Wednesday, I received an email from my cousin with s gift link (= no paywall) to a story at the Washington Post which totally charmed me. I guarantee it will charm you if you enjoy the animal videos, and even if you don’t, this probably will charm you anyway. Also Wednesday, i checked out all the cartoons I have made for dates in October, There are 10, but 2 of them are for the same day, so that means I have 9. Then i gathered all the ones I have made which don’t apply to any particular date. I found 10 of those, which mweans i need 12 more. Probably this weekend, I’ll start looking through the historical calendar and see whaat events really grab me.If there are more than 12, I’m home free. Going through all the cartoons I have made, I noticed a lot with November and December dates, so October may end up being the hardest for the rest of this year. Then, yesterday, I got an email from Faithful America with a link for resources for “talking to Christian Nationalists” which includes responding to their comments on the internet or replying to their letters or emails. “Talking” isn’t always necessarily face to face. Yes, it’s designed for [authentic] Christians, but if that isn’t you, it could still be useful. And one other thing – Hunter Biden was indicted on gun charges. Now, I may be misremembering, or just wrong, about this, but my understanding was that the Judge who rejected the plea deal was not upset about the deal itself but about some missing steps and/or paperwork. If that’s the case, this may only mean that the special counsel is housekeeping.
Cartoon – 15 use Republican Education (+JNY)

Short Takes –
Robert Hubbell – Biden’s five-day world tour
Quote – After a grueling schedule and multiple diplomatic successes, the leading story in much of the media is the press conference that was tucked into the schedule in Vietnam on Sunday after eleven meetings over the prior two days. The NYTimes (which covered Biden’s trip fairly and focused on substance) described the press conference as follows: “Although Mr. Biden fielded questions on a range of foreign policy issues, including China’s economic troubles and climate change, he spoke softly and appeared tired. To make a point about climate deniers, Mr. Biden rambled into a familiar story about liars in a John Wayne movie, which left some in the audience deeply perplexed.” That’s it. That is all it took to set right-wing media sources aflame with proclamations that “Joe Biden is too old” (or worse).
Click through for full article. Mr. Hubbell’s point, of course, is that what Joe just did would tire anyone out, even people who are not yet forty, and it should be – absolutely is – evidence for his fitness, not against it.
Colorado Public Radio – Kroger and Albertsons agree to sell more than 50 stores in Colorado as part of merger plan
Quote – Albertsons and Kroger have reached a deal to sell hundreds of stores, including more than 50 in Colorado, to a New Hampshire-based wholesaler. The sale moves the supermarket giants a step closer to completing a $25 billion merger. The companies, which own King Soopers and Safeway in Colorado, are offloading 413 stores across the U.S. to C&S Wholesale Grocers. The deal ensures that no stores will close as a result of the merger, no frontline jobs will be lost, and all current collective bargaining agreements will be upheld, according to a joint statement from Albertsons and Kroger.
Click through for article. Of course this affects me. But since they intend to include “hundreds of stores,” it probably also affects you if you live in the US. Both chains have been deliberately concealing the extent of their monopolies by ceasing to change the names of stores in smaller chains they have bought. Even if you have neither an “Albertson’s” nor a “Kroger” in your neighborhood, you are likely to have one under a different name which they own, Or more than one.
Food For Thought