Jul 082020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Both WWWendy and the Palliative Care nurse are coming this morning.  In addition, my tumor is acting up again.  This is my only article today.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:57.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 3,097,602
US Deaths: 133,994

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: The firestorm of controversy swirling around the upcoming tell-all book by the President’s niece exploded on Tuesday, after Vladimir Putin revealed that he took the SATs for Donald J. Trump.

Putin said that he had hoped to keep his role in Trump’s college admission a secret, but, with the impending publication of Mary Trump’s book, “it was only a matter of time before the truth came out.”

The Russian President said that, when young Donald Trump was applying to college, in the nineteen-sixties, Putin was making “a few extra rubles” by offering his services as a test-taker to wealthy but academically hopeless American high-school students.

Dang, Andy! And Putin [R-RU] wasn’t the only one.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): ‘Lying, Cheating Failure’: New Book By Trump’s Niece Casts Trump As Traumatized Narcissist

We certainly couldn’t find a better source on the Republican insanity of criminal Fuhrer Trump*. Of course, have known the broad strokes for years, but the details sure are juicy!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from Woodstock): Country Joe McDonald live at Woodstock

Dedicated to all who were at Woodstock or wanted to be. Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jul 062020

It’s a frustrating day, here in the CatBox.  On the plus side, I owed no money to Infernal Revenue oe Oregon Revenue.  Something got caught in my esophageal tumor, and I was unable to keep anything down for most of the morning, including my entire breakfast.  My palliative care nurse was supposed to visit and has not called.  I called, and they don’t have me on the schedule.  I’m waiting for a call from a supervisor, because this is the second time their palliative care nurse has stood me up.  Tomorrow please expect only a Personal Update from me.  I have my appointment at the hospital and will be gone all morning.  I will learn the results of the mutation analysis of my tumor.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:04 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 2,985,897
US Deaths: 132,610

Short Takes:

From NY Times (Hat-Tip Mitch for referral): After the bruising crises we’re now going through, it would be wonderful if we could somehow emerge a fairer nation. One possibility is to revive an old idea: sharing the profits.

The original idea for businesses to share profits with workers emerged from the tumultuous period when America shifted from farm to factory. In December 1916, the Bureau of Labor Statistics issued a report on profit-sharing, suggesting it as a way to reduce the “frequent and often violent disputes” between employers and workers, thereby “fostering the development of a larger spirit of harmony and cooperation, and resulting, incidentally, in greater efficiency and larger gains.”

I fully support this idea. Its egalitarian properties is the reason Republicans oppose it.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): STUPIDLY BIGLY – Parody of Eleanor Rigby

Good one, Don! 95% of the stupid people in the US have one thing in common. They are Republican!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (NBC News Channel): Trump Goes After Left, Blames China For Coronavirus in July 4th Speech

Barf Bag Alert!!

Note all the lies and the projection. Criminal Fuhrer Trump* compares the Democrats to the monsters that resemble him so well. He calls his rabid Republican Sheeple heroes, but makes no mention of true heroes, the service people Trump* refuses to protect from Russian bounties, because he’s in thrall to Putin [R-RU].  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from Woodstock): Crosby Stills Nash – A Long Time coming – Woodstock 1969

Dedicated to all the people who were at Woodstock, or wanted to be. Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jul 022020

Here are five clips from Sam’s show (one very short.)

Free Press I – I can be appalled, but I cannot be surprised. Who did not see this coming as early as 11/9/16? What’s worse is the number of people who don’t see anything wrong with this! They have always been around, but there used to be enough people in office who understood the Constitution that it was possible to keep First Amendment rights going. Now, not so much.

Free Press II – Even if we manage to get to November without World War III starting, and actually get him out by January, he could still go down in history as the man who started World War III with his infectious war on the free press – and truth.

Mike Brown – If you already know that this is the way things happen (and I hope you do), you may be appalled at how many “wypipo” buy into the propaganda. It doesn’t seem to matter whether black people are not a large population segment, and therefore other and unknown, and therefore not trusted, or whether black people are a large segment of the population, and therefore other and feared, and therefore not trusted – some white people, too many, will always believe the worst about black people. Truth has nothing to do with it. Dr. Barber nails it.
“Some people think peace is the absence of noise, not the presence of justice.”

Postal Service – I don’t think any of us is active on Twitter, but I picked this up anyway – exposure can’t hurt.

Live from Sam’s Shed – Silversun Pickups – Another of Sam’s favorite groups.

Jun 302020

It’s a crazy day here in the CatBox.  I’ve been having trouble changing my Fentanyl patches.  They are tiny, transparent and sticky.  Because my previous surgery to knock out eye cancer damaged my eyes, everything I see  is blurry, and I have double vision.  Also, my hands shake when I try to do delicate work.  So far, I have destroyed two patches trying to change them, and with a copay of $10 per patch, that has to change.  To solve the problem WWWendy will come every three days, instead of twice per week, so she can change my patch, when she’s here.  Therefore, my WWWendy days will change every week, and my schedule here will be variable.  I may be a bit scarce for the next two days.  Store to Door is closed for the Fourth, so I ordered my groceries from Safeway.com.  They will be delivering a huge order between 8:00 and 10:00 AM, and it will take me a long time to unbag them and put them away.  Then WWWendy will be coming Thursday morning to destink the rancid TomCat, change my patch, goop, and help with chores.  Don’t forget to remind everyone to flush the Republican Reich!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:33 (average 5:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 2,683,301
Deaths: 128,819

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In an act of retaliation against the Russians for sponsoring Taliban attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Donald J. Trump is sending Jared Kushner to the Kremlin to offer advice on its coronavirus response, the White House confirmed on Monday.

“To all those who thought that this President was not taking the Russians’ actions seriously, this response should speak for itself,” the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said. “The President had an array of responses to choose from, and the one he selected is by far the most punishing.”

According to White House insiders, Trump and his advisers debated the response to the Russians for hours before finally settling on the Kushner option late Sunday night.

“Jared Kushner is the most brutal weapon in our arsenal, and deploying him is a decision that no one should ever take lightly,” one adviser said.

Awww, come on, Andy. Criminal Fuhrer Trump* would never do such a horrible thing to his favorite butt plug, Vladimir Putin [R-RU]. Furthermore, that would be a clear casus belliRESIST!!

From Daily Kos: At least one House Democrat has had enough with Republicans ignoring mask requirements during House committee hearings. Rep. Jim Clyburn, head of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, has written a letter to ranking Republican Steve Scalise warning him that if committee Republicans continue to show up at hearings without masks, those Republicans will not be recognized to speak during subcommittee meetings. At all.

Clyburn was not particularly polite about it, either. In his letter, Clyburn reminds Scalise that it was Scalise who “repeatedly” has wanted in-person hearings and “you assured me that this could be done safely.” But when “every single Republican Member of the Subcommittee refused to comply” with congressional mask rules, Clyburn was fed up.

Kudos to Jim Clyburn. I hope that the other Democratic heads of committees and subcommittees, both women and men, grow a pair too!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Doors – Break On Through HQ (1967)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


Bill Maher from 6/26

 Posted by at 11:43 am  Politics
Jun 272020

It’s that time of week again, so here are four excellent video clips, from Bill’s show last night. Enjoy!

Monologue: Live Free or Die Hard

Bill is spot on! As time goes on, criminal Fuhrer Trump* piles more bullshit on his own head. It the penis enlargement people had been there, Trump* would have spent taxpayer dollars on all their products.  Just ask Stormy!

John Bolton: An Empty Chair in the Oval Office

In this case, I believe Bolton, because his descriptions are so authentically like Trump*. Nevertheless, Bolton’s reputation for credibility leaves much to be desired.

Wes Moore and James Carville

I agree with Carville that we need no win to such an extent that the Republican Reich, as we know it, is destroyed.

New Rule: The Guardians of Gotcha

I agree to a great extent. I’m White. I have been fighting against racism since the mid-1960s, and my blood has stained the streets of several US cities, while I was doing so. I have also had many Black friends and acquaintances, who could not have been more apathetic about racism. In fighting racism, I agree that it’s up to Black people to lead the way.  Also, White people can never truly know what it is to be Black.  However, to say white people can’t hate racism is absurd.

This was a fine show!


Jun 272020

It’s a very tired day, here in the CatBox.  This building can be very difficult to find, and yesterday, the Providence Elder at Home doctor was 90 minutes late for our appointment.  First, her GPS system kept sending her in circles that missed the turn to get to the building.  When she finally found it and got to the street parking area on the other side of the building, she called me, and I came down to the lobby to let her into the building.  However, the city’s street parking pay system was out of order.  She had to download the mobile street parking app, register, and use it to pay for parking.  I had to wait in the lobby for over half an hour, before she finally got to the door.  Things went uphill from there.  I gave her the records i keep on medications, pain management and blood sugar.  I familiarized her with my condition.  She checked me out, and we agreed that I’m doing pretty well for a guy with one foot in the grave.  She will return monthly to check on my condition and help with any immediate needs.  If I have a need sooner, I can call for an appointment.  She told me that she will need to come more often as my condition progresses to help me with pain management.  I’m feeling very worn out.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update.  It’s a WWWendy day, and we have lots to do.  Have a fine weekend!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:11 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Considering his replacement, his resignation was tragic.

Trump Virus* Update:


Except for CA, you can see where Republicans are strongest.

Cases: 2,554,470
Deaths: 127,673

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump on Friday threatened to ban a coronavirus vaccine if it turns out that it was invented by former President Barack Obama.

Trump’s threat took members of the White House press corps aback, since there are no reports to date of Obama attempting to invent a vaccine or any other pharmaceutical.

Trump acknowledged that he was not aware of any such activities on Obama’s part, but warned that, if the former President succeeded in inventing a coronavirus vaccine, “I’m not going to let that happen.”

“If Obama came up with a vaccine, it would only be to make me look bad,” he said. “Well, guess what? I’m not going to let him get away with something cute like that. We’re going to move quite powerfully on anything Obama does in terms of a vaccine.”…

Consider this, Andy. Criminal Fuhrer Trump* is just using Obama as a smoke screen. The Republican Reich wants to block any vaccine. Since the Trump* virus death rate for minorities is disproportionately high, and since most minority voters vote for Democrats, Republicans want to kill as many as they can before the 2020 election.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there, according to officials briefed on the matter.

The United States concluded months ago that the Russian unit, which has been linked to assassination attempts and other covert operations in Europe intended to destabilize the West or take revenge on turncoats, had covertly offered rewards for successful attacks last year.

Islamist militants, or armed criminal elements closely associated with them, are believed to have collected some bounty money, the officials said. Twenty Americans were killed in combat in Afghanistan in 2019, but it was not clear which killings were under suspicion.

The intelligence finding was briefed to President Trump, and the White House’s National Security Council discussed the problem at an interagency meeting in late March, the officials said. Officials developed a menu of potential options — starting with making a diplomatic complaint to Moscow and a demand that it stop, along with an escalating series of sanctions and other possible responses, but the White House has yet to authorize any step, the officials said…

Actually, the Times is incorrect on one point. Trump* did respond to Russia paying for the murder of US troops. According to the BBC, he postponed the G7 Summit from June to September, because other nations rejected his plan to allow Russia to join the G7 (G8, if they did) and Putin [R-RU] to attend the summit. That’s how much the Republican Reich cares about the murder of US troops!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Bob Dylan – The Times They Are A-Changin’ (Audio)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jun 262020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  This is today’s only article, because a Providence doctor will be visiting soon.  I don’t know whether or not I’ll have tome to finish and publish this, before she arrives, but I’ll do so ASAP.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,505,909
Deaths: 126,823

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In an unexpected turn of events for the former New York mayor, a poll of legal experts has determined that Rudolph Giuliani is no longer the worst lawyer in America.

According to the law professor who supervised the poll, Davis Logsdon, of the University of Minnesota Law School, Giuliani’s dethronement from the worst-lawyer championship was all the more shocking because his claim to that title had remained unchallenged for so long.

“Giuliani had faced worthy competition from the likes of Michael D. Cohen and Michael Avenatti and dispatched them with ease,” Logsdon said. “But this new challenger left Rudy in the dust.”

Thanks, Andy! It doesn’t take a picture to know that the worst Lawyer in the country is Barrf!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (John Pavlovitz Channel): YES, PEOPLE WHO WEAR MASKS ARE AFRAID. (We Wish You Were Afraid, Too.)

Amen! All John’s arguments are valid, but will Republicans listen? I doubt it! As JD at out site said, I wear it, because I’m exercising my right to wear what I want. Republican Sheeple have no answer for that one.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Santana – Black Magic Woman 1971

Love that guitar! Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


Samantha Bee from 6/24

 Posted by at 11:54 am  Politics
Jun 252020

It’s that time of week again, and here are five great video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

Beeing At Home: Sam’s Family Tick Check!

Ticks are damn blood suckers, just like Republicans!

Black Trans Lives Matter

Sam is right! The employment equality decision was just a very small drop in a very big bucket. Trans people, especially Black Trans people, need far more protection.

Violence Against Trans Women of Color

Violence against people they hate is SOP for criminal Fuhrer Trump* and has been for the Republican Reich long before Trump*.  Black Trans people are among the people Republicans hate most.

Olympic Athletes Show Us How to Declare Victory Over Pandemic Fatigue

I love watching the Olympics, so I’ll miss getting to watch them this year. I hope I survive long enough to watch them next year.

Tarana Burke on the Connection Between Police Brutality and Sexual Violence

Not only is sexual violence by criminal Republican police reprehensible on its own, but also, it serves as an example that other MAGA maniacs can use to justify their own sexual violence.

Sam had a most informative week!

