It’s a busy muggy day here in the CatBox. My back is painful today. Store to Door should come with my groceries between 11 AM and 1 PM. By now WWWendy is on a plane. Her plans changed, and she’s going to CO instead of CA. JD, you ought to give her a call. She’ll land around 1 PM your time. Everyone, please keep her in your thoughts and and prayers. If you find yourself in an elevator with a Republican, please fart.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:51 (average 4:37). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Trump* Virus Update:

Map Reference: click through for interactive map
US Cases: 3,618,739
US Deaths: 140,185
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Trying out a new line of attack against the former Vice-President, Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Joe Biden could never have a pandemic as big as his.
“Biden was Vice-President for eight years and had all the time in the world to have a pandemic,” Trump said. “Where was his pandemic?”
By contrast, Trump asserted, “In just a few months, I’ve built the biggest pandemic this country has seen in a hundred years.”
“People are going to be talking about my pandemic for generations to come,” Trump said. “What did Biden ever have? Swine flu? What a joke.”
Dang, Andy! Don’t do that! Portraying criminal Fuhrer Trump* telling the truth about the severity of his plague is enough to make someone throw up! RESIST!!
From Alternet: …In the context of what we’ve been hearing from the Trump administration—or rather what we’ve not been hearing—I have to think that Donald Trump and his billionaire sycophant, Betsy DeVos, our current Secretary of Education, have absolutely no clue about what is metastasizing in the fevered swamps of American parents of school-age children right now in this country, or its potential to explode in a wave of electoral anger that could dwarf what occurred to the Republican Party in 2018.
I’m talking about a thermonuclear, cataclysmic, event of raw, unbridled voter fury. I’m talking about an existential, political wipe-out of Biblical proportions. A tsunami, if you will.
The most generous characterization of the Trump administration’s approach towards the situation facing our public schools in less than two months—six weeks or less, in fact, for many schools, including ones in Texas– is one of willful blindness, suggestive of an astonishing degree of deliberate, magical thinking– that imagines an idyllic sequence of cause and effect, where these schools will miraculously reopen, filled with rows of smiling teens, pre-teens, elementary schoolers and their teachers, happy to share and mingle in their wondrous educational experience in the face of this horrific and unprecedented health crisis…
I wish Trump* and DeVos would back down for the sake of the families they are about to murder, but they won’t back down. Let that tsunami wipe the Republican Party out of existence! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from Labor): Union Maid
Except for police unions, support labor! RESIST!!
Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!