Parody Project – Pence Man

Summer Campers Find Out They’re Going Home With Rescue Puppies

Beau – Let’s talk about the Michigan elector claims getting strange….

Jul 262023

Trying to get a little ahead in anticipation of next month’s recap
Talking Feds – Alabama Republicans OPENLY DEFY Supreme Court [I would agree that “that’s the legal term.”]

The Lincoln Project – VP Harris’ Speech on Revisionist History in FL

Michigan AG Dana Nessel Charges 16 ‘False Electors’ with Election Law and Forgery Felonies

Brent Terhune – Jason Aldean Stands Up For Small Towns (In case you haven’t heard about this controversy, click here or here for starters)

Cat Who Has To Wear Sunglasses Loves Getting Attention – BAGEL

Beau – Let’s talk about a NJ commutation and Trump….

Jul 252023

Glenn Kirschner – Has Mark Meadows flipped on Donald Trump? Here’s an important new data point

The Lincoln Project – They Would Be Ashamed of Him

Thom Hartmann – Russia Behind FAKE Hunter Biden Laptop Story? Shocking Revelations Revealed! [File under No s***, Sherlock]

Dog Obsessed With Water Goes to Waterpark (He’s a “yellow labmarine.”)

The Never Again Trump Song [parody of “Harrigan” by George M. Coham]

Beau – Let’s talk about Tupac….

Jul 242023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump is a danger to the community. When indicted for Jan. 6, he should be detained pending trial

PoliticsGirl – For Those Who Think Their Vote

Farron Balanced – Trump Admits That Any Lawyer That Represents Him Is A Fool

Parody Projrct – Take It Easy

Adventure Cats Who Were Once Strays Have The Best Moms Now + Other Cat Rescues

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden’s new Dark Brandon ad…. [i had the MTG cli[ up here with “I approve this message” tacked on, but the one with the Biden/Harris visuals seems to be only on Twitter.  Sorry.]

Jul 242023

Yesterday, I ran across a story which just tugged at my heartstrings. I expect it will do the same for all who love both animals and justice. I fund it at Democratic Underground,, but the poster provided their original source, and it doesn’t appear to be paywalled, so that’s what I’m linking to.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker – Finally, the Trump Case We’ve Been Waiting For
Quote – And yet Republicans remain in such thrall to their Orange Jesus—the honorific that Party apostate Liz Cheney so memorably quoted one of his acolytes calling him during last summer’s January 6th hearings—that, with each new legal woe, his prospects of winning the 2024 G.O.P. nomination keep going up. Few if any of these cases are likely to be fully resolved before the start of next year’s Republican primaries. Trump’s campaign is now explicitly a race not just to retake the Oval Office but to save himself from criminal conviction. This convergence of campaign and courtroom is, as the former Republican National Committee counsel Benjamin Ginsberg said this week, “a toxic mix unprecedented in the American experiment.” Something’s gotta give.
Click through for article. I’m skeptical of the theory that additional crimiality increases his electoral chances, but I can’t dismiss it entirely.

Salon – Expert: Jack Smith can use “surprise” statute cited in Trump target letter for “enhanced penalties”
Quote – “The benefits for using Section 241 are three-fold,” Anthony Michael Kreis, a Georgia State University law professor, told Salon. “First, the statute isn’t novel in terms of applying it to election fraud. Second, is that the DOJ can go after the election fraud scheme and tie it to the insurrection for enhanced penalties. Third, the combination of the first two benefits allows Trump to be tried for January 6th without litigating whether his speech before the riots at the Capitol, which would be the basis of a free-standing incitement charge, is protected by the First Amendment.”
Click through for details. Yes, when conspiracy comes in at the door, many of the difficulties of proving direct participation or incitement fly out the window. The Insurrection Act may (may in the sense of “maybe” – IANAL) be able to be used to keephim out of office even if he isn’t directly charged with it, through conspiracy charges.

Food For Thought

Jul 232023

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Cannon slow-walks Trump’s Florida trial while Georgia DA Fani Willis goes for the RICO

The Lincoln Project – Abuser

Forbes – Debbie Wasserman Schultz And RFK Jr. Clash When She Confronts Him Over Anti-Semitic Statements {The voice is spasmodic dysphoria]

Robert Reich – How to Fix a Broken Supreme Court

It Took Years To Get This Feral Dog Inside A House

Beau – Let’s talk about more info on Trump’s letter….

Jul 222023

Glenn Kirschner – Jack Smith’s TARGET LETTER to Trump identifies 3 crimes he committed. Why these 3? Here’s why

The Lincoln Project – Dark Money

PoliticsGirl – Critical Race Theory (not new, but still needed)

Family Finds Someone In A Taped-Up Box

Parody Project – Witch Hunt

Beau – Let’s talk about Michigan electors and what’s next….
