Yesterday, I got to see Virgil, and he returns all greetings. The drive was uneventful both directions. We played Scrabble – or I guess I should start saying we played with a Scrabble set, because the object of our playing was not to win but to use all the letters, which requires cooperation. We succeeded three times and started a fourth but did not have time to get very far. The last unfinished game, I picked up the Q, the X, and the Z all in the first 7 letters I picked up. I could not have done that ifI had tried. I managed to play the third just as it was time for us to pack it up, which I’d call an accomplishment.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
HuffPost – Hakeem Jeffries Tears Into ‘Totally Out Of Control’ Marjorie Taylor Greene
Quote – The leadership apparently supports Marjorie Taylor Greene. The rank-and-file Republicans apparently support Marjorie Taylor Greene. She’s allowed to lie. She’s allowed to debase the institution. Apparently, Marjorie Taylor Greene is even allowed to elevate someone who appears to have engaged in espionage and treason against the United States of America.
Click through for more. Keeping it truthful without invective or smears. The article also notes that one Republican, Green without an e, did come down on her on Wednesday for some truly vile stuff. But mostly, they don’t.
The Nib (Levi Hastings) – Overfishing, pollution, and urban development are causing the Resident Orca population in the Pacific Northwest to plummet.
Quote – In summer 2018, a female orca known as Tahlequa (J35) made national headlines when she traveled over 1,000 milies through the waters of the Pacific Northwest while dragging the lifeless body of her stillborn calf. She refused to abandon her baby for 17 days. Later that season, scientists and locals watched helplessly as the malnourished four-year-old juvenile known as Scarlet (J50) slowly starved and eventually disappeared, never to resurface.
Click through for the rest. This is another graphic article which I’m sharing a little late for Earth Day.
Food For Thought