Nov 162020

It’s another crazy day here in the CatBox.  I’m eating well.  This morning I cooked hamburgers and scrambled eggs.  The last time I texted was Nameless was yesterday afternoon.  He was home enjoying Nike’s company.  This afternoon WWWendy is coming a day early to destink the and help cook, because of her work schedule.  Tomorrow Dianna is coming to change my patch, and Wednesday Molly is coming to check my back support.  Oh God, its Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:07 (average 6:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do do?


Religious Agony:


Stinking worthless orb!

Humor from Mitch (ours, not BBMMM):


Short Takes:

From The Conversation: Conservatives tend to see expert evidence and personal experience as more equally legitimate than liberals, who put a lot more weight on the scientific perspective, according to our new study published in the journal Political Psychology.

Our findings add nuance to a common claim that conservatives want to hear “both sides” of arguments, even for settled science that’s not really up for debate.

We asked 913 American adults to read an excerpt from an article debunking a common misconception, such as the existence of “lucky streaks” in games of chance. The article quoted a scientist explaining why people hold the misconception – for instance, people tend to see patterns in random data. The article also included a dissenting voice that drew from personal experience – such as someone claiming to have seen lucky streaks firsthand.

Click through for much more info. I think the reason for that is that anecdotes tend to invoke responses from desires and fears, while scientific evidence invokes responses from reason.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel)(H/T Squatch for the reminder): FIFTY WAYS TO LEAVE THE WHITE HOUSE


Amen Don! But all 50 come down to one thing. FLUSH!!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast against the Republican Reich): Dear Mr. President


This song was written for Crawford Caligula, Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich. Just because Trump*, Fuhrer of the Fifth Reich is infinitely worse than Busk was, we must remember that the traits that made Trump* so hateful, were Republican traits long before Trump came.  All those traits will still be Republican traits after Trump* is gone.  RESIST!!

64 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Nov 142020

OK, not a video, just a reminder.

Jon Ossoff

Meidas Touch – A pro-Warnock ad – since he is her opponent

This one is from Warnock but not political. 

Now This News – Something fun (not as long as it looks, there’s a skippable promo at the end.)

And here’s Conan …

Nov 132020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  I did not sleep well last night.  I texted with Nameless at suppertime and early this morning.  He is feeling much better and is off the BIPAP machine.  He hopes to be released on Sunday, and their current best guess is that he has atypical pneumonia.  Please keep him in your thoughts, best wishes and prayers.  Tomorrow please expect no more than a brief Personal Update from me.  It’s a WWWendy day, and we have a notary service coming to finalize my will.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:08 (average 5:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


It’s That Day Again:

Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Turnbull said the media giant had delayed global action to address climate change by turning scientific fact into an issue of “values or identity” and countries were “paying the price”.

Source: The Guardian

Malcolm Turnbull says News Corp has become an organisation for “pure propaganda” that has done enormous damage through its promotion of climate change denial.

In a heated exchange on Monday night’s Q+A, the former prime minister and the Australian’s editor-at-large, Paul Kelly, clashed over the media organisation’s treatment of climate science.


Turn about is Fair play. We’ll take Lona, and Oztralia can have Murdoch back!  RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: President-elect Joe Biden could obtain all the classified intelligence he needs simply by hanging out in the public dining room at Mar-a-Lago, members of the international espionage community recommend.

“Biden shouldn’t worry about getting official intelligence briefings,” a foreign spy, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said. “He should just reserve a table at Mar-a-Lago, and he’ll hear everything he needs.”The spy offered his own methods for obtaining classified intelligence as a possible roadmap for the President-elect. “Get a table near Trump, order an omelette, and turn on your recorder,” he said.

Dang Andy! This isn’t satire. It’s true!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Late Show Channel): Michael Moore: Joe Biden’s Presidency Will Be The Polar Opposite Of The Last Four Years


Michael Moore is representative of the most progressive segment of the left. For him to recognize how much closer a centrist like Biden is to us than he is to Trump* sets an example we should all follow instead of whining that Biden isn’t progressive enough.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast at the Reich): When The President Talks To God

This is certainly appropriate for Crawford Caligula, Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich, for whom it was written.  How much more does it apply to the Fuhrer of the Fifth Reich, Trump*?  Neither of them talk to God.  They talk to Republican Supply-side Jesus, the polar opposite of the real Jesus.  RESIST!!

Nov 122020

Election 2020 Part I Basically a victory lap, which Sam does deserve

Election 2020 Part II (Actually, I did fill out mine with a Sharpie. Hey, it was filled with propositions and judges, and it saved time. I was careful not to let it bleed.)

Join the Squad

It’s Clean Up Time!

Nov 082020

I promised TC I would say “AMEN” here, and so I am.

This is the full event for anyone who missed it. I won’t be hurt if no one watches it, but I thought it should be in our files.

Now This News – No CC because no words – just pictures worth a thousand each.

The Protest Films

Founders Sing

Beau – and AMEN. Again.

