Feb 132022

Yesterday, The opera broadcast was not an opera, but the “Requiem” by Giuseppe Verdi. It was a special presenation on last fall’s opening night to recognize and memorialize the losses of the pandemic, and to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Verdi was criticized at the time for making it “too operatic.” As if the Day of Judgment were not a subject worthy of opera. (Not to mention there are some pretty dramatic passagesin Mozart’s Requiem – and even in Brahms’s “German Requiem,: which was intended to be kinder and gentler than the usual requiem.) The soloists were all fine singing actors, but it was Eric Owens singing bass who choked me up with his vocal depiction of shock and awe – and that (along with the FFT) is the Black History tidbit for today. There was other stuff which needed to be said.

Cartoon – 13 Galileo Loaded

Short Takes –

The 19th – More states want to restrict how LGBTQ+ people, issues are discussed in schools
Quote – None have become law, although some — like Florida’s bill on classroom discussion, called the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by advocates — are advancing in state legislatures, and more could be introduced as the year continues. These bills focused on schools are at the nexus of two movements: adding restrictions to LGBTQ+ youth and limiting what can be taught in schools. The fights over sex and gender are happening alongside those over teaching about bias and systemic racism.
Click through for article. At the rate we are going, the next edition of “Lies My Teacher Told Me” is going to look like the Oxford English Dictionary.

Mother Jones – Let This Sweet Man Keep His Damn Pig
Quote – However, the Disney villains on the Canajoharie village board are threatening him with jail time unless he gets rid of her. Flatt currently faces a criminal trial and a potential sentence of up to six months in jail. On top of that, a civil case could fine him $20 for every day he’s had Ellie at his house—about $18,000 in total.
Click through – it isn’t long. This is what fascism is like. No common sense. No flexibility Conform or be run over. I am not a pig person, but those who are form bonds with them as strong as anyone;s bond with a dog or a cat – or sometimes even another human. Haven’t they ever heard of a variance, for heaven’s sake?

Letters fron an American – February 11, 2022
Quote – Sullivan told reporters that the administration believes that the world has entered the window of time in which IF Russian president Vladimir Putin is going to attack Ukraine, he will do so. The U.S., he said, is “ready either way.” It will continue its hefty diplomatic push, or it and key allies will respond to an invasion with severe economic sanctions, reinforce the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and continue to support Ukraine and its well-trained and equipped army. (emphasis mine)
Click through for the whole thing. All the media are saying “Putin is going to attack.” But that is not the same thing as what President Biden and his staff are saying. Fortunately for us, we have a President who can hold two ideas in his mind at the same time.

Food For Thought:

Feb 122022

Glenn Kirschner – Pence, MCConnell & other Republicans Break from Trump: Kevin McCarthy Scurries Away from Reporters

Lincoln Project – Clown Show

Robert Reich – Meet the Baristas Taking on Starbucks From the Inside (~20 min)

Sum of Us – The ad Apple and Tim Cook didn’t make — but should

Liberal Redneck – Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill

Stray Cat Decides To Work At A Car Shop And Greet Every Customer

Beau – Let’s talk about Indigenous causes, truckers, and playbooks….

Feb 122022

Yesterday, my back pain was mild enough that I had time to use my TENS on one of my shoulders after finishing woth the back.That helped a lot – except now I need to do the other one. Hopefully, that will work out sometime this weekend.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

NBC News – Boy, 16, charged after predominantly Black D.C. schools receive bomb threats
Quote – A 16-year-old boy has been arrested and charged with making terroristic threats after several predominantly Black schools in Washington, D.C., were targeted with bomb threats Wednesday, authorities have said. Among the schools targeted was one that had already received a threat just a day earlier during a visit from second gentleman Doug Emhoff. In a statement Thursday, the Metropolitan Police Department announced that the 16-year-old had been arrested. The agency said it continued to investigate the bomb threats with federal partners.
Click Through for details. One would expect that his parents had started on “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” early and aggressively.

