Yesterday, I broke down and ordered a “Dark Brandon” mug. I had figured I wouldn’t be able to resis it – and I was right. And, yes, it means I’m going to have to start drinking hot beverages again, which I haven’t for some time (there aren’t cobwebs on my drip-style coffeemaker, but there might as well be.) And keep the mug away from the dishwasher. But buying it is a campaign contribution – and it will be fun. The image of Joe in aviators changes to fiery-eyed Dark Brandon when hot liquid is poured in. You may have seen it already, but just in case you haven’t…
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Crooks & Liars – Avengers – Unionize!
Quote – Marvel Studios’ visual effects workers unanimously voted in favor of unionizing with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, IATSE announced Wednesday. This marks the first time a unit of solely VFX workers have unionized with the group. VFX artists have faced increased workloads and tight deadlines to complete some of the industry’s biggest budget franchise films in recent years, leading to tension between these workers and studios.
Click through for story. Power to the people! Solidarity Forever!
HuffPost – Illinois Is First State To Fully Abolish Cash Bail In Move To Stop Caging Poor People
Quote – “There’s economic costs of detaining people that are sort of macroeconomic costs, where if a person loses their job, they can’t be a part of society, they can’t contribute in that way that is important to Americans and to each person who’s responsible to their families,” Cherson said. “And that’s an extensive cost that the state ultimately has to bear, whether it’s through increased benefit payments or supportive services that are completely unnecessary if otherwise we just let people continue their lives.”
Click through for details. This is a good move. Colorado, I believe, still has bail (although I’ve seen enough ads for bondsmen disappear that I can’t swear to it.) But it also has, and has had for at least 30 years to my knowmedge, “OR” – “own recognizance.” In other words, you are free to live your life until the trial. Assuming you don’t screw up before the trial – I’m sure there are things a defendant can do which would call OR into question. What this Illinois law appears to do is to make OR the default, rather than something one must petition for. I’m cool with that.
Food For Thought