Aug 292020

It’s another tired day here in the CatBox.  I overslept again.  Yesterday I had a rough afternoon.  My pulled pork BBQ goop still had chucks that were too big, and it plugged my tumor.  That kept me awake all afternoon.  WWWendy regooped it when she made a pit stop to change my pain patch.  At least its cooler.  We have three days in the 70°s before a week in the 90°s.  Have a fine weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:59 (average 5:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Remember Larry?

Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive map

US Cases: 6,103,398
US Deaths: 186,167
Plus the thousands of GOP plague victims Republicans are hiding from us.

Short Takes:

From NY Times: It started with an unexpected call last week from Lynne Patton, a longtime Trump associate who oversees federal housing programs in New York.

Ms. Patton told a leader of a tenants’ group at the New York City Housing Authority, the nation’s largest, that she was interested in speaking with residents about conditions in the authority’s buildings, which have long been in poor repair.

Four tenants soon assembled in front of a video camera and were interviewed for more than four hours by Ms. Patton herself. Three of the tenants were never told that their interviews would be edited into a two-minute video clip that would air prominently on Thursday night at the Republican National Convention and be used to bash Mayor Bill de Blasio, the three tenants said in interviews on Friday.

“I am not a Trump supporter,” said one of the tenants, Claudia Perez. “I am not a supporter of his racist policies on immigration. I am a first-generation Honduran. It was my people he was sending back.”

The episode represents another stark example of how President Trump has deployed government resources to further his political ambitions.

My response can be condensed into one word: typical!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Liberal Redneck – This Week in Hell

Dang, Trae! That’s the best RNC analysis I’ve heard!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a long blast of protest!): Live From the Left Coast

28 fantastic minutes against the Republican Reich! Kudos to left wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


Samantha Bee from 8/26

 Posted by at 11:49 am  Politics
Aug 272020

It’s that time of week again, and here are five fine video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

The Republican Party’s Fall Look: Fringe!

Barf Bag Alert!!


Dang Sam! That first Republican made me have to clean my screen! YUCK! The Republican Reich, not Islam, is a cancer on society!



Amen Sam!

What It Means To Be Progressive With Pramila Jayapal


I’m well known for saying, “Oregon leads the way!” But so does Washington, and all the other blue states. But Jayapal is wrong about thing. She said that Trump* won’t deliver on anything you care about. If you care about bringing more hate, more greed, and more violence to the US, Trump* will do it for you!

Full Frontal’s The Amazing Disgrace: Our Country’s Racist Symbols Pt. 1


Full Frontal’s The Amazing Disgrace: Our Country’s Racist Symbols Pt. 2


The biggest racist symbol in America has not been removed and needs to be completely obliterated. It is the Republican Party!

And for a change of pace, JD gets to enjoy the show without having to do the work! 😉


Aug 272020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Store to Door will be delivering groceries in the next three hours, and I have to unpack and put them away.  WWWendy is coming late this evening to destink the stinky TomCat, goop, and help with chores.  Tomorrow is her regular day, but tomorrow she has to go straight from school to her night job bartending at the Elks Lodge.  Then tomorrow she’ll come by in a lunch-hour pit stop to change my pain patch.  The down side is that I’ll be extra stinky when she returns Monday.  If you’re anywhere near Republicane Laura, please take care.

Jog Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:57 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do>


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for several other maps

US Cases: 6,002,176
US Deaths: 183,687
Plus all the many GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

RNC Deplorables Take:

Day three was more of the same show featuring the worship of criminal Fuhrer Trump*.  They created a complete alternate reality, based on 100% lies.

It was a super-spreader event with virtually no masks and no social distancing.

I happened to notice an old Parade recipient, Joni Pig Nuts [R-IA].  She said that Biden would ban fossil fuels and ban farm animals.  Both statements and all her other statements were lies.

The following is a complete analysis of the effect Trump* and the Republican Reich have had on America:

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: An outbreak hit the 2020 Republican National Convention this week as hundreds of attendees tested positive for delusion.