(Hanky Alert) Mother Jones – Her Boyfriend Killed Her Baby While She Was at Work. Oklahoma Might Lock Her Up for Life.
Quote – In November, Hogue was convicted of first-degree murder, even though she never laid a hand on the boy. At a sentencing hearing on Friday, a judge will decide whether to send her to prison for life, as the jury recommended. How is that possible? Hogue was convicted under Oklahoma’s “failure to protect” law, which requires parents to shield their kid from physical harm if they’re aware, or should have been aware, that another adult is abusing the child.
Click through for full article (notice I don’t say the full story). This case reallymakes me wonder, notso much about thelaw or even the prosecutors, as about thejury. Because if there ever were a case where jury nullification would have been appropriate, it seems to me like this is it.

Black History Month – Wikipedia: Jane Bolin
Quote – On July 22, 1939, at the New York World’s Fair, Mayor of New York City Fiorello La Guardia appointed 31-year-old Bolin as a judge of the Domestic Relations Court. For twenty years, she was the only black female judge in the country. She remained a judge of the court, renamed the Family Court in 1962, for 40 years, with her appointment being renewed three times, until she was required to retire aged 70. She worked to encourage racially integrated child services, ensuring that probation officers were assigned without regard to race or religion, and publicly funded childcare agencies accepted children without regard to ethnic background.
Click through for full bio. As the first black woman Supreme court justice is undergoing cofirmation hearing, I though it would be good to memprialize the first black woman judge in the United States.

Food For Thought:

Feb 112022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Obstruction of Justice and the Running of the Clock: A Statute of Limitations Discussion

Republicans LOVE cancel culture… when THEY do it!

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Farron Balanced – Lauren Boebert Blames Her Horrible Personality On Jesus

RHQ – Trump Is In Big Trouble After Clogging White House Toilets

Cracked – If NFTs Were Honest

Beau – Let’s talk about a question on republican lawsuit legislation….

Feb 112022

Yesterday, I overslept – which is a good thing because I had not slept well the prior two noghts. But between that and the Zoom presentation (which was WELL worth the 2+ hours it took), I ran late and didn’t get a lot done. Well, I had expected not getting a lor done, and it really doesn’t all need to be done at once. I did get a couple of bills paid, which is a plus.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Colorado Election Conspirator And County Clerk Arrested, Kicks Cop
Quote – Tina [Peters], Trumper, election conspirator and GOPer clerk and recorder in Mesa County, Colorado, is currently being investigated by a grand jury for election tampering. She was arrested on unrelated charges yesterday of illegally recording a criminal hearing Monday. During her arrest, she appears to have kicked an officer.
Click through for story, and for even more, through again t CPR. She is a real piece of work. She has been barred from overseeing the 2022 election. Want to bet she’ll try anyway?

Speaking of Colorado and elections, the above story sent me to search engines looking for what our districts will look like.

Colorado Public Radio – If The Redistricting Commission Doesn’t Agree On Something Else, This Is What Colorado’s New Congressional Map Will Look Like
Quote – Colorado’s Congressional Redistricting Commission still has a few more days to reach a super-majority agreement on a new map. But if commissioners can’t hit that deadline, we now know what the state’s congressional districts will look like…. Politically, the map creates four Democratic seats, three Republican ones, and a swing district that leans just a hair to the left.
Click through for tha map and a comparison of the districts 2011-2020 with all proposed maps if you like. Sadly, we did not get the map that takes away Boebert’s residency inn the district she represents. So we may be stuck with her unless our SoS can get her disqualified unser the 14th Amendment. CPR can be counted on.

The Hill – House passes bill to reform Postal Service operations
Quote – bipartisan agreement to overhaul the Postal Service had long eluded lawmakers, until last year when House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and the panel’s top Republican, Rep. James Comer (Ky.), unveiled the proposal the House passed on Tuesday. “Today’s historic bipartisan vote brings us one step closer to finally putting the Postal Service on a sound financial footing so it can continue serving all Americans for years to come,” Maloney said.
Click through – This is clearly good news, but it comes at a time which concerns me. We are still stuck with DeJoy, and there are things obstructing getting rid of him. I fear this bill, while doing good, will also give him more leeway to steal/

Food For Thought:

In case you missed it, Ms. Taylor Greene recently qas widely quoted as saying “gazpacho” when she meant “Gestapo.”

