Bill Maher from 1/24

 Posted by at 8:33 am  Politics
Jan 252020

It’s that time of week again, so here are four video clips from Bill’s show last night., three of which were excellent.  Enjoy!

Monologue: Knock Her Up!

I wonder if Republicans REALLY chanted that. It wouldn’t surprise me! Forget the coronavirus. Trump is a virus: colonavirus! Clinton got a BJ from Monica. Trump* is getting one from Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch and Lindsey Poo.

Ingrid Newkirk: Animalkind

I wonder how many millions, if not billions, of animals owe their lives to Ingrid. Kudos!

Megyn Kelly

While I fully support her going after pervert and Trump* friend, Roger Ayles, her long term lack of integrity earned by spewing Republican propaganda, such as “Jesus is white” makes her a damp poor representative of #METOO!

New Rule: Big Show with Crazy Maniac

If Trump* is a comedian, than throwing-up is laughter. I do agree that Trump will try to become Fuhrer for life, after he loses.

Except for the excessive deference Bill showed a Faux Noise propagandist,  it was a great show.


Jan 252020

I’ve been throwing up most of the morning, but am pushing through, because I don’t want to get behind.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, so please expect no more than a Personal Update or an Open Thread.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:24 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Desperately trying to change the narrative after a week of damaging presentations, Donald J. Trump’s defense team is scrambling to find an example of one law that Trump did not break, sources confirmed on Friday.

In concert with two of Jeffrey Epstein’s most prominent defenders, Alan Dershowitz and Kenneth Starr, Trump’s personal attorney Jay Sekulow has been scouring federal, state, and municipal law books in the hopes of finding one statute that Trump, for whatever reason, did not violate.

“So far, no luck,” a source close to the defense team said.

Dang, Andy! They’re going to be searching forever! RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Attorney: Trump caught on tape demanding ambassador’s firing

I’d recognize that pig squeal anywhere! Is there anything that the criminal Trump* has not lied about? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Adam Schiff Channel): Rep. Schiff Concludes Senate Trial Argument: Give America a Fair Trial. She’s Worth It.

Schiff was masterful. Now get ready for wall to wall lies and obfuscation from the Republican Reich!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Simon & Garfunkel – Mrs. Robinson (Audio)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


Samantha Bee from 1/22

 Posted by at 8:47 am  Politics
Jan 232020

It’s that time of week again, and here are 3 great video clips from Sam’s show Wednesday night.  Enjoy!

The Impeachment Trial: Show Us Parnas’ Receipts

If Parnas needs hemorrhoid cream, he must have VERY close contact with Rudy. Seriously, bring him on!

Iran Explainer with Gissou Nia & Michael Bennet

The proof that Soleimani was a war criminal is that he worked with the Republican Reich, until Trump* abandoned the Kurds. Trump murdered his own war criminal.

Paid Parental Leave Is Good For Business

American moms and dads need paid parental leave. Amen Sam!

I’m sure glad she’s back!



Bill Maher from 1/17

 Posted by at 8:51 am  Politics
Jan 182020

It’s finally that time of week again, so here are four excellent video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: I Need a Vacation


One week of following Fuhrer Trump* could debilitate anyone. Look what it did to me! I agree that Trump* will deny knowing Don Jr. I want the Audible version of “A Very Stable Genius”.

Andrew Yang 2020


I like one thing about Yang. Employed, unemployed, and unemployable people all need a living wage.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi


Nancy made a good point about how 70% of the American people want to hear witnesses in Fuhrer Trump’s* pseudo-trial. Will Republicans listen to the people, or will they goose-step behind Fuhrer Trump* into political extinction?

New Rule: Your Not-So-Highness


There must be fifty ways to leave your Republicans. Here only Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten* insists on being called ‘Your Highness’, but Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch is lobbying for the title.

Eight weeks without this shoe was seven weeks too long.


Jan 152020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox.  It’s cold out, and we had a light dusting of snow.  WWWendy will come this evening to de-stink the raunchy TomCat, help with chores, and put out my out clothes for tomorrow.  Tomorrow is my preliminary appointment with the thoracic surgeon, who will excise my lung tumors.  I leave at around 7:00 AM and return around Noon.  Therefore, please expect no more than a minimal Personal Update from me tomorrow.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:44 (average 8:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Rudolph Giuliani’s offer to act as Donald J. Trump’s defense attorney at the President’s impeachment trial has received unanimous support from congressional Democrats, who are now demanding that he perform such a role.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer told reporters on Tuesday that Giuliani’s participation as Trump’s lawyer during his Senate trial was, as far as they were concerned, “nonnegotiable.”

“Rudy Giuliani has demonstrated over the past three years that he can represent the President as no one else can,” Pelosi said. “If he is not the President’s lawyer in the Senate, that would be a deal-breaker for me.”

Concurring with Pelosi, Schumer added, “My Democratic colleagues in the Senate are prepared to pay Mr. Giuliani’s hourly fees, in cash, to make this thing happen.”

Dang, Andy! That would be wonderful! With Rudy 911 representing his Fuhrer, even Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch might vote to convict and remove!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Shocking New Evidence Rocks Trump Impeachment Before Senate Trial


Marie Jovanovich should be very, very afraid. Robert F. Hyde, the Republican congressional candidate stalking her for Trump*, looks like as vile a Republican pervert as Judge Roy Moore, Injustice Kavanookie, or even the biggest pervert of all, impeached Fuhrer Trump*.  RESIST!!