While public-health experts have yet to determine the extent of the outbreak, the episodes of attendees exhibiting magical thinking bordering on the hallucinatory appear to be widespread.

Davis Logsdon, who studies delusional epidemics at the University of Minnesota’s School of Medicine, said that multiple R.N.C. participants professed to see things “that are not actually there,” such as a strong economy, a successful coronavirus response, and an immigration policy brimming with kindness.

In another worrying symptom, Logsdon said that attendees who tested positive were unable to see things that were clearly in their line of vision. “One participant on Monday was shouting for more than six minutes despite the presence of a microphone inches away from her,” he said.

Dang, Andy! There’s no satire here. All the stupid, rabid GOP Sheeple who attended the Nazi Republican super-spreader event are deluded by definition!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Kenosha Protest Shooting Suspect Attended A Trump Rally In January


Should we be surprised? Trump rallies and other Republican events are the easiest places for Ammosexual Republican terrorists to learn hate, racism and violence!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): A SPOONFUL OF CLOROX – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody


Hilarious! I think JD has shared this one before, but it’s worth another go. Randy really nailed the sponsor of the RNC. Support left wing protesters!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


Bill Maher from 8/14

 Posted by at 10:34 am  Politics
Aug 152020

It’s that time of week again, so here are three video clips, from Bill’s show last night. Enjoy!

Colin Cowherd on Covid-19 in Sports


Losing football is sufficient reason to vote against criminal Fuhrer Trump*, but if I hated football, there are millions of other reasons!

Andrew Yang and Pete Buttigieg


Of course Mayor Pete agrees that Trump* should not be able to stage a coup by ignoring the election, and even Yang is on board with that. But can anyone get Republican leaders to agree? Fat chance!

New Rule: God Is Cancelled Party


Bill has a valid point on overreacting against making the good the enemy of the perfect. Fortunately for Bill, Jesus will show more compassion for him than he does for Jesus.

I liked it except for his attack that he bases on his atheist religion.


Aug 142020

It’s a sickly day here in the CatBox.  I experimented with a new kind of goop this morning, and sometimes such experiments fail.  It blocked my tumor, and I spent most of the morning throwing up.  On the plus side, most of my goop experiments have been successful, giving me a variety of tasty things to eat.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Speaking of goop, today’s took me 3:29 (average 5:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Republicans HATE this treaty, ratified unanimously by our founding fathers.

Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive map

US Cases: 5,418,071
US Deaths: 170,446
Plus all Trump’s* Murder victims Republicans are hiding from us

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a blistering takedown of Joe Biden’s running mate, Donald Trump on Thursday accused Senator Kamala Harris of maliciously speaking in complete sentences.

Blasting her penchant for hewing to the rules of grammar, Trump said, “A lot of people are saying, mean, nasty, disrespectful. To a new level, like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Sad,” he said. “Sick and sad.”

I’m not buying that fib, Andy! Trump is much too racist to say any minority can speak in complete sentences.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Trump Speechless After Reporter Asks If He Regrets Lying To Americans


The lies are bad enough. Even worse, he and the Republican Reich have murdered over 8.52 Americans with their Trump* virus plague for each of those 20,000+ lies!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): DUMP TRUMP SONG – Leigh & The Dumpettes


Amen! Flush!! Kudos to left wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 122020

It’s a relatively comfortable day, here in the CatBox with two days in the 70°s, before the next heat wave builds to a 100°+ weekend.  WWWendy and WWKristin returned safely and happy, albeit sunburned.  They return your greetings and kind wishes.  Tomorrow I may have no more than as Personal Update or an Open Thread.  It’s a WWWendy day, but I won’t know when she’s coming until after she gets her work schedule later today.  It’s also a grocery delivery day.  Happy Hump Day to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:04 (average 5:15).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 5,309,622
US Deaths: 167,789

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a rare instance of praising one of his White House predecessors, Donald J. Trump on Tuesday hailed Woodrow Wilson for opposing efforts to institute online learning during the 1918 pandemic.

“There were a lot of crybabies in 1918 saying, ‘The schools aren’t safe—let the kids learn on their computers,’ ” Trump told reporters at the White House. “Woody wouldn’t hear of it.”

Instead, Trump said, “Kids went to school and the influenza just kind of disappeared eventually. Woody did a fantastic job.”

Dang, Andy! Are you sure he didn’t praise Wilson because of his overt racism and KKK support?  RESIST!!

From Alternet: Remember when political reporters crowed about what a masterful play Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had made when he lined up his caucus to acquit Donald Trump without hearing from a single witness? Yeah, that acquittal came on February 6 when U.S. senators were already getting briefed on the seriousness of the coronavirus’ spread abroad.

But Senate Republicans, led by McConnell, fell all over themselves to make sure Trump was at the helm when the pandemic hit U.S. shores. Now, what once looked like a promising cycle for Senate Republicans has turned entirely treacherous precisely because the caucus is saddled with Trump as their standard bearer.

Politico reports the party is directing nearly its entire $100 million war chest at saving the seats of eight incumbent senators while the few GOP candidates aiming to defeat a Democrat have been left almost entirely to their own devices. With the exception of funneling a little money into the effort to defeat Democratic Sen. Doug Jones in Alabama, they simply don’t have the resources to play offense.

The seat of Democratic Sen. Gary Peters from Michigan, for instance, once seemed like a flippable seat. But as Trump has tanked in the state and Joe Biden is presently positioned very well there, Senate Republicans have left Republican candidate John James to fend for himself.

Instead, GOP groups, including the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund have been trying to bolster their defenses in Georgia, Iowa, and Montana—three states that weren’t even on the radar as potential Democratic pick ups when the cycle started.

I wonder how much of that money is going to help Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch. This shows how desperate the Republican Reich has become. May all their efforts fail!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): Noodle Muffin’s “Morning in America” Music Video


Under Trump*, we are mourning in America! Kudos to left-wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jul 182020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox, and I’m running behind after thirty minutes of filling my throne with recalcitrant Republicans.  Tomorrow please expert no more than a Personal Update or an Open Thread.  WWKristin is filling in for WWWendy.  Have a great weekend, and flush your Republicans!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:49 (average 4:19).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Map:


US Cases: 3,771,101
US Deaths: 142,080

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Alleging that it “has treated me very unfairly,” Donald J. Trump announced on Friday that he is suing the coronavirus.

“This is a very nasty virus, and by that I mean it has been nasty to me personally,” Trump told reporters. “I never thought that there could be anything more terrible than Jim Acosta, but the coronavirus is like an invisible Jim Acosta.”

Offering a preview of his lawsuit, Trump said that he was accusing the coronavirus of meddling in the 2020 election.

“You look at the numbers and, every time the virus’s numbers go up, my numbers go down,” he said. “This virus is trying to rig the election for Sleepy Joe.”

Dang, Andy! If criminal Fuhrer Trump* is so afraid for his political future, why didn’t he take the needed steps to control Trump* virus in the beginning? That it’s making him even more distasteful to voters is the only good thing about his Republican plague!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Ruth Bader Ginsburg announces cancer recurrence

Please remember RBG in your thoughts, wishes, prayers, or however you address the infinite. She a bastion of freedom, and we need her. Furthermore, God forbid that criminal Fuhrer Trump* should get to appoint another Fascist Republican Injustice to SCROTUS (Republican anti-Constitutional VD)!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from labor): I’m Sticking With the Union

Except for Republican police unions, support labor!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


Samantha Bee from 7/15

 Posted by at 11:03 am  Politics
Jul 162020

It’s that time of week again, and here are four fine video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

The Dangerous Spread of Mask Hysteria Pt. 1

The Dangerous Spread of Mask Hysteria Pt. 2

99% of the idiots who suffer from mask hysteria have something in common. They are Republican Sheeple.

The Homophobic History of Blood Donation Pt. 1

The Homophobic History of Blood Donation Pt. 2

Continuing the restrictions against gay men donating blood is nothing more than Republicans punishing the entire nation.  They are trying to turn us against the LGBTQ community. What hateful hypocrites!

Thanks Sam!