Feb 102022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Document Destruction; Pence Says “Trump is Wrong” & Republican Party Continues to Implode

CNN – NC elections board says it can disqualify Rep. Cawthorn from running over January 6 .[It appears to me that it is exactly the State Secretaries of State/State Elections Boards who have the sole authority to determine who does and doesn’t go on the ballot. I have wrotten to my Secretary of Stateabout my representative.]

The Lincoln Project – “Legitimate Political Discourse 2

Ring of Fire – First Lady Dr. Jill Biden Says Free Community College Is Off The Table

politicsrus – Legitimate Political Discord

Brent Terhune – ban the books NOW

Beau – Let’s talk about fast food, California, and AB 257….

Feb 102022

Yesterday, I got the trash and recyclables out, emptied the mailbox (most of which went straight into the recyclables), sent a couple of ecards, made a couple of cartoons, and called it a day. Today I am sgned up for a Zoom presentation on Walt Whitman by the “Theater of War” (which uses ancient, old, and sometimes modern literature to help people heal from various traumas. They started with Greek tragedy but have nranched out considerably.) That probably means I won’t get much more done today than yesterday.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Mother Jones – Why It’s So Hard to Get a Defense Lawyer Confirmed to the Supreme Court
Quote – The last time the Supreme Court had a justice who’d worked as a criminal defense lawyer was 1991. That’s the year Thurgood Marshall, the legendary civil rights advocate, retired after 24 years on the court. Since then, the court has suffered from a dearth of justices with any sort of criminal defense backgrounds. Both Democratic and Republican presidents have stacked the court with former prosecutors, who are overrepresented on the court—people like Justice Samuel Alito, who had previously served as the US attorney for the District of New Jersey. Even Sonia Sotomayor, the court’s most liberal member, spent nearly five years working as an assistant district attorney for the legendary New York County DA Robert Morgenthau straight out of law school.
Click through for story. And for why it matters.

HuffPost – Man Arrested For Storming The Capitol While Out On Bail For Attempted Murder
Quote – Federal authorities have arrested Matthew Beddingfield for his role in the Capitol insurrection, which he attended with his father while out on bail for a first-degree attempted murder charge…. HuffPost revealed Beddingfield’s identity more than 10 months ago, on March 26, in a story that built off the work of a network of citizen-sleuths. They used facial recognition software to match footage of Beddingfield at the Capitol to his publicly available mug shot from a 2019 arrest for attempted murder.
Click through for background. there’s a catch phrase going around – “Tell me you’re [blank] without telling me you’re [blank].” I have mostly seen it with the blank filled in by “white.” I’d say that applies here.

Black History
Biography – Otis Boykin 1920-1982 ( JL)
Quote – Boykin, who took a special interest in working with resistors, began researching and inventing on his own. He sought and received a patent for a wire precision resistor on June 16, 1959. This resistor would later be used in radios and televisions. Two years later, he created a breakthrough device that could withstand extreme changes in temperature and pressure. The device, which was cheaper and more reliable than others on the market, came in great demand by the United States military for guided missiles and IBM for computers…. His most famous invention was a control unit for the pacemaker.
Click through – it isn’t long. It’s safe to say that there are people waling around today who would not be alive had Boykin not existed. It’s also not too farfetched to suggest that without his work on computers, we might not have thos blog today.

Food For Thought:

Feb 092022

Glenn Kirschner – GOP Gives Aid & Comfort to J6 Defendants by Declaring their Conduct “Legitimate Political Discourse”

The Lincoln Project – “Legitimate Political Discourse”

Ring of Fire – Steve Bannon Issues Ominous Warning To Mike Pence For Going Against Trump

Rebel HQ – What Is Trump Hiding In Mar-A-Lago?

MSNBC – Wisconsin Supreme Court Allows Use Of Ballot Drop Boxes In Feb. Spring Primary [for the last time, maybe]

Randy Rainbow – The Tango Vaccine

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump getting convicted….
