Sep 202023

The title is not exactly accurate – but the information is interesting
Talking Feds – Trump Watches TOTAL COLLAPSE of co-defendant in federal court

The Lincoln Project – OK Coupid (if you don’t know, just google either name in “News”

Thom Hartmann – Why UAW Strike Is Bigger Than You Think

Robert Reich – Socialism Fear-mongering is Bananas

Dad Brings in a Tiny Kitten to Keep His ‘Clingy Cat’ Company

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump and severed cases….

Sep 192023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s media interviews, his continued lies & the need for a gag order to protect the jury pool.

The Lincoln Project – Senile

PoliticsGirl – What is Going on with our Media?

Brent Terhune – They Kicked Lauren Boebert out of Beetlejuice

Puppy Who’s Been Through So Much Loves Her New Family

Beau – Let’s talk about Susanna Gibson and Virginia….

Sep 182023

Glenn Kirschner – Jack Smith seeks gag order to STOP Trump’s dangerous disinformation & jury-pool-poisoning lies

The Lincoln Project – Trump’s Charges

MSNBC – S***’s about to hit the fan’: Nicolle reacts to Jack Smith pushing a ‘gag order’ on Trump

Patrick Fitzgerald – Vape Ho

Clingy Cat Goes Everywhere With Mom

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden, Iran, and $6 billion….

Sep 172023

Glenn Kirschner – Jack Smith files motion destroying Trump’s attempt to remove Judge Chutkan from his DC case

MSNBC – Lawrence: GA judge effectively told Trump co-defendant lawyer to shut up

Farron Balanced – Sidney Powell Tells Court That She Was Authorized To Commit Crimes

Liberal Redneck – Boebert’s Undying Trashness

130-Pound Dog Gets His First Home Ever

Beau – Let’s talk about the new US record in 2023 and NOAA….

Sep 162023

Glenn Kirschner – Judge McAfee rules that defendants Powell & Chesebro will go to trial in October but Trump will not

The Lincoln Project – Plowing With Pence

Thom Hartmann – Big Oil Killed The Richest People on the Planet To Steal & Got Away With it w/ Greg Palast

Puppet Regime – Bolsonaro banned from flying too!

Elderly shelter cat had weeks to live. So this woman adopted him.

Beau – Let’s talk about rhetoric and reality….

Sep 162023

Thursday, Robert Reich (accurately) predicted that, by Friday, the UAW would be on strike against GM, Ford, ad Chrysler. The way the giants have been acting, I really didn’t doubt it. Would you want to buy a car assembled by a senior manager on a CFO or whatever? I certainlt wouldn’t. (And that isn’t even one of his five reasons.) Yesterday was also the 60th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing which killed four girls. Both Joyce Vance and Marian Wright Edelman commemorated this tragedy. Marian, an educator, emphasized how, in the civil rights movement of the soxties and seventies, children were forced to lead. Joyce, an Alabama lawyer, made a point of how it was Doug Jones who finally brought some closure by prosecuting the last two living perpetrators of the outrage. Both takes are valid, and both are necessary. Contrary to the anti-woke mob, one can’t be ully human withou looking at the worst (and also the best) that humans can be. Also yesterday, jury selection began for the trial of two of the officers accused in connection with the death of Elijah McClain. Yes, I realize how ironic that is, and how discouraging.  But also yesterday, Denver’s neighbor Mount Evans had its name changed to Mount Blue Sky – in order to stop honoring the instigator of the Sand Creek Massacre.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – So Guess Who’s Suing Fox News Now — And Why
Quote – New York City’s pension funds and the state of Oregon are suing Fox Corporation, alleging in a lawsuit that the Fox News parent company failed shareholders…. “The lawsuit, which was filed under seal in the Delaware Court of Chancery and named Fox Corporation board members and its executives as defendants, accused the media company of having chosen to “invite robust defamation claims, with potentially huge financial liability and potentially larger business repercussions, rather than disappoint viewers of Fox News.”
Click through for details. I did not see this coming. More power to the plaintiffs!

Wonkette (on Substack) – Domestic Abuser Shot At Woman In Parking Garage, Wants Supreme Court To Give Him Back His Guns
Quote – On Nov. 12, 2020, a 25-year-old woman told police that she agreed to meet Rahimi in a parking lot after receiving a Snapchat message from him saying that he “had something for her.” When she arrived, she told police she saw him kneeling by the driver’s side of a vehicle, wearing all black clothes, including a black ski mask covering his face. Rahimi had his hands around his waistband, she said, where he appeared to hold a pistol with a magazine larger than the gun itself. As the woman got back into her car and drove off, she heard five or six gunshots, some of which appeared to strike her car. “Vehicle was shot multiple times with the driver inside,” the police report reads. Again, Rahimi went on to open fire in public five more times after that.
Click through for full story. I’m kind of out of words.

Food For Thought

Sep 152023

Glenn Kirschner – Even Trump’s own appointee, Judge Cannon, is now ruling against him. Can it get much worse for Trump

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – September 12, 2023

PoliticsGirl – Georgia Indictment

Thom Hartmann – Can This Really Stop The Billionaires? w/ Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

Little Old Man Dog Was Shaking Like A Leaf Until…

Beau – Let’s talk about a tale of 3 impeachments….

Sep 152023

Wednesday, I received an email from my cousin with s gift link (= no paywall) to a story at the Washington Post which totally charmed me. I guarantee it will charm you if you enjoy the animal videos, and even if you don’t, this probably will charm you anyway. Also Wednesday, i checked out all the cartoons I have made for dates in October, There are 10, but 2 of them are for the same day, so that means I have 9. Then i gathered all the ones I have made which don’t apply to any particular date. I found 10 of those, which mweans i need 12 more. Probably this weekend, I’ll start looking through the historical calendar and see whaat events really grab me.If there are more than 12, I’m home free. Going through all the cartoons I have made, I noticed a lot with November and December dates, so October may end up being the hardest for the rest of this year. Then, yesterday, I got an email from Faithful America with a link for resources for “talking to Christian Nationalists” which includes responding to their comments on the internet or replying to their letters or emails. “Talking” isn’t always necessarily face to face. Yes, it’s designed for [authentic] Christians, but if that isn’t you, it could still be useful. And one other thing – Hunter Biden was indicted on gun charges. Now, I may be misremembering, or just wrong, about this, but my understanding was that the Judge who rejected the plea deal was not upset about the deal itself but about some missing steps and/or paperwork. If that’s the case, this may only mean that the special counsel is housekeeping.

Cartoon – 15 use Republican Education (+JNY)

Short Takes –

Robert Hubbell – Biden’s five-day world tour
Quote – After a grueling schedule and multiple diplomatic successes, the leading story in much of the media is the press conference that was tucked into the schedule in Vietnam on Sunday after eleven meetings over the prior two days. The NYTimes (which covered Biden’s trip fairly and focused on substance) described the press conference as follows: “Although Mr. Biden fielded questions on a range of foreign policy issues, including China’s economic troubles and climate change, he spoke softly and appeared tired. To make a point about climate deniers, Mr. Biden rambled into a familiar story about liars in a John Wayne movie, which left some in the audience deeply perplexed.” That’s it. That is all it took to set right-wing media sources aflame with proclamations that “Joe Biden is too old” (or worse).
Click through for full article. Mr. Hubbell’s point, of course, is that what Joe just did would tire anyone out, even people who are not yet forty, and it should be – absolutely is – evidence for his fitness, not against it.

Colorado Public Radio – Kroger and Albertsons agree to sell more than 50 stores in Colorado as part of merger plan
Quote – Albertsons and Kroger have reached a deal to sell hundreds of stores, including more than 50 in Colorado, to a New Hampshire-based wholesaler. The sale moves the supermarket giants a step closer to completing a $25 billion merger. The companies, which own King Soopers and Safeway in Colorado, are offloading 413 stores across the U.S. to C&S Wholesale Grocers. The deal ensures that no stores will close as a result of the merger, no frontline jobs will be lost, and all current collective bargaining agreements will be upheld, according to a joint statement from Albertsons and Kroger.
Click through for article. Of course this affects me. But since they intend to include “hundreds of stores,” it probably also affects you if you live in the US. Both chains have been deliberately concealing the extent of their monopolies by ceasing to change the names of stores in smaller chains they have bought. Even if you have neither an “Albertson’s” nor a “Kroger” in your neighborhood, you are likely to have one under a different name which they own, Or more than one.

Food For Thought
