It’s a worry and pray day, here in the CatBox. The day for which we have waited for years has finally arrived, and I am witnessing the most important US election of my lifetime, if not of this nation’s history. Molly, a physical therapist from Providence is coming to evaluate me this morning. We want to see of there is a brace I can wear to reduce the pressure on my spine, when I’m sitting on my power chair in the hope that doing so will receive my pain level. This morning my Republicosis was under control for the first time in quite a while. I suspect this may be a prophetic message. If God has controlled my shit, perhaps she may be controlling America’s shit, the Republican Reich, too. What I do tomorrow may depend on what happens today. Tuesday is flush your Republicans day. Do it nationally!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:38 (average 6:02). To do it, click here. How did you do?

This is an old one. To bring it up to date, we need to add the swastika and the Russian flag.
Trump* Virus Update:
I understand that Trump* Virus voted at multiple locations this morning to express their appreciation of criminal Fuhrer Trump* for supplying them with hundreds of thousands of victims to murder.
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump has ordered the Attorney General, Bill Barr, to investigate widespread reports that women are voting.
Trump said that he had evidence that women were casting ballots in the tens of millions, a scandal that he called “bigger than Watergate.”
“We’re not going to let this happen in our country,” he said. “We’re moving quite strongly and quite powerfully on the women.”
Dang, Andy! How ridiculous. According to Barrf, for women to vote is appropriate in a Republican Reich, as long as she is Republican, shoeless, expectant, and obedient to both her owner and to her Fuhrer*. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): A Last Word on the 2020 Election
Pray that the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, and that the American people put the Reich on the Right, the deplorable Republican Reich, out of business permanently! It that does not happen, and if you are US citizen and don’t vote, it’s YOUR fault! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from Pat): Cher – Happiness Is Just a Thing Called Joe
Amen to that! Thanks Pat! RESIST!!
And for the Last Time…
Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!