Yesterday, The opera broadcast was not an opera, but the “Requiem” by Giuseppe Verdi. It was a special presenation on last fall’s opening night to recognize and memorialize the losses of the pandemic, and to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Verdi was criticized at the time for making it “too operatic.” As if the Day of Judgment were not a subject worthy of opera. (Not to mention there are some pretty dramatic passagesin Mozart’s Requiem – and even in Brahms’s “German Requiem,: which was intended to be kinder and gentler than the usual requiem.) The soloists were all fine singing actors, but it was Eric Owens singing bass who choked me up with his vocal depiction of shock and awe – and that (along with the FFT) is the Black History tidbit for today. There was other stuff which needed to be said.
Cartoon – 13 Galileo Loaded
Short Takes –
The 19th – More states want to restrict how LGBTQ+ people, issues are discussed in schools
Quote – None have become law, although some — like Florida’s bill on classroom discussion, called the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by advocates — are advancing in state legislatures, and more could be introduced as the year continues. These bills focused on schools are at the nexus of two movements: adding restrictions to LGBTQ+ youth and limiting what can be taught in schools. The fights over sex and gender are happening alongside those over teaching about bias and systemic racism.
Click through for article. At the rate we are going, the next edition of “Lies My Teacher Told Me” is going to look like the Oxford English Dictionary.
Mother Jones – Let This Sweet Man Keep His Damn Pig
Quote – However, the Disney villains on the Canajoharie village board are threatening him with jail time unless he gets rid of her. Flatt currently faces a criminal trial and a potential sentence of up to six months in jail. On top of that, a civil case could fine him $20 for every day he’s had Ellie at his house—about $18,000 in total.
Click through – it isn’t long. This is what fascism is like. No common sense. No flexibility Conform or be run over. I am not a pig person, but those who are form bonds with them as strong as anyone;s bond with a dog or a cat – or sometimes even another human. Haven’t they ever heard of a variance, for heaven’s sake?
Letters fron an American – February 11, 2022
Quote – Sullivan told reporters that the administration believes that the world has entered the window of time in which IF Russian president Vladimir Putin is going to attack Ukraine, he will do so. The U.S., he said, is “ready either way.” It will continue its hefty diplomatic push, or it and key allies will respond to an invasion with severe economic sanctions, reinforce the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and continue to support Ukraine and its well-trained and equipped army. (emphasis mine)
Click through for the whole thing. All the media are saying “Putin is going to attack.” But that is not the same thing as what President Biden and his staff are saying. Fortunately for us, we have a President who can hold two ideas in his mind at the same time.
Food For Thought: