Jun 022023

Yesterday, I had sent my disability certification without the witness signature to the DMV with an explanation, and I received a response that I could sent a photo of ny driver’s license to her and she could sign as witness. What a relief! I had gotten up earlt with not enough sleep and dreading having to go out again. Instead, I got to go back to bed. After getting up the second time, I made time to write a little essay to reply to John Pavlovitz’s email – some thoughts about the Bible I’ve been trying to spread for years in comments on petitions and article but which no one seems to be picking up on. The graphic he sent was so disturbing to me I just felt this was the time. It shows numbers and kinds of anti-transgender legislation in the states, Here it is –

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

KDVR Denver – Polis makes wager: If Nuggets win finals, Disney World moves to Colorado
Quote – Colorado Gov. Jared Polis called for a friendly wager with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Disney on Tuesday: If the Denver Nuggets win the NBA Finals against the Miami Heat, Disney World moves to Colorado…. The Walt Disney World Resort currently resides in the Sunshine State and has since it first opened in the early 1970s. However, recently there have been rising tensions between the amusement park’s parent company and DeSantis.
Click through. KDVR is a Fox affiliate, but as I’ve often said, they are often good at local news. And the quote sounds just like Polis to me.

Vox – A big El Niño is looming. Here’s what it means for our weather.
Quote – El Niño is the warm phase of the Pacific Ocean’s temperature cycle, and this year’s El Niño is poised to be a big one, sending shock waves into weather patterns around the world. It’s likely to set new heat records, energize rainfall in South America, fuel drought in Africa, and disrupt the global economy. It may already have helped fuel early-season heat waves in Asia this year. “A warming El Niño is expected to develop in the coming months and this will combine with human-induced climate change to push global temperatures into uncharted territory,” said Petteri Taalas, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, in a statement earlier this month. “This will have far-reaching repercussions for health, food security, water management and the environment. We need to be prepared.”
Click through foor details. Republicans talk about Democrats being big spenders … but with the money they waste on fighting culture wars instead of climate change, we could really save a lot – of money, and of people.

Food For Thought

May 272023

Glenn Kirschner – Interview with comedy writer Buddy Winston, part 3/final: We discuss Trump flooding the zone w/crime

The Lincoln Project – $100K Chapstick

Farron Balanced – New Subpoena Could Mean Trump Sold Access To Classified Documents

Political Voices Network (John Fugelsang) – Ron DeSantis Has a New Political Ad, It’s Weird. Eat Your Heart Out Trump! #parody

Giant Dog Who Lived In A Crate For 6 Years Freaks Out Over Her First Cheeseburger

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden’s Colorado River deal….

May 262023

Talking Feds (while Glenn is on vacation) – Former Federal Prosecutor BREAKS DOWN an Underreported MASSIVE Takeaway from Trump’s Town Hall.  (His comments on venue start at approximately 2:40)

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – May 23, 2023

MSNBC – BREAKING: Trump lawyers demand meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland

Florida Representative discusses priorities – h/t Lona

Cat Falls In Love…Or Not

Beau – Let’s talk about Senator Thune’s unexpected endorsement….

May 252023

For this Glenn video, I pushed a Talking Feds forward a day, so the one on venues will be Friday.

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump’s lawyers send ABSURD letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland

MSNBC – How Biden gave McCarthy a ‘victory’ on the debt limit — while giving away absolutely nothing

Parody Project – Still Jail-Free After All These Years

Marjorie Taylor Greene demands “decorum” — and hilarity ensues

Dalmatian Rescues An Abandoned Puppy In The Middle Of Nowhere

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden warming to the 14th Amendment….

May 252023

Yesterday, I had to laugh out loud at Andy’s headline: “DeSantis Hopes to Seem Like Normal Person by Appearing Next to Elon Musk.” I have to say, if that wouldn’t do it, nothing would. Ordinarily I would not mock someone on the spectrum – but when he has as much money and power as Musk does, it’s kind of in self-defense.  Another email was from Robert Reich – it’s quite short – and is about retiring – and I certainly identified with every word, and I’ll bet many of y’all will too.  (And – RIP Tina Turner)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Driver Did Nazi White House Barrier, Rammed Repeatedly, Wingnuts Say It Was Staged

PolitiZoom – Driver Did Nazi White House Barrier, Rammed Repeatedly, Wingnuts Say It Was Staged
Quote – Stalwart defenders of Nazi bad-drivers on Twitter contend that the Nazi banner was simply a prop in a staged false flag operation meant to discredit and smear all peace loving swastika fans, because the flag had been folded, and should not have been placed on the ground while the cop finished his search of the truck… or something.
Click through for details. It wasn’t staged. It was definitely an assassination attempt – carried out with all the precision and skill that MAGA can come up with (which is thankfully very little of either. Butlet’s not get over confident.)

Daily Beast – Former Moscow Officials Reveal Why They’re Laughing at Putin Now
Quote – Russian President Vladimir Putin declared last week that beer in Prague, where a summit between Kremlin critics recently took place, contains “female sex hormones” and called the opposition officials who met there “half-wits.” On the same day, his best friend Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian Security Council and former KGB hardliner, warned of a deadly “radioactive cloud that is now moving towards Western Europe” from Ukraine. The bizarre propaganda lines—apparently meant to evoke fear among Russian exiles of cognitive decline by way of drinking beer, or death via the enriched uranium supplied to Ukraine by the West—fell flat. Putin’s remarks were widely mocked on social media, while experts at Russia’s own State Atomic Agency said that “the story with the approaching cloud is somehow exaggerated.”
Click through for article. I can certainly understand laughing at stupidity, and I’ve done a lot of it in my day. But the people getting killed by Russia – that tends to wipe the grin off my face.

Food For Thought

May 212023

Glenn Kirschner – Interview w/comedian Buddy Winston (part 2): writing for Jay Leno & appearing on … Bill O’Reilly?

The Lincoln Project – Brand Unsafe

Robert Reich – The First Step to Fixing the Electoral College

Parody Project – The Normalization Song

Mama Dog Who Lost Her Puppies Was Heartbroken Until She Got Kittens

Beau – Let’s talk about the Durham report….

May 192023

Glenn Kirschner – Justice Matters public service announcement; Interview series – Using Humor in the Fight for Justice

The Lincoln Project – How Many Lies

MSNBC – We don’t have a choice’: Sen. Markey on expanding Supreme Court to 13 seats

Rocky Mountain Mike – Drag Ron (Parody of “Rag Doll” by The Four Seasons)

Growling Baby Foxes Turn Into Sleepy Puppies On Their Rescuer’s Lap

Beau – Let’s talk about Missouri and a failed power play….

May 152023

Glenn Kirschner – NY Prosecutor who investigated Trump’s crimes SCHOOLS Jim Jordan on subpoenas AND the rule of law

MSNBC – U.S. faces as nationwide teachers shortage

Farron Balanced – Charges Against George Santos Are WAY Worse Than Expected

Armageddon Update – Grab ‘Em By The Money!

Rescue Wolf Kept Crying For His Mate… (hanky alert)

Beau – Let’s talk about the GOP budget, veterans, and the diner….
