Feb 252022

Glenn Kirschner – Once Trump is Indicted, What Challenges Lie Ahead Regarding Impaneling a Fair and Impartial Jury?

Robert Reich – End USPS Sabotage

Lincoln Project – Weakness (BBA)

Ring of Fire – Stand Your Ground Laws Linked To 11% Spike In Gun Homicides

Armageddon Update | Tootin’ For Putin [re-posted from original release date July 2, 2020]

Liberal Redneck – Texas Targets Trans Kids

Beau – Let’s talk about Cruz, Hawley, and Nina Morrison….
As i said in the Open Thread, I am not going to be able to post everything Beau has to say on Ukraine, but personally, I consider him a top source.  I posted a link there to his video page.  And you can aklways get to his hole page from any of his videos by clicking on the picture on the left below the video.

Feb 252022

Yesterday, The sun came out and the snow started to melt. It’s already somewhat warmer inside, though not back to what I had gotten used to. But that will come. Also yesterday, before sawn here, Putin invaded Ukraine.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

I am not qualified to write helpfully about the events in Ukraine (about the tonly thing I consider myself qualified to say is that Putin’sRepublican Party is a bunch of traitors, who should all be interned.) Someone who is qualified to do that reporting is Beau of the Fifth Column (whose videos I put in the video thread regularly.) He is not a veteran, but has been a defense contractor in war zones – the kind of looker-on who really does see more of the game than the players – and has supplemented that knowledge with specialized reading and study. I cannot possibly do justice to his Ukraine reporting in the video thread, where I limit any given source to one video per day, while he puts up two videos every day, three yesterday, and I would not be surprised if he went to three a day every day while this is going on. So I am just putting a link here to his YouTube page – not the home page but the one that just has all the videos in reverse chronological order. You will get solid news from hom as well as guidance how to dig in further, if such is available. Even if he does go to three videos daily, in usually under a half our a day you can get a lot of clarity.  Click through and save or bookmark.

Wonkette – Neo-Nazi Plan To Destroy US Power Grid Foiled By Lost Phone
Quote – In this case, they themselves were the terrorists they provided material support to, along with several juveniles they had recruited online, as the three men intended to attack regional power substations for the purpose of causing civil unrest and perhaps “the next Great Depression,” which they imagined would lead to a race war or provide an opportunity for white leaders to rise up…. And they would have gotten away with it too, were it not for the many times they had been stopped by law enforcement and the fact that one of the juveniles they recruited to help them lost their phone.
Click through for full story. I’d say “unbelievable,” but sadly, it’s all too believable there would be people this stupid.

Black History – National Women’s Health Network – 4 Astounding Facts About the First Black Woman Doctor in the US
Quote – 1. Rebecca’s undeniable talent and the need created by the Civil War earned her a place in medical school. Crumpler was able to start at the New England Female Medical College for two reasons. First, she’d worked for five years as a nurse, and had developed such a strong reputation that she won a competitive scholarship as well as the personal recommendation of all the doctors who she worked with.
Click through for the other three. (You may want a barf bag for #3. But the photo is beautiful.)

Food For Thought:

Feb 242022

Glenn Kirschner – To Pardon or Not To Pardon Donald Trump for his Crimes, That… is Not a Difficult Question

American Bridge 21 – Pres. Biden announces bold response to Russia’s Ukraine invasion

Lincoln Project – Fox Loves Russia (BBA)

Farron Balanced – Supreme Court Kills Trump’s Attempts To Stifle Investigators

Armageddon Update – GOP: Guardians Of Putin

Cracked – If Internet Service Providers Were Honest

Beau – Let’s talk about failed states and the US….

Feb 242022

Greetings from the Deep Freeze! Yesterday, our overnight low was -4°F with a windchill of -7°F. Tuesday night it was -10°F with a wind chill of -24°F. It is expected to warm up today to a high of +22°F. There is very little snow on the ground – it’s just cold. By this time next week we should have a couple of days of highs in the 60’s before it goes down again. Never a dull moment. I did finish up my haircut … such as it is LOL.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Cal Matters – Meth, a mother, and a stillbirth: Imprisoned mom wants her ‘manslaughter’ case reopened
Quote – Since her guilty plea, Perez’s story has drawn national attention for her rare plea to manslaughter of a fetus – a charge that doesn’t exist in California law. Abortion rights advocates believe her case has broad implications for abortion access in California, potentially opening the door to criminal prosecutions of people seeking to terminate pregnancies. (Emphasis mine.)
Click through for details. This would not surprise me in many states. It does surprise me in California. And, with everything else going on, it scares me.

HuffPost – Rick Scott Releases Far-Right Plan For GOP Senate Majority
Quote – Scott’s plan starts off with requiring children to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at school and disallowing teachers from portraying American history in a negative light, following state GOP legislatures in their efforts to ban the teaching of critical race theory. “Public schools will teach our children to love America because, while not perfect, it is exceptional, it is good, and it is a beacon of freedom in an often-dark world,” it says.
Click through for more. Mother Jones also covered this, calling it a “fever dream.” The only good thing I see about it is that it should be very helpful in getting Democrats to turn out. (If they can use imaginary fears, surely we can use real ones.)

