Feb 172022

Glenn Kirschner – Rudy Giuliani “Considering Testifying Before House Select Committee.” Really?

Meidas Touch – Lost Debate [I have never felt that political discussions were fun. I attribute that in part to the fact that even before I got out of the Marine Corps, Republicans were destroying the country as best they could, and that just isn’t fun.]

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

American Bridge – Fight for Democracy

NBC News – Georgia May Add Police At Polling Places Ahead Of Midterm Elections (Would providing white escorts or black voters help?)

Really American – What if Jan 6th wasn’t the first?

Beau – Let’s talk about the Republican Govs’ strange move in Georgia….

Feb 172022

Yesterday, I scanned my vaccination card now that I have the booster, and filed it on my portable hard drive, replacing the previous upload. I also emailed a copy to the prison so that I don’t have to bring it along and possibly lose it when I am allowed to visit again. I’ve been having trouble lately keeping track of small objects and even a few larger ones, so I’m a bit extra careful just now. The webpage ws updated today, but it still says th moratorium is until March 1, and I frankly don’t think it’s likely to end sooner – it’s more likely to get extended again.

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Short Takes –

HuffPost – Sandy Hook Families Win $73 Million In Lawsuit Against Remington Arms
Quote – Remington Arms has agreed to settle liability claims from nine families whose loved ones were killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The settlement agreement, announced Tuesday in a court filing, is the first time in the U.S. that a gun manufacturer has been held liable for a mass shooting.
Click through for this story. There is a lot more to it than money, as it also involves Remington giving up documents related to marketing.

Colorado Public Radio – The Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters’ election security controversy, explained
Quote – There’s a general consensus on the basic facts of what happened in May, although the Secretary of State and Tina Peters disagree about whether the actions violated any laws or Colorado’s election rules. On May 17 [2021], deputy clerk Belinda Knisley asked Mesa’s IT department to turn off security cameras in the Mesa County elections office, and leave them off until August 1. Peters says state law does not require nonstop video monitoring.
Click through for a clear and concise narrative. This article was followed by the bad news that Tina Peters will not seek reelection in Mesa County, but instead will run for Secretary of State. There is expected to be a crowded Republica primary – but, if she is allowed into it ans wins the nimination, the current Secretary of State, who is runing for reelection herself, will be between a rock and a hard place – Strike Peters from the ballot as she deserves, and face accusations of corruption? Or not? I personally think Jena Griswold can beat Peters – but she shouldn’t have to.

The 19th – Anti-‘woke’ bills could affect LGBTQ+ sensitivity training for eldercare, advocates worry
Quote – Last week, the Florida legislature advanced the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees, or Stop WOKE, Act. It’s one of two state-level bills — the other is in Tennessee — that would address diversity training for private companies and nonprofit employees. Most similar legislation, including some already passed in Florida, has a narrower focus, such as banning LGBTQ books from school libraries or restricting what teachers can talk about. Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the Stop WOKE legislation at a December rally.
Click through for details of the  issue. I saw a meme recently with the imaginary conversation: “R: What ever happened to civility? D: You called it political correctness and mocked it.” I think an addition is needed, to wit “R: What ever happened to democracy?” D: “You called it woke and destroyed it.”

Food For Thought:

Feb 162022

Yesterday, I actually finished putting together the Video Thread before I finished this one. A couple of the “usual suspects” came through, and popped in an animal one which can only be viewed on You Tube – but was too good not to share About a cat who is a practicing Buddhist. And it’s easy to click through to it (and excellent CC)

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Short Takes –

AP News – Judge tosses Zimmerman’s lawsuit against Trayvon’s parents
Quote – Judge John Cooper in Tallahassee dismissed all counts against all defendants in the lawsuit filed by Zimmerman against Martin’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin; attorney Ben Crump, who had represented the family; and others. In his order, the judge wrote that Zimmerman had failed to show “any fraudulent representation” and said any further arguments in the case would be futile.
Click through for a few details about the case. In the nineties, I worked in an art gallery, ans my boss has her own way of describing what many of us call “chutzpah.” She’d say, “He has balls the size of church bells.” I think that fits here.

Second Nexus – GOP Senator Slammed for Single-Handedly Holding Up Designation of Internment Camp as Historic Site
Quote – With the 80th anniversary of Executive Order 9066 only a day away, Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah is refusing to budge on the commemoration of a former internment camp in rural Colorado as a historical site. Even in today’s bitterly divided Senate, Colorado Democratic Senator Michael Bennet secured support for the Amache National Historic Site Act from 99 out of 100 Senators, but the bill failed to pass by unanimous consent thanks to Lee’s sole “No” vote.
Click through – George Takei has many websites, and by the time they get written andhis newsletters go out, they are often a bit late. That doesn’t always change the facts. This time it did. Lee came around thanks to My Senator, and I’m only too happy to brag about it.

Comic Sands – NFL Star Takes Young Fan To Daddy-Daughter Dance After Her Father Died—And We’re Ugly-Crying
Quote – When Audrey’s school announced a daddy-daughter dance, Audrey’s mom, Holly, knew this was going to be a pain point for her little girl. Having just lost the men in her life, Audrey was a Daughter with no Daddy or Grandpa to take her. So Holly threw a proverbial Hail Mary for her daughter. Using social media, she reached out to one of the other long-standing influential men in Audrey’s life—Philadelphia Eagles Player Anthony Harris. The family had been fans of Harris’ for years….
Click through for story – and pictures. Yes, this is another George Takei site. He can be hard on malefactors, but he has an appropriately soft heart for the innocent – and those who help them.