From CBS: [BREAKING] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has revealed the impeachment managers for President Trump’s upcoming Senate trial, naming the members who will prosecute the case against the president on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

She announced her selections Wednesday morning:

  • House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff
  • House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler
  • Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
  • Congressman Hakeem Jeffries
  • Congresswoman Val Demings
  • Congressman Jason Crow
  • Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia

Godspeed, one and all!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Pictures of Matchstick Men


I love the wah wah guitar in this one! Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 142020

It’s an easier day here in the CatBox, but they don’t get much harder than yesterday.  Breakfast was touch and go, but I managed to keep everything down since yesterday.  I hope you all have a great day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:33 (average 5:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Should we upgrade that charge to treason?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a positive sign for the former New York mayor, a new poll indicates that an increasing number of Americans would vote for Michael Bloomberg if that would make him stop airing campaign ads.

The poll found that sixteen per cent of those surveyed were “somewhat likely” to vote for Bloomberg if that would convince him to stop airing ads, twenty-one per cent were “very likely” to do so for that reason, and a whopping thirty-three per cent “strongly agreed” with the statement “Seriously, I’ll do whatever he wants—please, just make them stop right now.”

By contrast, only eight per cent said that they would vote for Bloomberg’s fellow-billionaire Tom Steyer if that would make Steyer stop airing his ads.

At Bloomberg campaign headquarters, in New York, the campaign’s chief strategist, Harland Dorrinson, said that the poll numbers made it clear that “Mike’s ads are having exactly their desired effect.”

Dang Andy!  If I had a nickel for every time I’ve tuned out a Bloomberg ad, we could both retire!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Sources: Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren that a woman couldn’t win


The “Bernie Bros” should not be attacking Liz. They should be attacking Trump*. Bernie owes Liz an apology for some of his followers’ Republican-like, anti-progressive behavior, and he needs to muzzle his troops. CNN is useless for their insistence on equalizing both sides!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Psychotic Reaction


Is this an advance reaction to today’s Republican Reich? Ah… the memories!!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 092020

The Republican Reich is an ever shrinking minority party.  They get votes from the voters they represent: billionaires, Corporate Criminals, racists, religious bigots, homophobes, misogynists, fascists, deplorables, white supremacists, and every kind of hate monger I forgot to list.  They also get votes from people they do NOT represent but hoodwink into thinking they do.  More and more are seeing through their lies.  That leaves their party with two choices: they can steal elections, or they can lose elections.


These have not been good times for Democrats wanting a fair shot at representation. The Supreme Court’s 2012 decision to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act was the beginning of a series of rulings rubber-stamping just about every tactic the Republican Party has come up with in its comprehensive war on voting rights, which includes everything from voter ID laws to voter purges to making registering voters all but illegal to partisan gerrymandering.

So when Democrats get any kind of victory in this ongoing battle, as they just did on Tuesday [article from 9/4/2019], it’s a remarkable development. And it shows one path for them to overcome a Supreme Court that is determined to make sure Republicans can continue to rig elections in their favor:…

Proving the effect of partisan maps, it should be noted, is precisely what the Supreme Court said was impossible to do when it ruled two months ago that the federal courts have no business even trying to judge whether any gerrymander is too partisan, no matter how much it discriminates against voters from one party… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Samantha Bee knows!

Full Frontal Rewind: Make Voting Fair Again


I love the way she makes painful truths funny!

There are two other problems that need attention:

First, the Electoral College gives unfair advantage in Presidential elections to rural states with low populations.  A voter in Wyoming gets three times the electoral representation that one in California does.  But to ratify a Constitutional Amendment  to fix it, would require the support of those states that gain unfair advantage from it.  The solution is a National Popular Vote.

Second, the plurality takes all voting system makes it virtually impossible for independent and third party candidates to get votes without helping the major candidate with the opposite ideology.  For example, Republicans have volunteered for and financed Green Party Presidential candidates (Nader and Stein) on two separate occasions, so that the Democratic Candidate lost enough support in key swing states to allow GW Bush and Trump to steal the White House.  The solution is Ranked Choice Voting.  It allows people to vote their conscience, and vote strategically too.


Jan 092020

It’s another tired/busy day, here in the CatBox.  WWWendy was stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway last night, so she arrived late, I ate late, and I got to bed late.  It’s a grocery delivery day from Store to Door, so I have to put them away.  I hope they come in the Noon to 1:00 range, instead of mid afternoon, but I never know.  I’m queasy every day, but I held lunch, supper and breakfast down.  I hope your day is full of love and resistance against the Republican Reich.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump is “incredibly angry” at Iran for taking the American people’s attention away from his impeachment for only about two days, Trump told reporters on Wednesday.

“When I did that drone strike, I was under the impression that it would knock impeachment out of the news for at least a month,” a visibly enraged Trump said. “Instead, it’s Wednesday and we’re back to this Pelosi garbage.”

Trump said that he had hoped that Iranians would react to his provocation in a way that might have forced Democrats to forget about impeaching him altogether, but “all I got for my trouble was a chickenshit couple of days.”

“Honestly, Iran reacted like it was Belgium or something,” Trump said.

Spot-on, Andy! You made it clear that the so-called “terrorist” side of the conflict is more sane than Republican side.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose health has become a preoccupation of the American public as the Supreme Court hews rightward under President Trump, announced this week that she was cancer-free.

Justice Ginsburg, 86, one of four liberal justices on the nine-member court, told CNN in a wide-ranging interview on Tuesday that treatment for a malignant tumor on her pancreas had been successful.

God bless Justice RBG and keep her alive, safe and healthy, at least until Putin’s Pervert* is no longer the impeached Resident, and Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch is no longer Senate Majority Fuhrer.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Congress Unimpressed By Trump Admin Explanation For Iran Attack


Sadly, did we expect anything else? Andy Borowitz gave us the only real explanation for the attack.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Fleetwood Mac – Dreams


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!