Black History – Wikipedia – Charles R. Drew
Quote – He spent time doing research at Columbia’s Presbyterian Hospital and wrote a doctoral thesis, “Banked Blood: A Study on Blood Preservation,” based on an exhaustive study of blood preservation techniques. It was through this blood preservation research where Drew realized blood plasma was able to be preserved, two months, longer through de-liquification, or the separation of liquid blood from the cells. When ready for use the plasma would then be able to return to its original state via reconstitution.
Click through for bio. If you have ever had a transfusion, or had a loved one who has, you are in debt to Drew for his work. And so, of course, are thousands if not millions of others.

Food For Thought:

Feb 232022

Glenn Kirschner – Steven Van Zandt Interview, Part 2: The Fight for Racial Justice & Artists United Against Apartheid

American Bridge 21 – Pres. Biden announces bold response to Russia’s Ukraine invasion

Meidas Touch (barf bag alert) – Trump praises Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as ‘genius’ and ‘very savvy’

No Dem Left Behind – Invest in a bright future for working class & rural Americans (I’m ot asking for money, but I wanted to showcase these candidates for Senate)

VoteVets – Lt. Col. (Ret.) Vindman Discusses Russian Aggression Towards Ukraine

WellRED Comedy – Every Boomer Should Be Given the “Kids These Days” Translator

Beau – Let’s talk about a sign about the elections from Colorado….

Feb 232022

Yesterday, I cut a little more hair. I’m getting closer. And also knit a little.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Press Run – Durham’s Corrupt ‘Spying’ Investigation — Ken Starr II
Quote – In the ABC News report, it wasn’t until the ninth paragraph that that network spelled out, “nowhere in Durham’s filing does he state that lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a tech company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower and later the White House.” That crucial debunking should have been found in the first paragraph, if not the headline.
Click through to Crooks and Liars (which reprinted it) if you can’t get through to the primary source. Boehlert is right. What ever the media is doing, it isn’t journalism. It’s time to stop pussyfooting and start knocking things off tables.

Colorado Public Radio – Who Is The Alliance Defending Freedom, The Legal Team Behind Masterpiece Cakeshop?
Quote – Critics and liberal legal organizations say Alliance’s approach — and burst of enormous success over the past decade — is changing the landscape of case law in this area. They worry they are turning the First Amendment’s guarantee for religious freedom into a justification to discriminate. [Scott] Levin[, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League], worries … that the shield of religious freedom has been turned on its head, and is now used “as a sword to try to influence, to make sure that I conform to the beliefs of ADF.”
Click through. I still maintain that it is time – long past time – for authentic Christians to start “witnessing” (I hate the term, but these people – you have to use their anguage if you want to get through to them) Acts 10 to fundamentalists. God may be “the same yesterday, today, and forever” – but humans are not. Humans are capable of learning. Just because a truth is new to one person or one group, does not mean it hasn’t always been true.

Black History (new chapter): Mother Jines – Ahmaud Arbery’s Killers Found Guilty of Hate Crimes
Quote – The three men who chased, cornered, and gunned down Ahmaud Arbery were convicted of a federal hate crime today. Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael, and William “Roddie” Bryan had already been convicted in Georgia on state-level charges of murder, but today’s decision establishes for the legal record that they killed Arbery because he was Black and ensures that the defendants would still have to serve significant amounts of prison time if their murder convictions were overturned on appeal.
Click through for story. Clearly, thought and planning went into both the state and federal prosecutions of this crime.

Food For Thought:

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Feb 222022

Today is Twos-day: whether you write it 2/22/2022 or 22/2/2022 or 2022/2/22, it’s more twos than we can expect to see for 200 years (and I for one do not expect to be around.) And, to top it off, it’s also Tuesday. And, yesterday, it was a slow news day. So I just posted two short takes (and two videos on that thread) and took the rest of the day off. If Ukraine explodes, it will have to wait until Wednesday. (Not that you won’t hear about it elsewhere.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Nib – Breathless
Quote – When I moved to Calcutta for college, the second largest and one of the most poluted cities in India, I could not see the stars any more. And I could not breathe. One night I stayed up coughing till the sun rose. The following week I was diagnosed with asthma.
Click through for graphic article. I have been somewhat vaguely aware of how much fighting climate change as an individual depends on having money and health and other privilege. But this brings it home in ways no other medium has done for me.

Black History Month – The New Yorker – Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Quote – Perhaps his most important and lasting role has been as a teacher and an institution builder. Gates arrived at Harvard in 1991, and he swiftly recruited an extraordinary concentration of Black scholarship—William Julius Wilson, Cornel West, Lawrence D. Bobo, Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, Suzanne Blier, and others—all while reinvigorating the W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute, which is now part of the Hutchins Center. Gates proved a dynamo of both intellectual energy and fund-raising finesse.
Click through for full interview. Skip is sometimes called “the Black Ken Burns,” and certainly no one has any better right to tht title. But he is also so much more.

Food For Thought:
