Oct 232024

Yesterday, Heather Cox Richardson referenced an article by Rachel Bitcofer (yes, also on Substack.) The article is called “What (Really) Happens If Trump Wins?”, which she believes should be read by every American (and I would add “read aloud to every American who is not able to read and comprehend it.) Cox Richardson herself goes into Dorothy Thompson’s experiences with Hitler. Once he got into power, it didn’t take long (and the first people in the camps – Dachau was the first one – were not [necessarily] Jews or Gypsies or the disabled, but the most powerful among his political rivals.) Perhaps the takeaway from Bitcofer’s article is the last two sentences: “All you need to end a democracy is a leader willing to suspend or end the Constitution and a supporting cast large enough to allow him to do it. Republicans have both.”  Also, I scanned my “I voted” sticker. They held a contest for its design and this won. It’s 2″ in diameter, a bit larger than the old voting stickers, prior to all mail voting, though last year’s was also 2″ but much more boring.

Heather Cox Richardson wrote and posted this late Saturday night. So you have probably heard about TSF’s behavior from Saturday. But then she goes into history for perspective.

Is everyone up for another Atlanta Black Star story? This one is from 2022, but is in the news now because the bodycam info just got released (and immediately went viral.) It’s noteworthy in that the white man went to the trouble of telling elaborate stories in order to put a new spin on calling a black man “boy.”

Sep 202024

Yesterday, I received a link to a printable flyer (3-page pdf) on Project 2025. It’s in plain English, and organizes the information by groups who will be most adversely affected, explaining how. (I am in all three of the top three groups, as I have realized for some time.) It could come in handy. I also received an email from my junior Senator (Hickenlooper) – of course it was just a newsletter, but for a newsletter it was very personal indeed. I had not known that the Senator an his wife could not have had their son Jack without IVF. Funny how much more real it becomes when it’s someone you know, even if you haven’t even met them face to face. (Apologies for the name of the newsletter. Hick, a Denver businessman, has always fancied himself as a cowboy.) Of course the last thing that would occur to Republicans (at least the crazy ones) is that getting rid of vaccinations for childhood diseases is only going to lower the birth rate when those unvaccinated kids grow up, and the nation will be even more dependent on immigrants than it is now.

I did see this poll, and it did upset me, and yet I’m not sure that it really sank in until I read Steve Schmidt‘s take on it. He’s right. It’s devastating.

The lead article is the one I am posting this link for. But feel free to read anything else below which catches your eye.

Aug 072024

Yesterday, the exterminator came, and my rep is still out on family leave. The replacement didn’t kow whether it was a boy or a girl,so I asked him to take both to the office for the new dad and tell him to just keep the other one for the next addition. I may not have any childen of my own, but I still have a by God commitment to the future.

Steve Schmidt has a new video title: “The Schmidt Storm” I don’t know whether he plans on changing the name of his column or if this is just for the election – heaven knows it would fit either way. About this first use, he says “In the first edition of “The Schmidt Storm”, I answer your questions about the post-Trump Republican party, battling negative Kamala Harris narratives and preparing for another MAGA loss”

This story from The 19th was reproduced from Politifact. I couldn’t find it there (probably just didn’t have the patience), but I did want to point out that the “we” in the last sentence is “we at PolitiFact.” not “we at The 19th.”  I don’t know about the 19th, but personally, I would rate it “Pants on Fire.”

Jun 222024

Yesterday, Robert Reich posted the fourth installment in his DEBUNK series. He posted another article too – he has referred in the past to the one person who protected him from school bullies without being asked, and who was murdered – but yesterday was the 60th anniversary of that murder, so he put up a piece on just that. SCOTUS decided Rahimi, and released the decision first, and Joyce Vance posted about that particular decision.

Talkng Points Memo does not link seperately to seperate artices in its Moring Memo. I chose to share this one because of the lead article, “Quick.. Guide to SCOTUS Malarkey….” including “Decoding the Cloaked Language….” but there are other segments. When you see “Rudy Rudy Rudy,” that’s where my rec stops. But you can certainly continue if you wish. (Yes, it was posted before any opinions dropped.)

I think Saturday is a good day for sharing this article from The Bulwark detaling why you need some kind of a break … and also how to do it without giving up. It’s in three numbered sections, and all are helpful. Section three does a longish digression (as an analogy); it’s clearly marked as a quote, so you can easily skip it. I read it so you won’t have to.

Mar 042024

Yesterday, Trinette came by for the usual tasks of helping me (BTW she says hi back.)

This is about last week’s border visits.  I really can’t be confident it will help (certainly not with crazy Reupublicans, but maybe with some voters.)

Heather Cox Richardson picked March 2, the anniversary of US Steel (founded 1901), to write about that and about the policy changes made by Teddy Roosevelt. She writes late, so I did not get it until the 3rd, and today is the 4th, so it’s 2 days late. But it really should never be forgotten.

Tennessee Brando made a video for Meidas Touch about what it’s like to be an addict, active and recovering. He made it in connection with Hunter Biden’s testimony. But I wish everyone could see it. I’m sharing the link to the DU article because you can always get from there to YouTube comments if you like, but you can’t go the other way.