I am not expecting to hear from Keith today, but I doubt he is through. We have a “transition” to get through. I think, first, he will stay with us through then, and second, he will tell us when he does the last broadcast he intends to do. But we shall see.

Amendment petitions
Medicare for All
Petition to Trump* to concede
Count the Vote petition
California Dems

Nov 082020

Although I slept well last night, it’s still an exhausted day here in the CatBox.  I suspect it will take a few to recover from the vote count.  WWWendy is coming mid afternoon, and we’re having BBQ ribs for supper.  Oh and Shit (her dawgs) are jumping for joy.  They get the bones.  Tomorrow is a normal day.  Go Broncos!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:30 (average 5:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Philadelphia Mayor Has Advice For Trump: ‘Put Your Big Boy Pants On’


Does Trump* actually have any big boy pants? Ask Stormy. She knows!  RESIST!!

From NY Times: For a world that held its breath as Americans went to the polls last Tuesday, the triumph of Joseph R. Biden Jr. over President Trump provoked many emotions, but above all, a profound sigh of relief.

As news of Mr. Biden’s victory reverberated from Europe and the Middle East to Asia and Latin America on Saturday, foreign leaders showered him with congratulations. Diplomats and commentators expressed gratitude, satisfaction and even jubilation that a new president would bring a much-needed return to normalcy — something that vanished alarmingly the day Mr. Trump took office.

“Welcome back America!” the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said in a Twitter message to Mr. Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, hailing Canada’s historic friendship with the United States, said, “I’m really looking forward to working together.” President Emmanuel Macron of France said, “We have a lot to do to overcome today’s challenges. Let’s work together!” Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany declared, “Our trans-Atlantic friendship is irreplaceable, if we want to overcome the great challenges of our time.”

For many world leaders, the importance of this election was as much about removing Mr. Trump as ushering in Mr. Biden.

In 2004 thousands of Americans, including me, sent pictures of ourselves holding “I’m Sorry!” signs to a website that used them to create a collage of Americans apologizing to the world for the reelection of the Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich, GW ChickenHawk, aka Crawford Caligula. Thank God I don’t have to do that again this year, because the Fuhrer of the Fifth Reich, Trump*, makes GW look like a saint!  RESIST!!

From Alternet: One day after Donald Trump learned he won’t be serving a second term, CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said the president needs to prepare himself for the possibility of criminal indictments the moment President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.

Speaking with host Christi Paul, the former federal prosecutor said the country should expect a flurry of pardons from Trump including the possibility he may try to pardon himself.

“The president by law retains all of his power until January 20th with the inauguration. With that said, what do you expect is going to happen between now and Inauguration Day?” host Paul asked.

“Hold on tight to your seats,” Honig began. “I think President Trump is going to use every last ounce of power right up until 11:59:59 on January 20th. Watch for pardons; he has the pardon power. Many presidents have used the pardon power in their final dates in office. I’d watch for him to pardon his political allies, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos. I would look at the possibility that he might pardon his family members who are under state investigations for fraud. Now presidential pardon doesn’t cover people in a state prosecution, but might well cover them for federal purposes. Then the big question is: will the president try to pardon himself? It’s never happened in our history and we don’t actually know if that’s lawful or not. But if he tries it, we could find out.”

Continuing in that vein, the former prosecutor pointed out what the future holds for the president.

“He loses his protections,” he began. “He’s avoided trouble by being in the White House — there are laws and policies, especially in the Justice Department, that protect a sitting president. He will not be the sitting president at 12:01 on January 20th.”

I’m not sure about that. In fact, It would not surprise me, if Trump resigns before his term expires, so Pence can pardon him. If that does not happen, it’s only because Pence can’t pardon him for State charges.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Biden Victory Cold Open


As much as I like SNL and Jim Carrey, nothing can hold a candle to the real speech.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the present): BIDEN HARRIS VICTORY music video: ALL ON THE LINE (Unity version Demo)- ANDRES USECHE


How many times can we say AMEN?!!?  RESIST!!

72 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Nov 072020

Not a video – but still –

Celebratory images from the New York Times

Just someone’s personal share of celebration

Happy days are here again/The skies above are clear again/So let’s sing a song of cheer again/Happy days are here again/Altogether shout it now/There’s no one Who can doubt it now/So let’s tell the world about it now/Happy days are here again/Your cares and troubles are gone/There’ll be no more from now on/From now on/Happy days are here again/The skies above are clear again/So, let’s sing a song of cheer again/Happy days Are here again!

Biden Campaign Transition Team (Words = “America the Beautiful, Verse 1 and Chorus 1)

Meidas Touch

PACRONYM – A song – not a parody

The Lincoln Project – “Dawn”

And Keith – “Mood” – Just a little smile of victory.

Prosecute Trump*
Stop Repulicans
Petition to Trump* to concede
Fight for Reform
Count the Vote petition
Fight for Reform
Recusal petitions
Medicare for All
Daily Kos
