Jan 212025

Yesterday – Protective pardons, political and family. Tangerine Palpatine orders executive shock and awe, and promises “Golden Age of America” (but I think he means “Gilded II.”) And all of that was before 4:00 pm EST. I signed petitions as many as possible, and skimmed through most of my email. I’m tired already. Even Axios is tired. They didn’t do a new email each time they sent an alert on TSF, just added to the story and updated the old one the earlier one. That’s why only one link for multiple headlines. Oh, and Ceclie Richards died. It was announced in the morning, so at least she escaped before the inauguration. But she’s a great loss.

ProPublica sent the newsletter including this link on Friday. But I figure since TSF was inaugurated just yesterday at noon, he only had a half day anyway, and then there are the inaugural balls. So the headline’s question will not have been answered yet.

This from The F* News, is a list of some of the Biden Administration’s achievements. It isn’t 27 pages long (I have one that is, although it’s somewhat double spaced -I would guess somewhere around 18-20 pages if all the extra spacing was removed; if anyone wants it as a PDF let me know) but is also offers some of the reasoning behind its choices, and sorts them into categories rather then just listing by date. So they both may be keepers.

Jan 222021

There seems to be a general consensus that Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman was a breakout star at the Inauguration last Wednesday with her memorable rendition of “The Hill We Climb”.

But what also will be remembered is Bernie Sanders sartorial choices for such a solemn occasion.  Vermont’s Senator-cum-Grandfather haberdashery was memorable in its own right.  Enough so that the Memes just started pouring out!

In case you were out of the country and missed it, here’s a quick review of what inspired all the creative juices to flow:


WRT that manilla envelope he’s carrying – apparently Bernie had a few errands to run afterwards, including a stop at the post office.

(Actually it’s been reported that the envelope was the official Inaugural Invitation with all the related packet materials.)

There were literally hundreds and hundreds of creations, so it was hard to get it down to a manageable number.  And then to make presentation easier, I decided to group them in very broad categories, so they don’t take up quite so much real estate.


I’d be remiss if I didn’t pay homage to Bernie’s predecessor for Memes when Chris Christie got caught sunbathing at Island Beach State Park over the July 4th weekend back in 2017 – even though the entire island was closed to the public because of a NJ statewide government shutdown.


Keeping in the political arena, I think these are pretty self-explanatory – from the Grand Alliance portrait to the closing Inaugural fireworks.  (But I got a real kick out of the Trumpkin domestic terrorist stealing Bernie rather than Pelosi’s Speaker podium.)


Vogue Cover; Beatles; Bernie Challenges Ringo; Where’s Bernie (He’s in there – you can stop the slideshow by clicking on the photo); Lunch Atop a Skyscraper (Photographer of Iconic Photo Is Unknown); A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (George Seurat); The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci)


These are also pretty self-explanatory


Some are obvious to us oldsters, while some are more familiar to newbies.  I tried to put them in chronological order:

Breakfast Club; Basic Instinct (Unlike Sharon Stone, PUH-LEAS Bernie – do NOT uncross your legs!  We’re begging you!); Forrest Gump; Big Lebowski; Hamilton

Several folks created GIFs of the Bernie Meme.  The two I liked best were Bernie on a subway train and on a roller coaster.


There was a web site that allowed you to create your own Bernie Meme – but it got too expensive for the NYU Masters degree student to post them.

I’ll give the last word to Jen Ellis – who gifted the now-famous mittens to Bernie a couple of years ago.


The Inauguration

 Posted by at 11:41 am  Politics
Jan 212021

I watched almost the entire inauguration yesterday, and I enjoyed it thoroughly, except for one thing.  When Joe was walking down the street, it scared the Republicans out of me!  I feared that a sniper might kill him.  I war relieved when he made it inside.  Here us the the the complete video, so you can move around in it for parts you haven’t seen or want to see again.

The inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – 1/20 (FULL LIVE STREAM)


RESIST the Republican Reich!!