Feb 022024

Yesterday – well, actually all this week I have been sleeping later than usual. I’m pretty cool with that, except that I don’t want to do it Saturday – the radio opera will be Anthony Davis’s X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X. It premiered in 1986… so it’s about time it came to the Met. Two of his four other operas have been “The Central Park Five,” for which he won a Pulitzer (but which I have not heard) and “Amistad,” which I have heard, on the radio, from Chicago Lyric Opera, and which choked me up. That must be almost 20 years ago – or more – , since I attempted to capture it on cassette tape, and only partially succeeded. Do I need to say that this Anthony Davis does not play pro basketball? So if you wasnt to learn more, be sure to Google (or Duck Duck Go) “Anthony Davis composer.”

Robert Reich has posted an article which is, or ought to be, pretty scary. How do you even prepare for something like that?And we know there are a lot of people who would gladly go along with it. We need our best legal minds to start getting on it right now (yesterday would be even better.)

Joyce Vance explains the border “crisis” as well as possible. But it’s hard to explain why states like Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Ohio are so worried. We don’t actually have a problem with illegals from Canada – do we? (By the way the answer to that first question is “No.” If you secede, you lose your citizenship. It’s not like someone who moves to another country but retains US citizenship.

Jan 282024

Yesterday, as I said, the radio opera was “Carmen” by Georges Bizet. Though Bizet was French (some of the most Spanish of Spanish music written in the 19th century was written by Frenchmen) evryone thinks “Spain” about Carmen, and it is set in Spain – but Carmen is a Roma. So are her two closest friends. So are pretty much all the smugglers Romani. That kind of hit me in the face when i realized that yesterday was Holocaust Remembreance Day – and theRomani were as much a target of the Nazis as the Jews. Trying to read up in the Roma quickly is a little like trying to collect syrup in your hand – a little sticks, but more slips out. They are the largest ethnic minority in Europe, but they also live all over the world. They have been called “gypsies,” but they are not from Egypt. They have been called “Bohemians,” but they are not from what is now Czechoslovakia. Neither are they from Romania, but originally from northwest India. They have endured slavery along with other forms of abuse. I’m linking to both Steve Schmidt’s Substack – it’s not new material, but a collection of links to his earlier writings on antisemitism – and to The Conversation, to an article which addresses some of the ways in which the Jews and the Roms were linked by the Nazis (I needed a hanky. But it’s all very well to mourn the lost – it doesn’t do too much to prevent it ever happening again.)

Heather Cox Richardson’s Friday night letter did quite a decent job of summarizing highlight from the week, including a couple I hadn’t heard. If you have time, I recommend it.

Over the weekend, someone on DU shared the information that under New York law, you can appeal a civil suit, but if you do, you must first deposit the full judgment plus a small percentage with the court. I don’t know whether the legislators were thinking of interest, or court costs, or justice delayed – possibly all three. But if Trump** is going to appeal the most recent judgment, he will have to deposit $99 million with the court.

Dec 272023

I’m afraid I really am not feeling good today.  I could use one of those ginger mints Ruby gave Shaye – I hear both ingredients are good for nausea.  But I just got an emal I had to pass on – Alexander Vindman’s twin is running for Congress in Virginia, and pairing up with Adam Schiff for fundraising.  I personally have not given anything to the California Senate race because I don’t want to diss Katie OR Adam OR Barbara – it’s not even that they are all the same, because they aren’t – they are all distinct and each would be a fantastic Senator in diferent ways.   But I’ll quote from the email from Alexander including the link.

I’m writing to ask you to split a $10 contribution today between my brother Eugene Vindman’s campaign for Virginia’s 7th congressional district and Adam Schiff’s campaign for Senate.

Please let me explain why:

In 2019, in my role on the National Security Council, I witnessed a telephone call between then-President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during which Trump pressured Zelensky to launch a political investigation of Joe Biden as a quid pro quo to continue receiving United States military aid. I was shocked.

I alerted my brother Eugene who served as the NSC’s ethics attorney. We immediately informed our superiors and I eventually testified before a closed session of the House Intelligence Committee, on which Rep. Adam Schiff served as chair.

He led a thorough, honest investigation and eventually secured the first bipartisan vote in a Senate impeachment trial to convict a U.S. president in the history of our country. Each in our own ways, we exposed Trump’s abuse of power to the American public.

It was the right thing to do, Joanne — but we all paid the price.

Then-President Trump retaliated swiftly and fired Eugene and me from the White House, ultimately ending our decades of military service.

And Trump, the Republican Party, and the right-wing media have spent every day since seeking to take down Adam Schiff, censuring him on a partisan vote and even trying to remove him from Congress — simply for championing the rule of law.

That’s why it’s up to us to have Eugene and Adam’s backs. Because they will always have our backs in the fight for our democracy and stand up for the integrity of our Constitution like they have for years.

Just look at January 6th and the ongoing attacks on fair elections. Look at Republican attempts to strip the fundamental right to vote. Look at Trump’s plans to purge the government if he wins again.

It’s more important than ever that we have staunch voices in defense of democracy in the House and Senate. Those voices are Eugene Vindman and Adam Schiff.

So please, split a contribution of $10 or whatever you can afford today between Eugene’s campaign for Virginia’s 7th district and Adam’s campaign for Senate. Every dollar makes a difference as we approach the end-of-year FEC fundraising deadline.

Here’s one to show the anti-immigration people (not that they’ll understand it) –