Food For Thought:

And a bonus:

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Feb 152022

Glenn Kirschner – Why Are There No Timely DOJ/Federal Indictments of Trump & Company: An Insider’s Perspective

Lincoln Project – Olympic

Represent Us – How Lobbyists and Loopholes Corrupt Our Government

Truth Matters – Hear Our Visions

Brent Terhune – Topsecret documents

Husky Dog Adopts Stray Cat Saving Her Life

Beau – Let’s talk about Starbucks uniting the country….

Feb 152022

Yesterday, I again didn’t do much.  A little knitting was about it.That’s just as well though.  At least I got both of today’s posts ready.  It was a slow day for videos – and I have so many sources now that I can usually stay a little ahead.  Not today.  I hopw everyone who normally uploads videos was doing something special with their significant others … and that a bunch of them upload one today.

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Short Takes –

The New Yorker – Autocrats, Not Terrorists, Are Increasingly Taking Americans Hostage
Quote – The officers at the airport blindfolded Fenster and trundled him into a van. When the blindfold was removed, Fenster was in what appeared to be a police station. Two men interrogated him. The environment was more menacing—Fenster was shackled to a chair while they fired off repetitive questions about why he had come to Myanmar and what he was doing in the country. Hours later, he was blindfolded again and taken to a new location. When this blindfold was taken off, he found himself in a courtroom inside Yangon’s Insein Prison, a notorious complex known as “the darkest hellhole in Burma.”
Click through for story. Of course foreign autocrats are a danger, but frankly, it’s the domestic ones which worry me more.

Mother Jones – Canadian Police Clear Protesters From Key Border Crossing
Quote – And in New Zealand, cops have made at least 120 arrests at the camp near Parliament. Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, pitched in by blasting annoying music to deter the protesters. Among the selections: Barry Manilow’s greatest hits, “Baby Shark,” and Matt Mullholland’s out-of-tune cover of “My Heart Will Go On.” As of Saturday, it wasn’t working.
Click through for details. Not all of Manilow’s hits are annoying – at least not that annoying. Personally, I wish Rocky Mountain Mike would pick up on “Weekend in New England.” The chorus writes itself: “When will we see him in jail?”

History Art and Archives – Robert Smalls
Quote – An escaped slave and a Civil War hero, Robert Smalls served five terms in the U.S. House, representing a South Carolina district described as a “black paradise” because of its abundant political opportunities for freedmen. Overcoming the state Democratic Party’s repeated attempts to remove that “blemish” from its goal of white supremacy, Smalls endured violent elections and a short jail term to achieve internal improvements for coastal South Carolina and to fight for his black constituents in the face of growing disfranchisement.
Click hrough. In Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s documentary “Reconstruction,” in the second hour of Part 1, Prof. Gates interviews his great-grandson. In reality, Smalls was one of many black legislators who infuriated white by being competent. (I recommend the entire documentary, and you don’t have to watch it all at once.)

Food For Thought:

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Feb 142022

Glenn Kirschner – Two Standards of Justice: Fed Worker Jailed for Mishandling Classified Docs, While Trump Golfs (Apparently, that was the only crime in the completed case. It does take limger to write a term paper than it does to write a 500-word essay. Just a thought.)

Meidas Touch – Exposing Alabama’s RACIST Gerrymandered Maps

Lincoln project – Trump** v Toilets

Thom Hartmann – GOP’S Shocking Database Of Pregnant People

Look What These Pitties Did For Their Veteran Dad

Mrs Betty Bowers – Dealing With Annoying People

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s Truth Trouble….

Feb 142022

Yesterday, as much time as I spent trying to get organized, all I really accomplished was putting together my pills for the next tao weeks – and was happy to do that.

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Short Takes –

Lwtters from an American – February 12, 2022
Quote – Lincoln figured out the logic of a world that permitted the law to sort people into different places…. “It is color, then; the lighter, having the right to enslave the darker? Take care. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with a fairer skin than your own. You do not mean color exactly?—You mean the whites are intellectually the superiors of the blacks, and, therefore have the right to enslave them? Take care again. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with an intellect superior to your own.”
Click through for the complete essay. The way Lincoln put this huge moral and ethical leap inot words strikes me as very similar to Freya’s method of demolishing the individualism myth.

The Hill – A retired Russian general’s criticism may signal a larger problem for Putin
Quote – Retired Russian Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, the head of the All-Russian Officers Assembly, has gone public with a statement that calls for Russian President Vladimir Putin to resign over the confrontation involving Ukraine. To remove any doubt as to his message, Ivashov, 78, followed the public statement with an interview on a liberal Russian media outlet, Echo Moskvy, insisting that he was speaking in the name of the assembly of retired and reservist Russian officers which he heads.
Click through for story. I know what you’re thinking, because it stunned me too – “What? There’s a liberal media outlet in Russia?” But seriously, Putin may just have triggered his country’s equivalent of our Smedley D. Butler. And with that at his back, he may very well reconsider marching forward into Ukraine.  We can certainly hope so.

Black History – Wikipedia – Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks
Quote (from Brooks, not from Wiki. Probably her best known.) –
We real cool. We
Left school. We
Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We
Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We
Jazz June. We
Die soon.
Click through for full bio. She is better known than most of the people I am featuring, but I’m including her today because I once had the privilege of meeting her. And that is a sweet memory.

Food For Thought:

Feb 132022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Document Destruction & Mishandling of Classified Materials: When Will DOJ Finally Act?

Meidas Touch – Laughing at the PATHETIC right wing propaganda machine targeting us!!!

Lincoln Project – Vernon Jones

No Dem Left Behind – Donald Trump and the GOP’s Plans to Subvert Democracy

Truth Matters (formerly politicsrus) – Day Without Immigrants

Rocky Mountain Mike – Discourse is Discourse

Beau – Let’s talk about the RNC, McConnell, and Trump….
