Jan 112024

Am I missing something? I simply do not understand why so many people appear to be so terrified that if Trump** is not allowed on the ballot, or is not elected, there will be violence. Of course there will. And all of it will break laws, and we will be able to do something about it. If Trump** IS elected, there will be far more violence, and it will all be under cover of law (even if they have to make the laws up out of thin air) and there will be nothing we can do about it. I know which alternative scares me less. Why doesn’t everyone?

This is worth at least a glance for the humor. It’s an email exchange between Judge Engoron and Trump**s lawyer, which the judge made part of the trial records “to preserve your appellate rights.” Judge Engoron is not happy. (Mary Trump alsoo had some fun with it in her Substack.)
