Feb 132025

Yesterday, VoteVets sent me an email containing their nickname for Elon Musk: “Dork Vader.” Who says military people have no sense of humor? And I did manage to get through my emails, though I had to speed through a lot of them.

All I can say is that, even if you already thought that ICE was nothing but a bunch of malicious bully Keystone Kops, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. But then, what else could anyone expect from this administration?

Cutting federal funds for medical research is personal to all of us, since any of us could at any time be stricken with some disease or condition which is the subject of research, on which our very lives might depend. But it’s also personal to Joyce Vance in a different way. I’ll let her explain.

Feb 062025

Yesterday, I got the results of my bone density test and was disappointed but not terrible surprised to learn I have osteoporosis. I have no symptoms, but I do have the early signs, such as loss of height. I’ve taken calcium religiously all of my adult life, which may have slowed it down some. I’m sure my new PCP and I can come up with something which will help. Off topic – the reason I had to so the blood draw at a place which was so hard for me to find was not that the place near me was booked up – it was because the place near me was closed for repairs. That lab expects to reopen well before the next blood draw I’m going to need in early April. (I already made the appointment for that one. Apparently hypo- and hyperthyroidism are related to osteoporosis. Who knew? Probably Nameless and possibly Dave, but anyone else would surprise me.)

From The 19th from Monday, but we have a whole month to reflect. And this is real stories from real people, which IMO is always refreshing even if not always victorious.

The link to Brennan Center should work. After I copied it, I tried it and it worked for me. But since it looks like a blanket link to the site, I’ll mention thet the name of the srticle I had in mind is “Breaking the Law” and that it’s in the category “Checks & Balances.”


Un Voto del Odio

 Posted by at 11:17 am  Politics
Aug 212020

In 2018, Stephen Miller called a meeting of the cabinet in the White House and carried out the vile orders of criminal Fuhrer Trump* to separate the children of refugees from their parents and torture those children in cages.


White House senior adviser Stephen Miller forced a vote among Trump cabinet officials in May 2018 to push for the administration’s highly controversial family separation policy, overruling concerns from then-DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen that the agency could lose track of children removed from their parents.

The previously unknown meeting was part of an exclusive NBC News story from Julia Ainsley and Jacob Soboroff, who discussed their reporting with MSNBC Ayman Mohyeldin on Thursday afternoon. According to the pair, Miller, a die-hard nativist who has long attacked immigration, convened a meeting in the White House Situation Room with nearly a dozen high-ranking administration officials with the express intent to have the Department of Homeland Security begin enforcing its zero-tolerance immigration policy.

“There were 11 officials invited to the meeting. They were allowed to bring deputies. Stephen Miller got angry and pointed his frustration towards Kirstjen Nielsen, ” Ainsley explained. “He said it’s your fault that the policy hasn’t been carried out. He said the Justice Department stood ready to prosecute. DHS needed to do the separating so that any immigrants with children would be separated. Nielsen said there was not enough resources to do this and it would result in separation and possibly losing children in this chaotic and clogged system. Miller said forget that. Forget logistics. Let’s put this to a vote. A sea of hands went up. Nielsen’s was not among them. She was out-voted.”

Soon after that meeting, Nielsen signed a memo that authorized the family separation policy, which ultimately removed 2,800 children from the custody of their parents—and soon had myriad problems keeping track of where they were detained, just as Nielsen had predicted.

“We know what happened,” Soborofff added. “Physicians for Human Rights, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization said the U.S. Government and the Trump administration engaged in a campaign of torture of these children. The American Academy of Pediatrics said it was government sanctioned child abuse…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Mediaite>

Note how quickly Nielson fell into line and goose stepped with the Reich, even trhough she knew how wrong the policy was.

Trump Cabinet Officials Voted In 2018 Meeting To Separate Migrant Children, Say Officials

If Third Reich officials Goering, von Ribbentrop, Frick, Himmler, Goebbels, Hess and Bormann held a vote on how to persecute Jews, would that have made the holocaust a democratic institution? In the same way, this vote by officials of the Fifth Reich does nothing to justify this heinous crime.

This demonstrates how the problem is not just Trump.  Every Republican must go!


Aug 212020

It’s a better day here in the CatBox.  I’m never pain free, but I’ve recovered sufficiently from my trip that the pain is back to a manageable level.  I still have no side-effects from the infusion.  Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update from me.  It’s a WWWendy day and we did so little on Wednesday, after she got me home  from the hospital, that we have more gooping and chores to do than normal, in addition to the routine flea bath and patch change for the TomCat.  JD, if Bill Maher puts a show up tonight, would you please cover it tomorrow?  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:03 (average 8:58)(?!!?).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 5,747,604
US Deaths: 177,457
Plus the many GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

Long Take:

Watch: Democratic National Convention: Day 4


Magnificent speech! Elect the first President since Barack Obama!  RESIST!!

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: When U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) isn’t conducting raids or offering weapons training to individuals [Republican Ammosexuals] on how to arrest [murder] immigrants, it is treating immigrants in its detention centers wrongfully. In another incident of violating religious rights and plain human indecency, advocates and lawyers are demanding that ICE stop feeding Muslim detainees pork. Last year, agents allegedly fed a man only pork sandwiches while he was in their custody, despite knowing his religion restricted him from eating pork. In a similar case, attorneys representing Muslim detainees at the Krome Service Processing Center in Miami-Dade County are demanding federal agents stop forcing Muslims in custody to choose between eating rotten meals or pork-based options.

In partnership with civil rights organizations Muslim Advocates and Americans for Immigrant Justice, attorneys from King & Spalding LLP sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and ICE with their request Wednesday. According to the letter, ICE officials have allegedly been forcing Muslim detainees to choose between eating rotten halal meat or pork sausage, pork ribs, and other pork-based ingredients. The letter demands that ICE and DHS officials immediately provide non-rotten, edible food that does not violate one’s faith. Advocates noted that the pre-plated expired food has caused detainees to suffer stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea amongst other health issues. Despite this ICE continues to ignore their pleas.

You can be sure that this hateful policy comes from the top.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Late last month, as the Texas Republican Party was shifting into campaign mode, it unveiled a new slogan, lifting a rallying cry straight from a once-unthinkable source: the internet-driven conspiracy theory known as QAnon.

The new catchphrase, “We Are the Storm,” is an unsubtle cue to a group that the F.B.I. has labeled a potential domestic terrorist threat. It is instantly recognizable among QAnon adherents, signaling what they claim is a coming conflagration between President Trump and what they allege, falsely, is a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophile Democrats who seek to dominate America and the world.

The slogan can be found all over social media posts by QAnon followers, and now, too, in emails from the Texas Republican Party and on the T-shirts, hats and sweatshirts that it sells. It has even worked its way into the party’s text message system — a recent email from the party urged readers to “Text STORM2020” for updates.

The Texas Republicans are an unusually visible example of the Republican Party’s dalliance with QAnon, but they are hardly unique.

Here is the complete list of Republican officials who are not nut-jobs: [list starts here


list ends here]. RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): I Think My Dog’s a Democrat Bryan Lewis Official Video


If the owner is a Republican, than that dawg is a hell of a lot smarter than the owner! Kudos to left wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 152020

It’s a steamy day, here in the CatBox.  Portland is under an Excessive Heat Warning today and tomorrow with temperatures of 100°+ both days.  With my O2 concentrator acting like a space heater, and when the sun hits my big windows in the afternoon, the A/C unit is hard pressed to keep it in the 80°s inside.  Tomorrow WWWendy is coming to destink the foul TomCat, change my pain patch, goop, and help with chores.  Therefore please expect no more than a Personal Update from me tomorrow.  Have a fine day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:03 (average 4:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


It’s Republican SOP!

Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 5,478,009
US Deaths: 171,568
Plus the many plague murder victims Republicans are hiding

Short Takes:

From ProPublica: Guards in an immigrant detention center in El Paso sexually assaulted and harassed inmates in a “pattern and practice” of abuse, according to a complaint filed by a Texas advocacy group urging the local district attorney and federal prosecutors to conduct a criminal investigation.

The allegations, detailed in a filing first obtained by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune, maintain that guards systematically assaulted at least three people in a facility overseen by Immigration and Customs Enforcement — often in areas of the detention center not visible to security cameras. The guards told victims that no one would believe them because footage did not exist and the harassment involved officers as high-ranking as a lieutenant.

According to the complaint filed with the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General and shared with prosecutors, several guards “forcibly” kissed and touched the intimate parts of at least one woman. She faces deportation next week — meaning investigators could lose a key witness. Her attorneys have requested that immigration officials pause her deportation pending a review of the matter.

The best defense that those Republican perverts have is that they were following the example of their Fuhrer.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: President Trump’s top two officials at the Department of Homeland Security are illegally serving in their positions, with appointments that violated the laws governing who can fill Senate-confirmed posts, according to a report released Friday by the Government Accountability Office.

Chad F. Wolf, the acting secretary of homeland security, and Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, his deputy at the sprawling agency, are serving in violation of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, which specifies orders of succession when senior officials resign, according to the G.A.O., Congress’s nonpartisan watchdog.

The report said the improper appointments began after Kirstjen Nielsen was forced out of office as the department’s secretary in April 2019.

“Because the incorrect official assumed the title of acting secretary at that time, subsequent amendments to the order of succession made by that official were invalid,” the Government Accountability Office said on Friday. The agency said that Mr. Wolf and Mr. Cuccinelli “are serving under an invalid order of succession.”

Should anyone be surprised that Republicans are not following the rules? The Republican SOP that rules and laws are for others, not them, has been in force for decades.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): Bruce Springsteen & Joe Grushecky ☜❤☞ That´s What Makes Us Great (ANTI-TRUMP-SONG 2017 )


Amen! Kudos to left-wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
